(Jan Brittenson) (09/07/90)
Here's a program which I've found very useful. It creates a list of files available from a Kermit server and interactively let's you KGET individual entries. It does a "D" "G" PKT (mentioned in the HP48 manual) and so needs certain customization to fit into your host's particular `ls -l' format. So, after KGETing the directory, edit KFILES: KFILES \<< "D" "G" PKT 10 CHR SPLIT OBJ\-> 3 - \-> N \<< DROP 1 N START DUP SIZE 55 SWAP SUB IFERR "'" SWAP + OBJ\-> THEN END N ROLLD NEXT N \->LIST \>> 3 ROLLD DROP2 'KDAT' STO \>> The routine initially breaks up the received string on LF (SPLIT returns a list of substrings). The first two lines will be "ls -l" and "total ###", the last line will be an empty line (the listing will end with an LF) - "3 -" following OBJ-> reduces the actual number of lines by 3. The DROP before the START loop removes the empty line from the stack. Then each round in the loop one file name substring is extracted from its line and the list of lines rolled down. The IFERR construct is to avoid errors related to invalid characters (like dashes) in file names - such names cannot be used with KGET anyway, so they're kept as strings instead of names. The constant 55 is the column in an `ls -l' listing where the actual filename appears. Finally, the names are bundled up into a list, the initial two lines removed, and the list stored in KDAT. To use KMENU, place your computer's Kermit in server mode, and press VAR 'KDAT' PURGE CST KMENU. KMENU will ask Kermit for a list of files and display a name catalog. KMENU will ignore all keys except the follwing: [up arrow] One name up [down arrow] One name down [ENTER] Put the current name on the stack [backspace] Exit [ATTN] Fire escape (will leave -1 on the stack) And in the menu: KGET KGET the current name KFILES Update catalog It's not the fastest program around. Also note that KMENU stores the list of names in KDAT; as long as such a variable exists and contains a list object, KMENU will not automatically do KFILES upon entry. Worth mentioning is also that KMENU will KGET objects into the current directory. Good luck! [KMENU,KFILES,KDISP,KTOP,SPLIT: #F055h 1430 bytes] %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); DIR CST { KMENU } KTOP \<< KDAT SIZE " files:" + 1 DISP \>> KDISP \<< \-> P MX C \<< IF P MX 6 - > THEN MX 5 - ELSE P C - END 1 MAX \-> W \<< W 2 MX W - 1 + 6 MIN 1 + FOR L DUP " " KDAT 3 ROLL GET + L DISP 1 + NEXT DROP W \>> \>> \>> KMENU \<< CLLCD KDAT TYPE 5 \=/ \<< KFILES \>> IFT KDAT SIZE 1 \-> MX P \<< { KGET KFILES } TMENU KTOP P MX 4 KDISP 134 CHR \-> W ARROW \<< DO ARROW KDAT P GET + P W - 2 + DISP -1 WAIT " " KDAT P GET + P W - 2 + DISP 7 FS?C \<< KTOP \>> IFT \-> K \<< CASE K 25.1 SAME P 1 > AND THEN 'P' DECR W < \<< P MX 4 KDISP 'W' STO \>> IFT 0 END K 35.1 SAME P MX < AND THEN 'P' INCR W 5 + > \<< P MX 1 KDISP 'W' STO \>> IFT 0 END K 51.1 SAME THEN KDAT P GET 0 END K 11.1 SAME THEN IFERR KDAT P GET KGET P MX 4 KDISP 'W' STO KTOP THEN ERRM 1 DISP 7 SF END 0 END K 12.1 SAME THEN IFERR KFILES THEN ERRM 1 DISP 7 SF END 0 END K 55.1 SAME THEN 1 END 0 END \>> UNTIL END 0 MENU \>> \>> \>> KFILES \<< "D" "G" PKT 10 CHR SPLIT OBJ\-> 3 - \-> N \<< DROP 1 N START DUP SIZE 55 SWAP SUB IFERR "'" SWAP + OBJ\-> THEN END N ROLLD NEXT N \->LIST \>> 3 ROLLD DROP2 'KDAT' STO \>> SPLIT \<< 1 \-> T N \<< WHILE DUP T POS DUP REPEAT SWAP 1 3 ROLL \-> S B E \<< S B E 1 - SUB S E 1 + S SIZE SUB \>> 'N' INCR DROP END DROP N \->LIST \>> \>> END