[comp.sys.handhelds] Compilers for the HP48

apuzzo@boulder.Colorado.EDU (APUZZO ALFONSO A) (08/13/90)

Many of problems (such as the INPUT with graphics etc) could (easily?) be
solved if HP would release an official list of ROM addresses, then also release
an RPL compiler that supports interrupts POKEs, PEEKs, and hopefully inline
assembly.  The compiler would ideally be written in C (or some other high
level language) so that cross-developement could occur from MS-DOS, UNiX, 
or any other platform.  There are probably people out there who would
jump at the chance to work on such a project.

--> Tony <--

PS. I know this is unlikely to the point of humor, but the HP48 is more
    complex than many micros of a few years back, and assemblers/compilers
    for the Apple][, C64, TI-99, Altair, TRS-80 I, etc weren't _impossible_
    to obtain :-)
* Be a non-conformist like me and don't use a .sig at all.