[comp.sys.handhelds] another INPUT-command

horlache@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Ullrich Horlacher) (08/10/90)

I was just about to write a question about a programmable ALPHA (using in an
own INPUT-command) when I read the following mail, which represents ABSOLUTELY
that, what I wanted to post by myself:

>From:	UUCP%"bio_zwbb@jhunix.UUCP"  8-AUG-1990 14:21:15.45
>	First let me say that, in responding to Mr. Wickes' timely and
>helpful answer to my question concerning the lack of a programmable
>alpha-on in the 48, it is most definitely *NOT* my intention to start a
>flame war or a round of HP-bashing, nor to second-guess the 48 design
>team. What I *do* wish to do is to initiate a round of constructive user
>feedback so that HP might better meet users' needs in future products.
>	I have recently tried to write a work-around for this problem, but
>with little success. Using "0 WAIT" to catch keypresses while displaying
>the graphics screen works, but is too slow when key location numbers must
>be converted to alpha characters using user commands (as opposed to

I have the same problem: I want an input-command, which can control the  whole
screen AND which doesn't erase it when invoking it. The main-reason is, that I
have a lot of games (*shame*) programmed on the 28, which I wanted to port to
the 48. The PROMPT and INPUT command don't fit exactly the behavior of the
IN-command (a programm of my own for the 28), so I converted my IN-programm 
to the 48.
But I'm not happy with its speed. Also I have problems with the type-ahead-
buffer, which works not proberly. Say: sometimes some keys are not recognized.
I would be very happy, if someone post a better and flexibel input-programm.

Nevertheless, here is my version:

IN is a program for interactive input, like INPUT in BASIC or readln in 
Pascal. It returns the input-string to the stack. If you press the ALPHA-key,
the program is HALTed and you can do other things, like visit variables, and 
then CONTinue the program.

Program: IN 

%%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.);
\<< \->INL \-> s p t
  \<< s "" \=/ s ":" +
s IFTE 's' STO ""
SWAP + "_" + p DISP
      END DUP 51 \=/
      IF 61 ==
LCD\-> \-> s d
        \<< HALT s ""
d \->LCD
      END DUP
      IF 55 ==
      THEN DROP 1
      ELSE t DUP
        IF DUP 1 \=/
        THEN GET +
        ELSE DROP2
+ p DISP


Program: ->INL    @ converting-table 

%%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.);
{ 93 "." 92
"0" 82 "1" 83 "2"
84 "3" 72 "4" 73
"5" 74 "6" 62 "7"
63 "8" 64 "9" 11
"A" 12 "B" 13 "C"
14 "D" 15 "E" 16
"F" 21 "G" 22 "H"
23 "I" 24 "J" 25
"K" 26 "L" 31 "M"
32 "N" 33 "O" 34
"P" 35 "Q" 36 "R"
41 "S" 42 "T" 43
"U" 44 "V" 45 "W"
46 "X" 52 "Y" 53
"Z" 94 " " } 


use:   2:        <prompt-string>
       1:  <display-line-number>

e.g.:  2:                "Value"
       1:                      3

or    << CLLCD "Value" 3 IN 'VALUE' STO >>

==>    +----------------------+
       |                      |
       |Value:_               |
       |                      |
       |                      |

    this mail came from Framstag!      |   asta@dulruu51.bitnet
 (sometimes known as Ulli Horlacher)   |   asta@rz.uni-ulm.dbp.de
 University of Ulm/Danube  W-Germany   |   asta@main01.rz.uni-ulm.de
 "Waiting for the prompt" -Marillion   |   framstag@dtupev5a.bitnet

scottb@hpcvia.CV.HP.COM (Scott_Burke) (08/11/90)

Regarding the current thread of an INPUT work-alike:

One alternative to the program just posted is to use PICT and GROBs.
Every time a character is received, convert it to the appropriate
alphanumeric character, convert it to a GROB, and paste it onto the
end of the existing command line.  Backspacing is simple if you use
a monospaced font (i.e., NOT size 1).  If you have access to the HP
Equation Solve Library Application Card, then take a look at the
interactive molecular weight calculator (accessed by pressing alpha
when running the Periodic Table application).  This uses the method
I just described, and is reasonably fast.  It would run faster if
there didn't have to be checks on the subscript widths (they are 
smaller than the normal characters).  (Note:  This discussion about
the molecular weight calculator is all reverse engineering; I have
never seen the actual code.  But I did try to duplicate it.)

The bottleneck when using user code is the conversion from the row-
column.plane description of a keypress (using WAIT) to the correct
alpha-numeric character.  The approach taken in the previous program
is a list look-up table.  This is not the fastest way available.
A speedier way would be to first explode a list of the available 
characters onto the stack:

 { "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" etc. } OBJ->

  6: etc.
  5: "D"
  4: "C"
  3: "B"
  2: "A"
  1: size

Then, when you receive a character code, find its POS in a different

 { 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 etc. } code POS

Then use that result to do a PICK to get the right character.

The general point is it's MUCH faster to use the stack than to 
search through a list.

Other notes about the code:  It is faster to do IFT and IFTE commands
than to do actual IF-THEN-ELSE-END constructs.  The IN program can
be easily rewritten to make use of this.  It's not a huge difference,
but it can be detected.  There are other simple optimizations that can
be made, such as replacing "DUP s SWAP" with "s OVER", but I won't go
through it all.  Seeing these sorts of 'packs' just comes with lots of

Overall, IN, with a few modifications, is one of the most useful 
interface tools I've seen posted.  Good job!
