[comp.sys.handhelds] Hexify & CHT

talaga@oxy.edu (David Scott Talaga) (07/03/90)

I am looking for the programs HEXIFY and CHT.  Either and ftp site
that you KNOW has them or E-mail of the programs would be greatly

BTW.  Does the previously posted RC5 remote controller program work
on the 48sx.  If not, is there a modified version for the 48sx?

I am nearing completion on a program that takes a reducible representation
of a set of vectors in a point group and gives the irreducible
representation and the symmetry of that representation.  Anyone taking
a course on Molecular orbital theory or Spectroscopy might find it

talaga@oxy.edu (David Scott Talaga) (07/03/90)


I am almost done with a program which takes a reducible representation
under a point group and give the irreducible representation.
If you are taking or going to take a course on Molecular Orbital
theory or on spectroscopy (UV, IR, Raman) then you will probably
find it useful.  I have included 47 chemically important point groups based
on the character tables found in F.A.Cotton's book Chemical applications
of Group Theory.   The program requires the character tables so I won't
post it to the net.  If you are interested in it, please leave me E-mail
and I will put you on the list to receive it.  It works on both the 28S
and the 48SX although the 48SX version will have enhanced features.
(the 48sx version is also further from completion.)

I guess if you are a spectroscopist you would have use for this program.

If you are not into Physical Chemistry, ignore this posting.

David Talaga
Chemical Weapons Division
Occidental College
Los Angeles
TALAGA@oxy.edu	 (Internet)