[comp.sys.handhelds] some 28S system questions

apm279l@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au (10/16/90)


(1) does anybody know the location in ROM of the RPL interpreter for
    the '28S? ie the routine which takes keypad input when not running

(2) I've found that the location C00EC changes as you use the machine
    and I've got a hunch it is used to store status info. Anyone know
    anything about that?

(3) I was wondering how interrupts work - all I know so far is that
    keyboard interrupts can be disabled/enabled with intoff/inton
    and that an interrupt vector is at the top of the RTN stack.
    However, I imagine the Saturn handles at least 3 interrupts
    (ON, RESET, MEMORY RESET), or does the one interrupt routine
    do all three?

Thanx, Peter