[comp.sys.handhelds] POKE correction

n023el@tamuts.tamu.edu (Robert Ellis) (07/10/90)


>From n233dk Tue Jul 10 06:44:27 1990 
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Date: Tue, 10 Jul 90 06:44 CDT 
From: n233dk (Rick Grevelle)
To: n023el

Sorry about this! I did not proof read my previous posting very well.
There is an instructon used at #00056h which is incorrect. Here is the
corrected version.


#00000: 132       swap.a     a,d0 
#00003: 103       move.w     a,r3 
#00006: 7430      call.3     #0003E  
#0000A: 10A       move.w     c,r2 
#0000D: 7D20      call.3     #0003E 
#00011: 109       move.w     c,r1 
#00014: 7620      call.3     #0003E 
#00018: AFA       move.w     c,a 
#0001B: 119       move.w     r1,c 
#0001E: 134       move.a     c,d0 
#00021: 11A       move.w     r2,c 
#00024: 80D0      move.1     c,0,p 
#00028: 1501      move.wp    a,@d0 
#0002C: 20        move.1     0,p 
#0002E: 113       move.w     r3,a 
#00031: 132       swap.a     a,d0 
#00034: 142       move.a     @d0,a
#00037: 164       add.a      5,d0 
#0003A: 808C      move.a     @a,pc 
#0003E: 143       move.a     @d1,a 
#00041: 130       move.a     a,d0 
#00044: 142       move.a     @d0,a 
#00047: 3407A20   move.p5    #02A70,c  
#0004E: 8A6DD     brne.a     c,a,#0002E 
#00053: 169       add.a      10,d0 
#00056: 1567      move.w     @d0,c 
#00060: 174       add.a      5,d1 
#00063: E7        inc.a      d 
#00065: 01        ret

To avoid the extra nibbles at the end of the code string,
use this version of CPOKE instead.


    <<  1  -  R->B  A  >>  5 
       # 3012310006602C96h
       # 6790102D7A010347h
       # 8A11431911AFA02h
       # 412313110210510Dh
       # 41031341C8084612h
       # 961DD6A802A70432h
       # 107E4717651h
  1  6  START  # 3B82h  SYSEVAL  NEXT
       # 71BDh  SYSEVAL
       # 3E9D7h SYSEVAL
       # 7F77h  SYSEVAL
       # 3F41h  SYSEVAL
       # 3EEBh  SYSEVAL
        'POKE'  STO       