[comp.sys.handhelds] Power of 48 from your PC

jodell@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Jamie Odell) (07/11/90)

Several people have mentioned the lack of support for "Using the Power of Your
HP-48sx from your PC" in the cable/software package.  In order to help bridge
that gap - and mostly because I can't type long programs on the 48's keyboard
- I have written a program that allows object entry from a terminal or
terminal emulator.  This program works, but it is far from complete.  I wrote
it basically to see if I could do it.  I hope that someone can get some good
use out of it.

Purpose: This program will allow a user to type objects on a terminal (or
terminal emulator directly to the HP-48sx.

Directions for use: Download the directory TERM.  Setup your IOPAR variable
for XON XOFF and for whatever other communication parameters you want to use.
For example: for 9600 baud, no parity checking, and XON XOFF - your IOPAR
variable could be { 9600 0 1 1 3 1 }.  Note that the translate code, and
checksum type are not used.

Connect the 48sx to your terminal or PC and set up the communication
parameters on both the 48 and PC. Make TERM the current directory, and execute
TRM.  You should see:
                Term Entry 1.0
on your terminal screen, as well as on the 48sx screen.

Now you can type things on your terminal.  Each character is sent to the 48.
To tell the 48 that you are finished with the current object, type END on a
line by itself.

All the lines you have typed so far will be combined into an object and left
on the stack.

The backspace key (Control-H) will delete the last character you typed on a
current line.  This is the only form of editing allowed.

To enter the symbols "<<", ">>", or "->" you should type \<<, \>>, \->
respectively.  The program automatically takes care of converting the symbols.

Since this program uses XMIT and SRECV for I/O, the translate code in IOPAR is
not used.  This means that \<<, \>>, and \-> will be the only symbols

Please note that this is the 1.0 version of this program.  I wrote it quickly
because I wanted to be able to use a typewriter keyboard to enter data into
the 48.  I have some ideas for enhancements such as better editing
capabilities, two way data transfer, more control of the 48 from a terminal,
etc.  If I get the chance, I'll add some of these features.

Also, and this is VERY IMPORTANT.  This code expects the stack to be empty
before it is run.  I know this is not good calculator programming etiquette,
but hey, I'll fix it in a later release. As you've probably guessed, I'm a
software engineer :-)

Feel free to do whatever you want to this code.  Please let me know if you
make any cool enhancements.

The directory contains the following objects:

TRM - Main entry point to this program.  This saves the current flags, prints
"Term Entry 1.0" on the 48's display, and calls GETPROG.  Flag 2 is set. Flag
2 does not mean anything.  It was supposed to mean that the program should
echo characters back to the terminal.   The program always echos characters to
the terminal, so flag 2 doesn't do anything.  I should remove it, but I
haven't yet.

GETPROG - Get a program (or any object).  This procedure opens I/O
communications, clears the I/O buffer, and sends "Term Entry 1.0" to the
Terminal.  Then it collects lines of text, until the user types "END".
Afterwards, it combines all the lines of text into a single object and leaves
it on the stack.

READLN - Reads a line of text.  A line is a string of characters terminated
with a carriage return.

FIXLN - Convert \<<, \>>, \-> into their 48sx representations everywhere they
appear in a line.

CNVR - Convert all the strings on the stack (lines) into one object.

READCH - Read a single character from the terminal, and add it to the current
string.  If the character is a backspace, then erase one character from the
string.  If the character is a carriage return, then echo a carriage return,
line feed sequence.

DECL - Remove one character from the current line.

LIN - Current line is stored here.  When the line is terminated, it gets
pushed as a string onto the stack.

Jamie Odell
MXO - Commercial Systems Division (CSY)
Hewlett-Packard Co.

#FD90h 953
%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
    \<< CLLCD
"Term Entry 1.0" 1
      \<< 2 SF             @ Set terminal echo on (not used!).
DROP SRECV DROP            @ Clear the serial I/O buffer before doing anything
"Term Entry 1.0" 13
CHR + 10 CHR + XMIT        @ Transmit message with CR/LF
      DO READLN LIN        @ Read in next line
FIXLN                      @ Convert special characters to 48 characters
"END" 13 CHR + SAME        @ Loop until user types END on a line by itself
"" 'LIN' STO
      END CNVRT            @ Pack all lines into a single object
      DO READCH DUP        @ Read characters until CR
      UNTIL 13 CHR
    \<< \-> l
      \<< 1 CF             @ Check for occurences of \<< \>> \->
        DO l
          CASE l           @ Loop until no more occurences are found,
"\\<<" POS                 @ converting each occurence on the way to the 48
            THEN l         @ representation.
"\\<<" POS "\<<  "         @
REPL                       @ More special characters can be added as needed.
            END l          @ Just add a new case.
"\\>>" POS                 @ Remember to replace the number of characters you
            THEN l         @ remove with an identical number of characters.
"\\>>" POS "  \>>"        
            END l
"\\->" POS
            THEN l
"\\->" POS "\->  "
            END 1
          END 'l'
        UNTIL 1 FS?       @ Flag 1 is a boolean used to tell us if we are done
        END l
    \<< DROP "" DEPTH     @ Drop the "END" string off the stack
\-> d
        IF d 1 >          @ Combine everything on the stack into one string
        THEN 2 d
          START +
        END OBJ\->        @ Convert the string into an object
      DO                  @ Wait until the user types a key on the terminal
DROP 0 >
      END 1 SRECV         @ Get one character at a time!
DROP \-> c
        CASE c 13         @ If the character is a return then echo CR/LF
          THEN c 10
          END c 8         @ If the character is a backspace, then erase the
CHR SAME                  @ character from the terminal, and remove it from
          THEN c          @ the current line.
" " + c + XMIT DROP
          END c
XMIT DROP c               @ Otherwise, just echo the character.
    \<< LIN 1 LIN 
  LIN ""