[comp.sys.handhelds] ASC Programs

byu@csri.toronto.edu (Benjamin Yu) (09/14/90)

Thanks to Tom Metcalf, here is the original post for the ->ASC, ASC->

                      ASCII Encoding HP 48SX Objects

Sending an HP 48SX object via electronic mail can be difficult if the
object does not have an ASCII form, such as is the case for library
objects.  There are various encoding schemes available on different
computer systems, but these require that the sender and receiver have
similar computers, or at least compatible encode/decode schemes.  The
programs listed below perform the encoding and decoding on the HP 48SX itself,
which has the advantage of being completely independent of any computer.

The programs are nominally called \->ASC and ASC\->.  The former takes an
object from the stack and converts it to a string, in which each nibble of the
object and its checksum is converted to a character 0-9 or A-F.  (The object
must be in RAM, otherwise a "ROM Object" error is returned.)  For sake of easy
inclusion in email letters, the string is broken up by linefeed characters
after every 64 characters.

ASC\-> is the inverse of \->ASC: it takes a string created by \->ASC and
converts it back into an object.  When you transmit the encoded strings,
be sure not to change the string; ASC\-> uses the checksum encoded in the
string to verify that the decoding is correct.  An "Invalid String" error
is returned if the result object does not match the original object
encoded by \->ASC.  When you upload a string to your computer, use HP 48
translate mode 3 so that the HP 48 will convert any CR/LF's back to LF's
when the string is later downloaded.

Two versions of ASC\-> are included here.  The first (P1) is in HP 48 user
language, using SYSEVALs to execute system objects.  P2 is a
string that the setup program uses P1 to decode into an executable
ASC\->--then P1 is discarded.  The second version is more
compact than the first, and also uneditable and therefore safer (but it can't
be transmitted in ASCII form, which helps to make the point of this exercise).

Here are the programs, contained in a directory:

%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
P1              @ ASC\-> Version 1.
  IF DUP TYPE 2 \=/
  THEN "Not A String" DOERR
  END RCWS \-> ws
  \<< 16 STWS
    IF DUP 4 <
    THEN DROP SWAP DROP "Invalid String" DOERR
    DUP 65 / IP - 4 - # 18CEAh SYSEVAL 
    "" OVER # 61C1Ch SYSEVAL
    SWAP # 6641F8000AF02DCCh
    # 130480679BF8CC0h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 19610313418D7EA4h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 7134147114103123h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 5F6A971131607414h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 12EA1717EA3F130Ch # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 280826B3012808F4h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 6B7028080BEE9091h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # BE5DC1710610C512h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 705D00003431A078h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 3D8FA26058961431h # 518Ah SYSEVAL
    # 312B0514h # 518Ah SYSEVAL 
    # 18F23h SYSEVAL 
    IF ==
    ELSE DROP "Invalid String" DOERR
    END ws STWS

P2	@ ASC\->  Version 2.  To be converted by ASC\-> version 1.


P3	@\->ASC.     To be converted by ASC\->.

SETUP	@Automatic setup program
\<< P2 P1 'ASC\->' STO
    P3 ASC\-> '\->ASC' STO
    { P1 P2 P3 SETUP } PURGE


Installation instructions:

1.  Edit the above text between (start) and (end) into a text file named
CONV (for example).  
Be sure that you leave the strings exactly as entered above,
with no extra spaces or other invisible characters at the beginnings or
ends of the lines.
2.  Set the HP 48SX into ASCII transfer mode.
3.  Using Kermit, download CONV text file to the 48, verify its checksum
4.  Execute CONV to make it the current directory.
5.  Execute SETUP.
6.  The directory CONV now contains ASC\-> and \->ASC, ready to use.

To archive the decoded versions of ASC\-> and \->ASC back on your computer,
be sure to set the HP 48SX in binary transfer mode before uploading.


* Use the programs at your own risk.  Any time you delve into the SYSEVAL
world, there are increased dangers.  Archive your 48 memory before 
experimenting with these programs!  Also, verify the checksums of objects
defined above to make sure they have been downloaded correctly, before
executing ASC\->.

* I will not answer questions about how the programs work.  This is not
because of any great secrecy, but rather because it's hard to give
any answer that doesn't lead to more questions, and more, and more...

* 48 hackers are welcome to mine any nuggets they can from the programs,
and from the fact that \->ASC is a convenient way to decompile an object.