[comp.sys.handhelds] Wanted: HP41C Memory Modules

john@CS.ORST.EDU (11/17/90)

> Subject: Wanted: HP41C Memory Modules :Help !!!
> From: akcs.viper@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Eduard Toerek)
> Date: 15 Nov 90 16:40:22 GMT
> I am trying to locate either a quad memory module (p/n 82170A0 or up to
> 3 single memory modules (p/n 82196A for a 41C.  If anyone has some, or
> knows where I could get them, please let me know.  thanks, Ed

I have 4 single-density modules that you caould have, but I don't know what
they're worth.  I know what I paid for them, but....  Maybe you could make me an

John W. Loux                    | Solve and Integrate Corp
solvint!john@orstcs.cs.orst.edu | PO Box 1928
john@solvint.uucp               | Corvallis, OR 97339-1928
                                | (503) 754-1207