[comp.sys.handhelds] WANTED

jeffq@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us (Jeffq) (11/04/90)

jeffq@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us (or @deeptht - it all ends up at gorn.)
I am in search of a calculator which boasts 'solve for x' as its main feature;
in other words, something really cheap that can do +-X/, powers, sq. root,
and FRACTIONS, as well as solve for x in complex polynomials.  This is
for my son in high school and I don't want to go broke purchasing some gem
that has on-screen graphing and a special subdivisory keypad that only the
top mathematicians at NASA would even look at.
I have been told about something like 'educalc' or 'educomp' that sells handheld
cal's for lower prices that an average store - the # for the above would also
be wonderful.

sgothard@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com (Steve Gothard) (11/06/90)

  I don't know what you mean by really cheap but I do suggest that the
  calculator your son would be most pleased with is the HP 27S.  This
  calculator will perform all of the functions your son will need for
  high school level classes and the HP solve function will solve for
  x in any equation.  It is also an algebraic mode machine so it will
  be easy for him to learn to use.  I have purchased many HP 27S calculators
  as gifts for my high school level relatives and they were all very
  happy with them.  It is also prestigious to own the quality of HP.
  These calculators list for something around $79. but I am sure you
  can find them for less at discount educational retailers.  I would
  buy HP calculators even if I didn't work for the company because
  they are the best.