[comp.sys.handhelds] HP48 Serial leads

ard@pva.bris.ac.uk (Tony Duell) (08/25/90)

Like several other people I regard $35 (which was quoted by my local dealer
as #85!) (# is English Pound, roughly #1.00=$1.60), for a simple serial cable
as excessive!. So, here are my attempts at making a cable:

1) My first try used some individual socket pins that I found in the Lab here.
I soldered them to different coloured wires, covered them in heat-shrink 
sleeving and linked the other ends to pins 1 (Prot. Ground), 2 (Tx Data), 
3 (Rx Data) and 7 (Signal Ground) of a 25 pin D connector. I then pushed the 
pins onto the plug on the back of my HP48 and it worked rather well. 
Unfortunately, remembering which pin went where quickly became a right pain, 
and so I looked for a more convenient solution.

2) I have found a source of 2mm spacing connectors:

Harwin PLC, Fitzherbert Road, Farlington, Portsmouth, Hants, PO6 1RT England

(they don't appear to have a U.S.A. address), and the most suitable is :
M80-8980405, avaliable in quantities of 25 for #20.00 + 15% Tax + Shipping.
However, the pins are too small to fit over the HP48 plug, so you have to drill
them out as follows

      =======  <----- Drill down here at 0.7mm (be careful - such drills 
-------                                         break easily)

Harwin pin   -> Contact end

And then crimp the drilled out end round the shank of a 0.6mm drill bit with
pliers. Carefully check that the pin fits onto the connector on the 48 and
crimp a bit more if it doesn't. (Warning! It is easy to drop a pin into the
48 and it is then _very_ difficult to get it out again. I cannot be responsible
for damage caused to your calculator by following this procedure)

You should be able to get such small drills from a good model shop. Then, solder
the pins to the end of a piece of 4-core cable, insert them into the Harwin
socket housing, and connect the other end of the cable to the 25 pin D-plug

Because of the difficulty of drilling out and crimping the pins, I came to
method 3

3) A local company:

Maplin Electronic PLC, PO Box 3, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8LR England

who say they can ship to anywhere, but with #8.00 handling on orders up to
#80.00 can supply 21 pin connector under the following order code:

FM01B (7-way socket bloc)       for   #1.98

This socket is designed for use in Radio Controlled models and has 21 pins
on a 3*7 matrix. The '7-direction' has 3mm spacing, and the '3-direction'
has 2mm spacing. So, cut the connector into 7 rows, each of 3 pins, and then
take a piece of 0.1" stripboard (we call it 'Veroboard' over here in England,
and Maplin can supply a suitable piece which will make many connectors under 
the code:
JP46A (Strip Board 1029)    for #0.42
Cut a piece with 3 strips and solder one row of the connector to the
edge of it like this

============+-!   !
Strip Board   Connector
        Solder here

Solder a piece of 3-core cable to the copper strips and then connect the other
end to a 25 pin D-plug. The connector only fits onto 3 of the pins - miss out
prot ground (the far left pin looking at the rear of the calculator), but it

The connections to the HP48 are as shown here (looking into the machine):

o  o  o  o
P  T  R  S
r  x  x  i
o        g
t  D  D
   a  a  G
G  t  t  r
r  a  a  o
o        u
u        n
n        d

Now, all those methods require a physical connection to the HP48. The connector
on the machine is fragile, and very difficult to replace, so, I invented 
method 4

4) IR transmission. HP have provided the HP48SX with a bi-directional Infra-red
data link. The format of the printer port has been discussed on 
Comp.Sys.Handhelds before, but when it is used from kermit, a different format
is used:

The data is sent as 8-bit words, least significant bit first, with no error
checking other than the optional parity bit ( just like the RS232 port). 
A 1 (mark) - the idle state is sent as a 416 uS pause
A 0 (space) is sent as a 208uS pause followed by a 208uS IR signal
Thus, the IR link works at 2400 baud irrespective of the baud setting on the
IO setup menu.

So: (where -- = 208 uS),
           --  --  --  --  --  --  --      --
@   =   --   --  --  --  --  --  --  ------  --------
        !    !  0   0   0   0!  0   0   1   0!
        Start      0                4      
         Bit       ---------+--------
                    40 Hex = ASCII code for @

I have designed and built a decoder and Transmitter/Receiver from RS232 to
the IR port. It has a range of about 2" (i.e. you must put the calculator
directly in front of it, but it is reliable - I downloaded Tetris from the
lab's PC with no retries). I am willing to distribute the circuit to anyone
who is interested - it uses 7 TTL (74LSxx) ic's and some RS232 buffers 
(either 2 chips if you don't mind using +/- 12V supplies as well as +5 or
1 (rather expensive (#4.95)) chip if you require +5V operation), but I can't
post it on the net. If anyone has any ideas on how I should get to them, please
get in touch with me. Otherwise, I am willing to s-mail copies to anyone who
is interested who sends me an addressed envelope and sufficient IRC's (I
think it's 2 for air-mail) to get it to them. 

So, there you have it, my experiences of linking the HP48 up to a PC.

Tony Duell, Particle Physics, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of
Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, England

Janet: ARD@UK.AC.BRIS.PVA (may change _very_ soon)

(These addresses may change very soon. Please reply to the net if it is of 
general interest.)