[comp.sys.handhelds] Improved PEEK Routine

n023el@tamunix (Robert Ellis) (06/16/90)

>From n233dk Thu Jun 14 02:33:29 1990
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Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 02:33 CDT
From: n233dk (Frederick Grevelle)
To: n023el

As suggested by Alonzo Gariepy, here is an improved version of PIG.

132      SWAP.A   A,D0 
103      MOVE.W   A,R3
147      MOVE.A   @D1,C
134      MOVE.A   C,D0
169      ADD.A    10,D0
146      MOVE.A   @D0,C
136      SWAP.A   C,D0
1527     MOVE.W   @D0,A
134      MOVE.A   C,D0
1507     MOVE.W   A,@D0
113      MOVE.W   R3,A
132      SWAP.A   A,D0
142      MOVE.A   @D0,A
164      ADD.A    5,D0
808C     JUMP.A   @A


For those individuals still using the 28S, here are two programs which
will provide a faster means of entering the above PEEK routine.


<<  ""  +  LIST->  2  SWAP
     START  #3B82h  SYSEVAL
     NEXT  #71BDh  SYSEVAL
    #3E9D7h  SYSEVAL       >>

->SYS expects a list containing binary integers in level 1; which in 
this case would be:

{  #3012310003502C96h
   #C808461241h       }  

->SYS will append the binary integers and return the code in executable
form to the stack. However, this is not the complete program in which
Alonzo intended the code to be used. To do this I have written a program
which allows stack objects to be PUT into user written programs as if
they were lists. That is to say, the program works exactly like the
PUT command in the list menu, but only on programs.


<<  IF  3  DUPN  DROP
  TYPE  { }  +  SWAP  TYPE
  +  { 0 8 }  ==
    THEN  #7F77h  SYSEVAL
          #3F41h  SYSEVAL
          #3EEBh  SYSEVAL 
    END                    >>

Now set up the stack in the following manner:

3:  <<  64  STWS  #0h  OR  A  >>
2:  6
1:  System Object

(the System Object in level 1 is the executable machine code object
 created by ->SYS)

The result of using POKE on the above stack arrangement will be Alonzo's
peek routine, PIG; and should look like this:


<<  64  STWS  #0h  OR
  System Object       >>

It should be noted that these routines will only work in the 28S.

rick grevelle