[comp.sys.handhelds] Machine Code Version of Hexify

alonzo@microsoft.UUCP (Alonzo GARIEPY) (08/15/90)

I am posting this for Rick Grevelle, who doesn't have direct access
to net news. 

The following is a machine code version of HEXIFY.  It takes a string
of hexadecimal digits and converts them into an object.

This routine can be used as a replacement for the HEXIFY in my HP28S
Processor Notes, or in conjunction with Rick's improved version of same.
This posting is only for those who have some understanding of the 
information in the notes.

The code will also work on the HP48, with the minor modifications noted
in the comments (changing the value of two object prologs and CHEXIFY if


From: Rick Grevelle <uunet!tamuts.tamu.edu!n242df>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds
Subject: Machine Code Version of Hexify

#00000: #143        		move.a	@d1,a	
#00003: #132        		swap.a	a,d0 	
#00006: #100        		move.w	a,r0 	
#00009: #146        		move.a	@d0,c	
#0000c: #06         		push.a	c    	
#0000e: #dd         		swap.a	b,c  	
#00010: #10a        		move.w	c,r2 	
#00013: #164        		add.a	#5,d0 	
#00016: #142        		move.a	@d0,a	
#00019: #d6         		move.a	a,c  	
#0001b: #136        		swap.a	c,d0 	
#0001e: #164        		add.a	#5,d0 	
#00021: #c2         		add.a	a,c   	
#00023: #da         		move.a	c,a  	
#00025: #136        		swap.a	c,d0 	
#00028: #819f2      		srb.a	c     	
#0002d: #06         		push.a	c    	
#0002f: #137        		swap.a	c,d1 	
#00032: #109        		move.w	c,r1 	
#00035: #34e4a20    		move.p5	#02a4e,c	; HP48: #02a2c
#0003c: #8a527      		brne.a	b,c,abort	
#00041: #1c5        		sub.a	#6,d1 	
#00044: #4c6        		brcs	abort  	
#00047: #133        		swap.a	a,d1 	
#0004a: #dc         		swap.a	a,b  	
#0004c:             	loop:	            	
#0004c: #1c0        		sub.a	#1,d1 	
#0004f: #181        		sub.a	#2,d0 	
#00052: #14a        		move.b	@d0,a	
#00055: #3114       		move.p2	#41,c	
#00059: #9eed1      		brle.b	c,a,alpha	
#0005e: #3103       		move.p2	#30,c	
#00062: #b6a        		sub.b	c,a   	
#00065: #4b4        		brcs	abort  	
#00068: #3190       		move.p2	#09,c	
#0006c: #9e624      		brlt.b	c,a,abort	
#00071: #1510       		move.p	a,@d1	
#00075: #6910       		jump.3	next
#00079:             	alpha:	            	
#00079: #b6a        		sub.b	c,a   	
#0007c: #3150       		move.p2	#05,c	
#00080: #9e6e2      		brlt.b	c,a,abort	
#00085: #30a        		move.p1	#a,c	
#00088: #a0a        		add.p	c,a   	
#0008b: #1510       		move.p	a,@d1	
#0008f: 		next:
#0008f: #cd         		dec.a	b     	
#00091: #5ab        		brcc	loop   	
#00094:             	result:	            	
#00094: #1c4        		sub.a	#5,d1 	
#00097: #07         		pop.a	c     	
#00099: #145        		move.a	c,@d1	
#0009c: #1c4        		sub.a	#5,d1 	
#0009f: #07         		pop.a	c     	
#000a1: #145        		move.a	c,@d1	
#000a4: #111        		move.w	r1,a 	
#000a7: #133        		swap.a	a,d1 	
#000aa: #141        		move.a	a,@d1	
#000ad: #6900       		jump.3	exit 	
#000b1:             	abort:	            	
#000b1: #111        		move.w	r1,a 	
#000b4: #133        		swap.a	a,d1 	
#000b7:             	exit:	            	
#000b7: #112        		move.w	r2,a 	
#000ba: #dc         		swap.a	a,b  	
#000bc: #110        		move.w	r0,a 	
#000bf: #132        		swap.a	a,d0 	
#000c2: #142        		move.a	@d0,a	
#000c5: #164        		add.a	#5,d0 	
#000c8: #808c       		jump.a	@a   	

NOTE: I've included a program, CHEXIFY, which will create a 
      version of HEXIFY that alleviates	the above caveats.  

The following program works only on the HP 28S.  It creates a program on 
the stack, which can then be stored in 'HEXIFY' and used to create any
further machine code programs.

    <<  ""  +  A  >>  4
  # DD60641001231341h
  # 616316D241461A01h
  # 1602F918631AD2C4h
  # 25A802A4E4390173h
  # 10C1CD3316C45C17h 
  # 131DEE94113A4118h
  # 26E909134B4A6B30h
  # 0513A6B019601514h
  # C0151A0AA032E6E9h
  # 04C1541704C1BA5Dh
  # 0961413311115417h
  # 1011CD2113311110h
  # C80846124123h
48  STWS  #0h  OR  64  STWS
1  12  START
  # 3B82h  SYSEVAL
  # 7195h  SYSEVAL
  # 44A4h  SYSEVAL
  # 7F77h  SYSEVAL
  # 3F41h  SYSEVAL

If you would rather have HEXIFY produce a CODE object every time instead of
requiring an object address argument then make these three changes:
	Note: the addresses that appear before a colon, below, are for
              reference, and will change with these modifications.  They
	      are not used except by the code itself.

i)   Delete the instruction
	#0000c: #06         		push.a	c    	

ii)  Replace the instruction 
	#0009f: #07         		pop.a	c     	
	#0009f: #3469C20 		move.p5  #02c96,c	; HP48: #02dcc

iii) Adjust the following branch addresses by 5 nibbles

	#0003c: #8a527      		brne.a	b,c,abort	
	#00044: #4c6        		brcs	abort  	
	#00065: #4b4        		brcs	abort  	
	#0006c: #9e624      		brlt.b	c,a,abort	
	#00080: #9e6e2      		brlt.b	c,a,abort	
	#0003c: #8a577      		brne.a	b,c,abort	
	#00044: #417        		brcs	abort  	
	#00065: #405        		brcs	abort  	
	#0006c: #9e674      		brlt.b	c,a,abort	
	#00080: #9e633      		brlt.b	c,a,abort	

These changes have to be reflected in the data of the CHEXIFY program.
You can figure out where to make the modifications.

i)    If level 1 does not contain a string the program simply aborts.

ii)   Each character is checked only as it is processed by the code
      loop.  If at any point the routine encounters invalid code, it 
      aborts, leaving the unfinished result on the stack. 

iii)  Never use this routine on a copy of a string called to the stack
      that's stored in a variable without first making the stack copy
      unique. (i.e.  "" + )

iv)   Once the initial checking is complete, any errors will leave the
      string only partially converted.

Rick Grevelle