[net.micro] TI99 VIC20-64 CoCo ATARI

pvl (04/13/83)

     Recent net queries lead me to believe that a re-posting of
this table is in order.  (It's been updated from the few replies
I've received).  Thanks to all who replied last time.  If you
replied and didn't get an answer from me, PLEASE try again.
     The following is a table of features which may turn up as
"gotcha's" in buying one of the "under $500" computers. 
I solicit additions/corrections (including data on computers not
included here and other "gotcha's") to be MAILED to me.
   I will post results.  This is your chance to let everyone
know what we should look for before we buy.

    Low-End Personal Color Computer Scorecard

   This table reflects standard (non-extended) configuration
     except where marked otherwise

                    Atari(400/800) TI-99/4A     VIC64/20         Tandy CoCo
Plotting Capability        Y         N             Poke              Y
Statement Resequence       N         Y              N                Y
Auto-Statement Number      N         Y              N                N
Peek/Poke                  Y         N (!!)         Y                Y
Link to Assem. Routine     Y         N              ?                Y
# of Colors                ?        16            16/4?              4
# of Simult. Tones         4        3+noise      3/1? (see notes)    1
Memory Size             16K/48K     16K           64K/5K             16K
Variable Name Size      Unlimited   15 char         2 char           ?
# of Array Dimensions      ?         3              ?                2
Bit-Map Graphics           Y      N(without     200x320/?            Y
  (Hi-Res)                           Assembler)     (via Poke)
Ability to Read a
  program as data          Y         N              ?                Y
Sprites               Plyr/Miss.  Ex. Basic (24)  Poke (8)/?       Multi-Scrn
                                                      (see notes)    Cap.
Use Standard Cassette      N         Y              N                ?
Real-time clock            Y         N              Y                Y
BASIC included             N         Y            Limited            Y
Multi-Statement Lines      Y      Ex. Basic         ?                Y
Program Editor         Full-Scrn   Line        Full-Scrn (sort of)  Line
Type-ahead Buffer          ?         N           10 chars/?          ?
Text Resolution            ?       24x32        25x40/?              ?
UNIX Up/dwn load           ?         ?           VIC-MODEM           ?
 (via attachments)

Notes: 1) The VIC 64's sound generator includes multiple waveforms,
     attack/decay control, and Filter controls
       2) Atari's colors have both hue and intensity control
       3) The VIC 64 supports 8 sprites per line.  It is "theoretically
          capable of up to 48 sprites in assembly language."
       4) The 64 accesses its disk via a serial port. Slow?

   Thanks, Pete LaMaster BTL NJ (201)949-0040  ...!ihnp4!houxh!pvl