el365115@pc.usl.edu (Doan Tu Thanh) (07/09/90)
Hello there, Each program below takes a string from the stack and scrolls it across the top line. The program L->R scrolls the string from left to right, and the program R->L scrolls the string from right to left. The maximum number of characters is 22 (excessive characters are truncated). The two programs are basically the same with a few number changes. To quit the program, first press any key except the [ON] key, then press the [ON] key. Tu Doan ---------- L->R [EF95] << 1 22 SUB 1 DISP LCD-> 1 137 SUB DO DUP 137 137 SUB SWAP 1 136 SUB + DUP ->LCD UNTIL KEY END CLEAR >> R->L [DAC8] << 1 22 SUB 1 DISP LCD-> 1 137 SUB DO DUP 2 137 SUB SWAP 1 1 SUB + DUP ->LCD UNTIL KEY END CLEAR >>