[comp.sys.handhelds] HP48 Connector / as a CPU / TAGed objects

abbiel@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (03/29/90)

Hello Everyone!  I am new to reading handhelds and think it's great.  The HP48 
is a very exciting machine we'll have to agree.  I wonder why nobody has made 
mention yet of of the following possibility.  Wouldn't it be possible to make 
the PC a terminal for the '48?  In other words could we use our nice editors 
and keyboards and yet be _within_ the HP's interactive environment?  This 
might solve alot of the problems that are being addressed here with emulators 
for example.  On the PC end one would need a TSR (or equiv.) to run on top of 
their favorite editor.  

The TSR would have the intellegence to parse the output in such a manner that 
it holds characters until it recognizes a valid HP command or receives a 
special 'ENTER' key sequence and then echos the string out the com port.  It 
would also receive the '48 output and display it in a status window on the 
screen.  It would also need to do some character translation, for example to 
and from extended ASCII.  Of course, someday it could be even extended to 
handle graphics, although that would be very challenging.  

This approach would minimize the work on the other end where things get a 
little sticky.  The '48 would have to receive the string, 'EVAL' it and echo 
the display out the wire.  In a fairly small program it might even be possible 
to mimic some of the HP's status/menu lines.

I picture this as an ideal development environment for the HP.  Both machines 
would be side-by-side and both keyboards and screens would be active!  Anything 
short of that would also be a significant improvement.  For example how about 
just a TSR that clips a box of text out of your editor and kermits it to the 
'48 with a little character translation.  I don't have time to work on this 
now but any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.  

On a different note:
I noticed that 'TAG'ed  objects loose their tags when 'EVAL'd (or 'STO'd) and 
wrote the following snippet of code which may prove useful (until somebody else 
comes up with a more clever approach).  It is a replacement for 'STO' and 
takes the same inputs.  It will store any object in the following format: 

       << :NAME: OBJECT >>

Which will 'EVAL' to a tagged object automatically when it is used.  My 
version also 'DISP'lays what has been stored which makes a great program status 
indicator for some of my lengthier code.  To eliminate this feature remove the 
commands DUP 3 DISP.  One disadvantage to this approach is that vars take up 
an extra 8 bytes in this format. 


%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
DUP 3 DISP \->STR "\<<"
SWAP + "\>>" + OBJ\->

I also want to mention my experience on the RS-232 cable.  It works great!  On 
the 9 pin D on my 'AT clone pin 5 was GND (not 7).  Also, Molex makes a 2mm 
connector system that plugs onto the '48 well.  It is called the 51004 housing 
and 50011 crimp terminal "Wire To Board System."  Wires may be soldered to the 
terminals if the special crimper is not available.

Best Regards to all and thank's for all the great work!!!    Larry L. Hoppis