(Tony Duell) (10/15/90)
Here's a digital circuit simulator for the HP48SX. It has 8 internal primatives: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, BUF (buffer), HI (node tied to logic 1), LO (node tied to logic 0) and CLK (clock generator of definable high and low times). It also supports nested macros defined from these elements. A circuit is entered as a list of lists. Each sublist defines one gate (or macro-circuit) in the design. The format of the sublist is as follows : {"NAME" I1 I2 I3..} Where NAME is either one of the primatives above or the variable name where the macro is stored entered as a string. I1 I2 etc are the names of the nodes in your circuit, and must be valid HP48 name objects (or in the case of "CLK", the first 2 arguments are integers). For example: {"AND" A1 A2 Both} is the representation of the circuit : A1----------!\ ! )--------- Both A2----------!/ In the primatives, the inputs are always given first, and I suggest you do the same in macros (see below). 2 - input gates --------------- There are 3 types of 2-input gate defined, AND, OR and XOR. The formats are list format equivalent expression (which you don't enter) {"AND" A1 A2 Q} Q= A1 AND A2 {"OR" A1 A2 Q} Q= A1 OR A2 {"XOR" A1 A2 Q} Q= A1 XOR A2 1 - input gates --------------- There are 2 types of 1-input gate, NOT and Buffer: list format equivalent expression {"NOT" A B} B=NOT A {"BUF" A B} B=A Tied nodes ---------- A node can also be defined as permanently high or low : list format equivalent expression {"HI" A} A=1 {"LO" A} A=0 Clock Generators. The high and low times of the clock generator are defined in terms of time-steps which are defined as 1 horizontal pixel on the final timing diagram. Note that all gates have a propagation delay of one time-step. The format for defining a clock generator is : {"CLK" hi_time lo_time Output} Where hi_time and lo_time are real numbers giving the number of time-steps that the output will be high or low respectively and Output is the node name for the output. e.g. : {"CLK" 4 4 A} defines that node A will be low for 4 time-steps, high for 4 time-steps, low for 4 time-steps etc. A circuit is defined by creating a list of these sub-lists e.g.: {{"CLK" 2 2 A} {"CLK" 4 4 B} {"AND" A B C}} The only commands you need to know to run the simulator are as follows: COMPILE ------- Takes the variable name where a circuit is stored in top of stack, and sets up the internal variables to represent that circuit. Use this before attempting to simulate NODES ----- Takes a list of nodes which are to appear in the final timing diagram in top of stack, and stores it in the internal variable OUT.L ALL --- sets up OUT.L to contain _ALL_ nodes in the circuit (including the internal ones in macros). Only useful for simple circuits. SIM --- Takes a length of simualtion in top of stack (a real number, max 100) and plots the timing diagram (in PICT) for the given circuit. After it has finished, press any key (except ATTN) to exit and restore the stack display Example : Given the circuit defined above in top of stack, store it in 'CSH' then execute the following 'CSH' COMPILE set up this circuit ALL we'll show all nodes 100 SIM draw a timing diagram. MACROS ------ A macro-circuit is a bit like a subroutine - it's a part of a circuit (e.g. a half-adder or a flip-flop) which is used several times. For an example, see the variable HADD in the directory which contains the macro that defines a half adder. Each macro definition has the form {{External list} {{GATE1}{GATE2}...}} where {{GATE1}{GATE2}...} is the circuit description of the macro as defined above, and {External list} is the list of external connections. e.g. the 2-input multiplexor (variable MUX) in the directory Circuit !\ SEL --+----! >o------------!\ ! !/ ! )--! ! A------!/ ------\----\ ! ) )-------- Y ! B------!\ ------/----/ ! ! )--! !--------------------!/ Now, the external connections are SEL, A, B and Y !\ NS SEL --+----! >o------------!\ ! !/ ! )--! YA ! A------!/ ------\----\ ! ) )-------- Y ! B------!\ ------/----/ ! ! )--! YB !--------------------!/ I've now labeled the internal nodes (NS, YA, YB) Thus, we get the definition: {{SEL A B Y}{{"NOT" SEL NS} {"AND" A NS YA} {"AND" B SEL YB} {"OR" YA YB Y}}} If this is stored in the variable MUX , the element {"MUX" X Y Z GO} will be valid, with the correspondence: X -> SEL Y -> A Z -> B GO -> Y circuits (and other macros) can be defined in terms of MUX. Example : the full adder ------------------------ I have included a simple example to demonstrate the features of this logic simulator : the single-bit full adder. In the variable HADD is the macro for a half - adder, whereas in FADD, I have given the macro for a full-adder, defined in terms of FADD In the variable DEMO, I have defined a simple circuit with one full-adder, with its 3 input driven from clock-generators in the ratio 1:2:4. Here's how to run the demonstration: 'DEMO' COMPILE define the circuit {M N P S C} NODES only display the inputs and outputs 100 SIM display the timing diagram (after it's finished, press any key to exit) I am quite willing to answer questions about how this program works, but as it's likely to be quite long, I'll only post it to the net if there is sufficient interest..... :-) -Tony Duell ARD @ UK.AC.BRIS.PVA (JANET) ARD @ SIVA.BRIS.AC.UK (BITNET) (This program and its documentation are public domain. They may be freely copied, used and published in user-group newsletters provided that my name remains attached to them. They may not be sold for profit) --------->8---------------->8----------------->8------------->8---------- %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); DIR DEMO { { "CLK" 5 5 M } { "CLK" 10 10 N } { "CLK" 20 20 P } { "FADD" M N P S C } } FADD { { A B CIN SUM COUT } { { "HADD" A B S1 C1 } { "HADD" CIN S1 SUM C2 } { "OR" C1 C2 COUT } } } HADD { { A B SUM CARRY } { { "XOR" A B SUM } { "AND" A B CARRY } } } SIM \<< INIT TITLE 1 SWAP FOR j NXTSTATE 1 OUT.L SIZE FOR i OUT.L i GET NAME.L SWAP POS STATE SWAP GET -4 * 6 + i 1 - 8 * + R\->B j 29 + R\->B SWAP 2 \->LIST PIXON NEXT NEXT 7 FREEZE 0 WAIT DROP TEXT \>> ALL \<< NAME.L NODES \>> NODES \<< 'OUT.L' STO \>> COMPILE \<< NEWC RCL DUP SIZE \-> cir siz \<< 1 siz FOR i cir i GET COMGATE NEXT \>> \>> MUX4 { { A B C D SA SB Y } { { "MUX" SA A B YA } { "MUX" SA C D YB } { "MUX" SB YA YB Y } } } MUX { { SEL A B Y } { { "NOT" SEL NS } { "AND" A NS YA } { "AND" B SEL YB } { "OR" YA YB Y } } } MACCNT 3 TITLE \<< ERASE { # 1Eh # 0h } { # 1Eh # 3Fh } LINE OUT.L SIZE 8 MIN 1 SWAP FOR i OUT.L i GET \->STR DUP SIZE 1 - 2 SWAP SUB DUP SIZE 5 MIN 1 SWAP SUB 2 \->GROB i 1 - 8 * R\->B # 0h SWAP 2 \->LIST SWAP PICT 3 ROLLD GOR NEXT { # 0h # 0h } PVIEW \>> PPAR { (-6.5,-3.1) (6.5,3.2) X 0 (0,0) FUNCTION Y } OUT.L { M N P S C } NXTSTATE \<< 1 CIRCUIT.L SIZE FOR i CIRCUIT.L i GET DUP 1 GET "D" SWAP + OBJ\-> NEXT 'STATE.CNT' INCR DROP STATE.NEW 'STATE' STO \>> TMP { { "CLK" 5 5 R } { "CLK" 10 10 Q } { "CLK" 20 20 P } { "MUX" P Q R S } } STATE { 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 } DCLK \<< DUP DUP 2 GET SWAP 3 GET \-> n m \<< STATE.CNT n m + MOD n \>= SWAP 4 GET SWAP STATE.NEW 3 ROLLD PUT 'STATE.NEW' STO \>> \>> DLO \<< 2 GET 'STATE.NEW' SWAP 0 PUT \>> DHI \<< 2 GET 'STATE.NEW' SWAP 1 PUT \>> DXOR \<< DUP 2 GET STATE SWAP GET OVER 3 GET STATE SWAP GET XOR SWAP 4 GET STATE.NEW 3 ROLLD SWAP PUT 'STATE.NEW' STO \>> DOR \<< DUP 2 GET STATE SWAP GET OVER 3 GET STATE SWAP GET OR SWAP 4 GET STATE.NEW 3 ROLLD SWAP PUT 'STATE.NEW' STO \>> DAND \<< DUP 2 GET STATE SWAP GET OVER 3 GET STATE SWAP GET AND SWAP 4 GET STATE.NEW 3 ROLLD SWAP PUT 'STATE.NEW' STO \>> DNOT \<< DUP 2 GET STATE SWAP GET NOT SWAP 3 GET STATE.NEW 3 ROLLD SWAP PUT 'STATE.NEW' STO \>> DBUF \<< DUP 2 GET STATE SWAP GET SWAP 3 GET STATE.NEW 3 ROLLD SWAP PUT 'STATE.NEW' STO \>> STATE.CNT 100 STATE.NEW { 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 } INIT \<< NAME.L SIZE CLIST DUP 'STATE' STO 'STATE.NEW' STO 0 'STATE.CNT' STO \>> COMGATE \<< DUP SIZE OVER 1 GET PRIM OVER POS IF 0 == THEN MACRO ELSE 1 \->LIST SWAP 2 SWAP FOR i OVER i GET DUP TYPE IF 6 == THEN ADDNAME END 1 \->LIST + NEXT SWAP DROP 1 \->LIST CIRCUIT.L SWAP + 'CIRCUIT.L' STO END \>> ADDNAME \<< NAME.L OVER POS DUP IF 0 == THEN DROP NAME.L SWAP + DUP 'NAME.L' STO SIZE ELSE SWAP DROP END \>> NEWC \<< { } DUP 'CIRCUIT.L' STO 'NAME.L' STO 0 'MACCNT' STO \>> CIRCUIT.L { { "CLK" 5 5 1 } { "CLK" 10 10 2 } { "CLK" 20 20 3 } { "XOR" 1 2 4 } { "AND" 1 2 5 } { "XOR" 3 4 6 } { "AND" 3 4 7 } { "OR" 5 7 8 } } NAME.L { M N P S1.1 C1.1 S C2.1 C } MACRO \<< DROP DROP OBJ\-> 1 - \->LIST 'MACCNT' INCR \-> arglist locmac \<< OBJ\-> OBJ\-> DROP \-> extrn circ \<< 1 circ SIZE FOR i circ i GET 2 OVER SIZE FOR j DUP j GET DUP TYPE IF 6 == THEN extrn OVER POS IF 0 == THEN \->STR 1 OVER SIZE 1 - SUB "." + locmac \->STR + "'" + OBJ\-> j SWAP PUT ELSE extrn SWAP POS arglist SWAP GET j SWAP PUT END END NEXT COMGATE NEXT \>> \>> \>> PRIM { "AND" "OR" "XOR" "NOT" "BUF" "HI" "LO" "CLK" } CLIST \<< { } SWAP 1 SWAP START { 0 } + NEXT \>> END