[comp.sys.handhelds] New HPX Exchange Issue

Jake-S@cup.portal.com (Jake G Schwartz) (06/10/90)

At the CHIP HP Handheld Users Conference held on Saturday, June 2nd in
Hewlett-Packard's Rolling Meadows, Illinois facility (near to Chicago), 
Brian Walsh did indeed hand out V2N1 of the HPX Exchange. It was *not* the
64-page double issue that he had been promising for all these months, but
it was a 24-page attempt to get back on track. He says that all folks who
paid their dues for volume 2 will get this issue (and the remainder of 
volume 2 as they are generated) in the mail. He told me off the record that
he knows that another issue must come out within a month or so in order to
gain any credibility back with the user community. I agree with him. 
   In the mean time, a new HP48-related publication was just started, called
the HP48 Forum. This is being produced by a surveying outfit that has sold
HP41-related material for many years now, called Surveyors' Module Inc..
An exerpt of the product announcement and subscription form follows:

SMI is pleased to announce the introduction of our new CO-OP software producl
line for the HP48SX to be released July 24,1990 and our new publication
"The Forty-Eight Forum" starting June 1, 1990.

You'll find the "The Forty-Eight Forum" to be informative, educational and
entertaining.  So, whether you've bought a 48 already or just considering dat
collection as your next upgrade, subscribing to "The Forty-Eight Forum" could
be the most important step you take this year.

Annual subscription $35.00 Introductory rate $25.00

The Forty-Eight Forum
c/o SMI
250 West New Street
Suite 48
Kingsport Tenn. 37660

phone: 615-378-4821   (Master Card, Visa, Am Ex accepted for phone orders)

The newsletter is billed as being produced bimonthly (6/year). Stanley Trent
of SMI assures us that The Forty-Eight Forum will not be a pure surveying
journal.The first issue (which I got at the Conference) is 8 pages and con-
tains "Engineering", "Surveying" and "Articles" sections.  Hopefully this
newsletter shall grow in size, comparable to the issues we saw from the
older clubs (PPC, CHHU, HPX, HPCC).

Here's the table of contents of V2N1 HPX Exchange:

page    title                      author
2      Member Letter              
3      Letters
4      A system to run programs     Paul F. Hubbert
       and Subroutines in EFM/XM
       Made Easy (HP41)
10     HP28S Abbreviated Keyboard   Stephen J. Thomas
       Test and Routines
11     Applications of Symbolic     Brian P. Walsh
       Calculus, Curve Fitting
       and Solvers
14     The Titan File, #16 (HP71)   Joseph K. Horn
19     HP28S Matrix Routines        Ralf G. R. Bergs
       and Assembler
23     HP28S Speed Up               Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz
24     HP42S Programmable FAST      Jeremy Smith/Kenneth Bourque
24     HP42S SIMON Game             Brian P. Walsh
.....and a table of contents of V1N1 (June 1990) of The Forty-Eight Forum:

2      From the Editor              R. Dean Shealy
2      HP48SX Features              Stanley Trent
3      Learning to Program the 48   Kenneth Trent
2      HP48SX, The Cat's Meow       Larry Hunt
3      HP48SX Soft Keys             Kenneth Trent
4      Visual Thinking              Ray Depew
6      The SMI Story and You        Stanley Trent


6      Trapezoidal Channel          Jose Martinez
6      The E. E. Toolbox            Mike Dodsen
7      From the 28 to the 48        Steve Wiser
8      SMI To Release HP48 Software
       July 24, 1990

8      Surveying                    Steve Kersey


Jake Schwartz