(John Paul Serafin) (06/17/90)
****************************************************************** Page 506 Paragraph in the bottom half of the page beginning with How FOR ... NEXT Works ....... CURRENTLY READS AS FOLLOWS: How FOR ... NEXT Works. FOR takes the "start" and "finish" from the stack as the beginning and ending values for the loop counter, then creates the local variable "counter" as a loop counter. Then, the loop-clause is executed; "name" can appear within the loop clause. NEXT increments "name" one by one, and then tests whether "name" is less than or equal to "finish". If so, the loop-clause is repeated (with the new value of "name"). SHOULD READ AS FOLLOWS: How FOR ... NEXT Works. FOR takes the "start" and "finish" from the stack as the beginning and ending values for the loop counter, then creates the local variable "counter" as a loop counter. Then, the loop-clause is executed; "counter" can appear within the loop clause. NEXT increments "counter" one by one, and then tests whether "counter" is less than or equal to "finish". If so, the loop-clause is repeated (with the new value of "counter"). Manual Corrections on Page #147; Location: Middle of bottom half of the page CURRENTLY READS: [RDZ] RDZ Returns a random number using the value in level 1 as a seed. SHOULD READ: [RDZ] RDZ Initializes the seed number using the value in level 1 as a seed. Page 743: About the middle of the page ********************************************************************* CURRENTLY READS: galC Canadian gallon, Volume (0.004546092m^3) ********************************************************************* SHOULD READ: galC Canadian gallon, Volume (0.00454609m^3) ********************************************************************* Many thsnks to Graham Fraser from Australia to bring this to our attention. *************************** The above was captured from the HP BBS in Corvallis, OR John Serafin