[comp.sys.handhelds] Remote Control for HP28S

jurjen@cwi.nl (Jurjen NE Bos) (08/20/90)

(This is posted for my brother-in-law)
Here is the much-requested repost...

		By Michiel Niemeijer & Eric Toonen

	A lot of people who have the HP28S are currently changing to the
	HP48SX. If you decide not to sell your classic-28 (and maybe this
	article will convince you not to) you can use it very easy as an
	intelligent remote control.


	This is an application for the HP28S, Version 2BB, to send the
	infrared signals as supported by all PHILIPS (and daughter-firms like
	ARISTONA) remote controlable machines. These machines range from
	tape-recorders to satelite-tuners. This code is commonly known as RC5

	The RC5 code:

	The RC5 code is an 13-bit code, it used to have a 5-bits group and a
	6-bits command, and 2 stop-bits, but it was changed to 5-bits group,
	7-bits command and 1 stop-bit.

	The HP28S led:

	The HP28S's infrared led is normally used to send data to a HP
	printer, using a code used (as far as I know) for HP only.
	Internally, this code is timed using the real-time clock. The infared
	led is turned on or off, by accessing address #FFF0Dh the contents
	is: #2h turns the led on, #0h turns the led off.

	All we have to do now, is have a machine-code routine time and access
	the led. To keep this code short and simple (Life is short and RAM is
	full), we do NOT use the real-time-clock.                      ---
	Therefore, DO NOT USE FAST together with RC5.

	The assembly listing:

		; RC5 sender
		; In:  Level 1: pt
		; Out: -

		; ROM-routines used:
		SAVER	EQU	#05081h		;Save registers
		CONTN	EQU	#1B505h		;Restore regs & continue RPL
		GETPT	EQU	#04F27h		;Read pt from stack in A

		; MIO-addresses used:
		IRLED	EQU	#FFF0Dh		;IR-led: #2h=On, #0h=Off

	8F18050		CALL.A	SAVER		;Save registers
	8F72F40		CALL.A	GETPT		;Read value from stack
	1BD0FFF		MOVE.5	IRLED,D0	;point to ledvalue
	30D		MOVE.P1	#Dh,C		;Send (Counter=13) bits
	816		RRN.W	C

	C4	L1:	ADD.A	A,A		; 1 or 0 ?
	5E0		BRCC	L2

	7120		CALL.3	L4		;Send 1-bit
	7420		CALL.3	L5
	6B00		JUMP.3	L3

	7C10	L2:	CALL.3	L5		;Send 0-bit
	7110		CALL.3	L4

		L3:	;Next bit
	A4E		DEC.S	C		;Decrement Counter
	53E		BRCC	L1		;All done?

	7700		CALL.3	L4		;Turn led off
	8D505B1		JUMP.A	CONTN		;Restore regs & return to RPL

		L4:	;Led Off
	300		MOVE.P1	#0h,C		;Put(0)
	6600		JUMP.3	L6

		L5:	;Led On
	302		MOVE.P1	#2h,C		;Put(2)
			;JUMP.3	L6

		L6:	;Put(c)
	1540		MOVE.P	C,(D0)		;set led
	3182		MOVE.P2	#28h,C		;wait
	A6E	L7:	DEC.B	C
	01		RET			;return


	Make this into an 'inline machine code', and store it
	in the variable 'SEND.OBJ'

	+---"For example"-"(HEXIFY and CHT were posted by Alonzo Gariepy)"---+
	|								     |
	|  "8F180508F72F401BD0FFF30D816C45E	;do not include newlines     |
	|  0712074206B007C107110A4E53E77008				     |
	|  D505B1300660030215403182A6E5CF01"				     |
	|								     |
	|  'SEND.STR' STO				;chk [A27F]	     |
	|  SEND.STR HEXIFY #2C96h CHT			;make 'inline'	     |
	|  'SEND.OBJ' STO						     |
	|  'SEND.STR' PURGE						     |
	|								     |

	The RPL listing:

	'RC5' [7BFA]
	<< IP 128 MOD
	  IF DUP 64 <
	  THEN 12288			;RC5?
	  ELSE 8192			;or Extended RC5?
	  END SWAP 64 MOD +
	GROUP IP 32 MOD 64 *		;GROUP is a variable with the
	+ DUP				;      groupcode
	  IF OLD SAME			;OLD is made by RC5
	  THEN 4096 +
	64 * SEND

	'SEND' [6B0C]
	  THEN # C53Bh			;0CB35   real->pt

	How to use it:

	First, set the group-number of the device you want to control. This
	is done by STOring the number (in range 0..31) in 'GROUP'.

	You send data to the device by entering a command number (a real in
	range 0..127) and press RC5 ...

	The commands:

	These are the codes as they are given in the PHILIPS service document
	"Survey remote control transmitters CTV sets"

Commnd:	Video mode: TV1 & TV2	Video mode: TXT		Video mode: VD
	Group 0 (TV1) 1 (TV2)	Group 2			Group 3
  0	0			0			0
  1	1			1			1
  2	2			2			2
  3	3			3			3
  4	4			4			4
  5	5			5			5
  6	6			6			6
  7	7			7			7
  8	8			8			8
  9	9			9			9
 10	1/2/3 digs (japan:10)	step page +		=/= =/=
 11	channel/program(jap:11)	step page -		*
 12	standby			standby			standby
 13	mute/demute		mute/demute		mute/demute
 14	P.P. (personal pref.)	P.P.			P.P.
 15	display			display			display
 16	volume +		volume +		volume +
 17	volume -		volume -		volume -
 18	brightness +		brightness +		brightness +
 19	brightness -		brightness -		brightness -
 20	colour saturation +	colour saturation +	colour saturation +
 21	colour saturation -	colour saturation -	colour saturation -
 22	bass +			bass +			bass +
 23	bass -			bass -			bass -
 24	treble +		treble +		treble +
 25	treble -		treble -		treble -
 26	balance right		balance right		balance right
 27	balance left		balance left		balance left
 28	contrast +		enter/validation (Frnc)
 29	contrast -		memory out
 30	search +		sequence out		attribute on/off
 31	tint/hue +
 32	channel/program +	exchange
 33	channel/program -	index/summary (France)	index
 34	alt/channel		row zero (France)
 35	1st/2nd language	1st/2nd language	1st/2nd language
 36	spacial stereo on/off	spacial stereo on/off	spacial stereo on/off
 37	mono/stereo (USA)
 38	sleeptimer		hardcopy printer	hardcopy printer
 39	tint/hue -		antiope TV mixed (Frnc)
 40	RF switch/PIP select	PIP select		terminal initiation
 41	vote			page hold on/off
 42	timed page/channel clck	timed page (F:magazine)
 43	increment (USA)		large top/lrge bot/norm	large top/lrge bot/norm
 44	decrement (USA)		reveal/conceal/canc pic
 45				cancel teletext picture
 46	2nd controls (USA:menu)	TV/Text mixed/Subtitle	TV/Text mixed
 47	PIP shift		PIP shift		view data line off
 48	pause			pause			pause
 49	erase			erase			erase
 50	rewind			rewind			rewind
 51	go to			go to			go to
 52	wind			wind			wind
 53	play			play			play
 54	stop			stop			stop
 55	recording		recording		recording
 56	external 1		external 1		external 1
 57	external 2		external 2		external 2
 58	PIP display mode	PIP display mode
 59	view data mode/advance				view data line on
 60	teletext submode (J:12)
 61	system standby		system standby		system standby
 62	crispener on/off	news flash (France)
 63	system select		system select		system select
 64	surround sound		surround sound		surround sound
 65	balance front		balance front		balance front
 66	balance rear		balance rear		balance rear
 67	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 68	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 69	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 70	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 71	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 72	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 73	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 74	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 77	linear function up	linear function up	linear function up
 78	linear function down	linear function down	linear function down
 79	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 80	cursor step up		cursor step up		cursor step up
 81	cursor step down	cursor step down	cursor step down
 82	menu on			menu on			menu on
 83	menu off		menu off		menu off
 84	display A/V status	display A/V status	display A/V status
 85	cursor step left	cursor step left	cursor step left
 86	cursor step right	cursor step right	cursor step right
 87	menu function		menu function		menu function
 88	PIP on/off		PIP on/off		PIP on/off
 89	PIP shift		PIP shift		PIP shift
 90	PIP main swap		PIP main swap		PIP main swap
 91	strobe on/off		strobe on/off		strobe on/off
 92	multi strobe		multi strobe		multi strobe
 93	main freezed		main freezed		main freezed
 94	3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan
 95	PIP mode select		PIP mode select		PIP mode select
 96	mosaic			mosaic			mosaic
 97	solarization		solarization		solarization
 98	main stored		main stored		main stored
 99	PIP strobe		PIP strobe		PIP strobe
100	recall main		recall main		recall main
101	PIP freeze		PIP freeze		PIP freeze
102	PIP step up		PIP step up		PIP step up
103	PIP step down		PIP step down		PIP step down
107				red
108				green
109				yellow
110				cyan
111				index
118	sub mode		sub mode		sub mode
119	sub mode		sub mode		sub mode
122	cleaning up		cleaning up		cleaning up
123	connect			connect			connect
124	disconnect		disconnect		disconnect
125	cleaning up		cleaning up		cleaning up
126	cleaning up		cleaning up		cleaning up
127	cleaning up		cleaning up		cleaning up

Commnd:	Video mode: LV1		Video mode: VCR1 & VCR2	Video mode: Satellite
	Group 4			Group 5	(VCR1) 6 (VCR2)	Group 8
  0	0			0			0
  1	1			1			1
  2	2			2			2
  3	3			3			3
  4	4			4			4
  5	5			5			5
  6	6			6			6
  7	7			7			7
  8	8			8			8
  9	9			9			9
 10	picture number/time	1/2 digits/AM/PM	1/2 digits
 11	channel number		channel/program mode	channel/program mode
 12	standby			standby			standby
 13	mute/demute		mute/demute		mute/demute
 14	P.P. (personal pref.)	P.P.			P.P.
 15	display			display			display
 16	volume +		volume +		volume +
 17	volume -		volume -		volume -
 18	brightness +		brightness +		brightness +
 19	brightness -		brightness -		brightness -
 20	colour saturation +	colour saturation +	colour saturation +
 21	colour saturation -	colour saturation -	colour saturation -
 22	bass +			bass +			bass +
 23	bass -			bass -			bass -
 24	treble +		treble +		treble +
 25	treble -		treble -		treble -
 26	balance right		balance right		balance right
 27	balance left		balance left		balance left
 28	repeat once/TSPo	ITR (OTR) delay
 29	repeat cont/TSPc	timer programming
 30	next			record select
 31	fast run reverse	fast run reverse
 32	entry			step +			channel/program +
 33	auto stop/memory	step -			channel/program -
 34	slow run reverse	slow run reverse
 35	audio 1			audio output select	language select/mode 1
 36	audio 2			clock/channel		special stereo on/off
 37	still picture		speed -			audio mixed / mode 2
 38	speed +			speed +
 39	speed -			Instant Time Recording
 40	slow run forward	slow run forward
 41	still forward		still forward
 42	fast run forward	fast run forward
 43	search automatic	index scan
 44	scan reverse		scan reverse
 45	open/close (eject)	eject
 46	scan forward		scan forward		subtitle
 47	play reverse		play reverse
 48	pause			pause			pause
 49	erase			erase			erase
 50	rewind			rewind			rewind
 51	go to			go to			go to
 52	wind			wind			wind
 53	play			play			play
 54	stop			stop			stop
 55	recording		recording		recording
 56	external 1		external 1		external 1
 57	external 2		external 2		external 2
 58	clear all memory	short/long play
 59	freeze segment		counter memory
 60	TXT (pal)/ant.sw (ntsc)	scroll local display	TXT submode
 61	system standby		system standby		system standby
 62	CX on/off		RF switch
 63	system select		system select		system select
 64	surround sound		surround sound		surround sound
 65	balance front		balance front		balance front
 66	balance rear		balance rear		balance rear
 67	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 68	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 69	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 70	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 71	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 72	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 73	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 74	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 75				data stream start
 76				data stream end
 77	linear function up	linear function up	linear function up
 78	linear function down	linear function down	linear function down
 79	sound or menu func.	catalogue		sound or menu func.
 80	cursor step up		cursor step up		cursor step up
 81	cursor step down	cursor step down	cursor step down
 82	menu on			menu on			menu on
 83	menu off		menu off		menu off
 84	display A/V status	display A/V status	display A/V status
 85	cursor step left	cursor step left	cursor step left
 86	cursor step right	cursor step right	cursor step right
 87	menu function		acknowledge		menu function
 88	PIP on/off		PIP on/off		PIP on/off
 89	PIP shift		PIP shift		PIP shift
 90	PIP main swap		PIP main swap		PIP main swap
 91	strobe on/off		strobe on/off		strobe on/off
 92	multi strobe		multi strobe		multi strobe
 93	main freezed		main freezed		main freezed
 94	3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan
 95	PIP mode select		PIP mode select		PIP mode select
 96	mosaic			mosaic			mosaic
 97	solarization		solarization		solarization
 98	main stored		main stored		main stored
 99	PIP strobe		PIP strobe		PIP strobe
100	recall main		recall main		recall main
101	PIP freeze		PIP freeze		PIP freeze
102	PIP step up		PIP step up		PIP step up
103	PIP step down		PIP step down		PIP step down
104				automatic start ID
105				write skip ID
106				skip on/off
107				write end ID
108				write FTS
109				write TOC
112				viss index next
113				viss index previous
114				mark
115				erase
116				renumber
117				blank search
118	sub mode		sub mode		TV1
119	sub mode		sub mode		sub mode
120				auto repeat
121				insert temp
122				scr loc disp
123	connect			connect			connect
124	disconnect

Commnd:	Audio mode: LV2/CDLV	Audio mode: Pre-Amp	Audio mode: Tuner
	Group 12		Group 16 (#1) 19 (#2)	Group 17
  0	0			0			0
  1	1			1			1
  2	2			2			2
  3	3			3			3
  4	4			4			4
  5	5			5			5
  6	6			6			6
  7	7			7			7
  8	8			8			8
  9	9			9			9
 10	picture number/time	graphic equalizer left	1/2 digits
 11	chapter number		graphic equalizer right
 12	standby			standby			standby
 13	mute/demute		mute/demute		mute/demute
 14	P.P. (personal pref.)	P.P.			P.P.
 15	display			display			display
 16	volume +		volume +		volume +
 17	volume -		volume -		volume -
 18	brightness +		brightness +		brightness +
 19	brightness -		brightness -		brightness -
 20	colour saturation +	colour saturation +	colour saturation +
 21	colour saturation -	colour saturation -	colour saturation -
 22	bass +			bass +			bass +
 23	bass -			bass -			bass -
 24	treble +		treble +		treble +
 25	treble -		treble -		treble -
 26	balance right		balance right		balance right
 27	balance left		balance left		balance left
 28	repeat once/TSPo	graph equal left&right
 29	repeat cont/TSPc	loudness
 30	next			high tone filter	search +
 31	programming		low tone filter		search -
 32				step +			preset +
 33	auto stop/memory	step -			preset -
 34	slow run reverse	signal path scroll
 35	stereo left/right
 36	previous
 37	still reverse		surround mode		mono/stereo
 38	speed +			sleeptimer
 39	speed -			balance rear
 40	slow run forward	balance front		RF switch
 41	still forward		TPS			store execute
 42	digital multi screen	timer set
 43	strobe			timer up		scan forward
 44	scan reverse		timer down
 45	open/close (eject)	timer memo		FM
 46	scan forward		acoustic memory		MW (USA: MW/FM)
 47				acoustic memory select	LW
 48	pause			pause			pause
 49	erase			erase			erase
 50	rewind			rewind			rewind
 51	go to			go to			go to
 52	wind			wind			wind
 53	play			play			play
 54	stop			stop			stop
 55	recording		recording		recording
 56	external 1		external 1		external 1
 57	external 2		external 2		external 2
 58	clear all memory	clear all memory	clear all memory
 59	repeat A/B program
 60	TXT (pal)/ant.sw (ntsc)	dyn range expand/compr
 61	system standby		system standby		system standby
 62	CX on/off
 63	system select		system select		system select
 64	surround sound		surround sound		surround sound
 65	balance front		balance front		balance front
 66	balance rear		balance rear		balance rear
 67	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 68	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 69	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 70	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 71	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 72	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 73	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 74	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 77	linear function up	linear function up	linear function up
 78	linear function down	linear function down	linear function down
 79	sound or menu func.	catalogue		sound or menu func.
 80	cursor step up		cursor step up		cursor step up
 81	cursor step down	cursor step down	cursor step down
 82	menu on			menu on			menu on
 83	menu off		menu off		menu off
 84	display A/V status	display A/V status	display A/V status
 85	cursor step left	cursor step left	cursor step left
 86	cursor step right	cursor step right	cursor step right
 87	menu function		menu function		menu function
 88	PIP on/off		PIP on/off		PIP on/off
 89	PIP shift		PIP shift		PIP shift
 90	PIP main swap		PIP main swap		PIP main swap
 91	strobe on/off		strobe on/off		strobe on/off
 92	multi strobe		multi strobe		multi strobe
 93	main freezed		main freezed		main freezed
 94	3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan
 95	PIP mode select		PIP mode select		PIP mode select
 96	mosaic			mosaic			mosaic
 97	solarization		solarization		solarization
 98	main stored		main stored		main stored
 99	PIP strobe		PIP strobe		PIP strobe
100	recall main		recall main		recall main
101	PIP freeze		PIP freeze		PIP freeze
102	PIP step up		PIP step up		PIP step up
103	PIP step down		PIP step down		PIP step down
108	FTS
112	index next
113	index previous
118	sub mode
119	sub mode
123	connect			connect			connect
124	disconnect		disconnect		disconnect

Commnd:	Audio mode: CD		Audio mode: Phono	Audio mode: Recorder
	Group 20		Group 21		Group 18 (#1) 23 (#2)
  0	0			0			0
  1	1			1			1
  2	2			2			2
  3	3			3			3
  4	4			4			4
  5	5			5			5
  6	6			6			6
  7	7			7			7
  8	8			8			8
  9	9			9			9
 10	cursor scroll
 11	display scroll
 12	standby			standby			standby
 13	mute/demute		mute/demute		mute/demute
 14	P.P. (personal pref.)	P.P.			P.P.
 15	display			display			display
 16	volume +		volume +		volume +
 17	volume -		volume -		volume -
 18	brightness +		brightness +		brightness +
 19	brightness -		brightness -		brightness -
 20	colour saturation +	colour saturation +	colour saturation +
 21	colour saturation -	colour saturation -	colour saturation -
 22	bass +			bass +			bass +
 23	bass -			bass -			bass -
 24	treble +		treble +		treble +
 25	treble -		treble -		treble -
 26	balance right		balance right		balance right
 27	balance left		balance left		balance left
 28	rept once/TSPo/shuffle	repeat once		repeat once
 29	repeat cont/TSPc	repeat continuously	repeat continuously
 30	select +		select +		select +
 31	select -		select -		select -
 32	next			next			next
 33	previous		previous		previous
 34	index next		index next
 35	index previous		index previous		last record cancel
 36	play/program		stereo/mono		sequential
 37	speed nominal					blank search
 38	speed +
 39	speed -
 40							recording pause
 41	store execute		store execute		store execute
 42							recording blank
 43	scan forward		scan forward		scan forward
 44							mechanism A
 45	open/close		open/close		eject
 46				wave scroll		mechanism B
 47							play reverse
 48	pause			pause			pause
 49	erase			erase			erase
 50	rewind			rewind			rewind
 51	go to			go to			go to
 52	wind			wind			wind
 53	play			play			play
 54	stop			stop			stop
 55	recording		recording		recording
 56	external 1		external 1		external 1
 57	external 2		external 2		external 2
 58	clear all memory	clear all memory	clear all memory
 59	repeat A/B program
 60	dynamic range expand
 61	system standby		system standby		system standby
 62	dynamic range compress				counter memory
 63	system select		system select		system select
 64	surround sound		surround sound		surround sound
 65	balance front		balance front		balance front
 66	balance rear		balance rear		balance rear
 67	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 68	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 69	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 70	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 71	sound effects		sound effects		sound effects
 72	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 73	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 74	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 77	linear function up	linear function up	linear function up
 78	linear function down	linear function down	linear function down
 79	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.	sound or menu func.
 80	cursor step up		cursor step up		cursor step up
 81	cursor step down	cursor step down	cursor step down
 82	menu on			menu on			menu on
 83	menu off		menu off		menu off
 84	display A/V status	display A/V status	display A/V status
 85	cursor step left	cursor step left	cursor step left
 86	cursor step right	cursor step right	cursor step right
 87	menu function		menu function		menu function
 88	PIP on/off		PIP on/off		PIP on/off
 89	PIP shift		PIP shift		PIP shift
 90	PIP main swap		PIP main swap		PIP main swap
 91	strobe on/off		strobe on/off		strobe on/off
 92	multi strobe		multi strobe		multi strobe
 93	main freezed		main freezed		main freezed
 94	3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan		3/9 multi scan
 95	PIP mode select		PIP mode select		PIP mode select
 96	mosaic			mosaic			mosaic
 97	solarization		solarization		solarization
 98	main stored		main stored		main stored
 99	PIP strobe		PIP strobe		PIP strobe
100	recall main		recall main		recall main
101	PIP freeze		PIP freeze		PIP freeze
102	PIP step up		PIP step up		PIP step up
103	PIP step down		PIP step down		PIP step down
104							automatic start ID
105							write skip ID
106							skip on/off
107							write end ID
108	FTS						write FTS
109							write TOC
114							write start ID
115							Ca/Er/SK ID
116							reformat
117							blank search
118	sub mode		sub mode		sub mode
119	sub mode		sub mode		sub mode
123	connect			connect			connect
124	disconnect		disconnect		disconnect

	      Good luck!

+------------------------------- /               / ---------------------------+
|      Eric Toonen              /     -----------   Also adress of STORC:     |
|                              /     /           (Stichting Ter Ondersteuning |
| E-Mail:                     /     /             van RPL Calculators)        |
|    s89406143@hsepm1.hse.nl /     -------                                    |
|                           /           /        The dutch supportgroup for   |
| Snail-mail:              /     -------         the HP28C, HP28S & HP48SX.   |
|    Djept-Zuid 6         /     /                                             |
|    5502 RP  Veldhoven  /     /                   Bank:         |
|    The Netherlands    /     -----------          Tel:  040-536992           |
+----------------------/               / -------------------------------------+
|                 | "Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what |
| Jurjen N.E. Bos | it might appear to others that what you were or might |
|                 | have been was not otherwise than what you had been    |
|  jurjen@cwi.nl  | would have appeared to them to be otherwise."         |