[comp.sys.handhelds] HP BBS in early morning

jeff@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Jeff Bangert) (06/27/90)

Is it possible to get on the HP BBS early in the morning?  I'd
like to save money on long distance phone charges.

Early this morning ( 6/27/90 ) I dialed (503) 750-4448, got the
sign-on message, responded with 'new', entered my name 'Jeff
Bangert<CR>', and then waited for 5 minutes while nothing
happened.  I disconnected, and tried again twice -- same result.

Any suggestions?  Is the BBS only available during prime time?

Also, I can't find my EDUCALC catalog.  Could someone send me
their 800 number?

Jeff Bangert                    BITNET: JEFF@UKANVM
Academic Computing Services     Internet: jeff@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
University of Kansas            Phone: (913) 864-0466
Lawrence, KS 66045

bill@videovax.tv.tek.com (William K. McFadden) (07/02/90)

In article <24820.268864c9@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu> jeff@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Jeff Bangert) writes:
>Early this morning ( 6/27/90 ) I dialed (503) 750-4448, got the
>sign-on message, responded with 'new', entered my name 'Jeff
>Bangert<CR>', and then waited for 5 minutes while nothing
>happened.  I disconnected, and tried again twice -- same result.

The same thing always happens to me.   I think it is related to parity because
the BBS seems to only recognize characters with even parity, e.g., LF works,
but CR doesn't.  Also, half the letters work if typed upper case, the other
half lower.  Of course this is unusable, but so far I haven't found a way
around it.  (I'm using tip on a VAX, which seems to have a mind of its own
regardless of how I try to configure things.)  I suggest you try a variety of
serial configurations until you find one that works.  (Helpful hints from the
folks at HP are also appreciated--even though the BBS works fine for most
people, many seem to be having this problem.)
Bill McFadden    Tektronix, Inc.  P.O. Box 500  MS 58-639  Beaverton, OR  97077
bill@videovax.tv.tek.com,     {hplabs,uw-beaver,decvax}!tektronix!videovax!bill
Phone: (503) 627-6920       "The biggest difference between developing a missle
component and a toy is the 'cost constraint.'" -- John Anderson, Engineer, TI