OK, here you go... HP pulled a good one this time. I don't know how many of you have had this problem with your 28S (maybe 28C too) but I haven't read about it yet. Picture this: final exam in EMAG and the battery annunciator starts to come on...sweat breaks out on your brow...10 hours til the batteries die - no problem. Next day, new batteries, Sigs & Sys II final exam...In the middle of a very large and tedious calculation...picture on LCD display fades away and calculator is dead. Press on key probably about 10000 times then HP 28S finally comes back on *BEEP!!!* MEMORY LOST!!! AAARRRGGGGG!!!! Now, every once an awhile, all memory is lost when I turn the calculator on so I call HP service. I haven't even finished describing the problem when the service person finishes what I'm going to say. It seems the older HP's have a design flaw and, or course, HP passes the blame on to the battery manufacturers - the newer N-type battery size is fractionally smaller then the old size which gives them a little room to move around ... you can see where this is all going. You can send the calculator to HP and they fix it for free (of course *you* pay for shipping and insurance...). So - anyone want to buy an HP 28S? $150 is the price after HP has serviced it. - Tim Drury