[net.micro] 16 bit microprocessor performance

lee (04/13/83)

In the April 1983 issue of IEEE Micro, Martin De Prycker has an article
entitled "A Performance Comparison of Three Contemporary 16-bit
Microprocessors". In it, he concludes that the Z8000 is the fastest
microprocessor when used with high level block structured languages
(assuming memory is not too slow). He graphs relative performance
of the 8086, 68000, and Z8000 at 4, 8, 10, and 12 Mhz clock rates.
With the 8086 performance at 4 Mhz being 1, his model shows a 12 Mhz
68000 being 4.5 and a 12 Mhz Z8000 being almost 5.5. If I read his
article correctly, this means that a 12 Mhz Z8000 (if there were such
a thing) would run 5.5 times faster than a 4 Mhz 8086. A 12 Mhz 68000
would run 4.5 times faster. A 10 Mhz Z8000 would provide the same
performance as a 12 Mhz 68000. His numbers all assume that memory is
fast enough to keep up (i.e. there are no wait states) although he also
graphs performance as memory speed decreases and wait states need to be

I've always felt that Z8000's had a nice architecture but never really
felt they were faster than 68000's. This could be because faster 68000
parts are available than Z8000 parts. Does anyone out there have a good
feel for Z8000 performance vs. 68000 performance?