[comp.sys.handhelds] Today the subject is libraries

cloos@acsu.buffalo.edu (James H. Cloos) (11/15/90)

Yup, you guessed it; I spent the last few hours pouring over hex dumps
of libraries, both created from directories by usrlib, and some from
the bbs.  Anyway, this is what I found out:

(NB, each of these fields is individually reversed in memory; unlike
the dir posting, I'll write these in readable format.)

A library looks like this:

#02b40		LIB header
#nnnnn		size of the library, incl this field.
#nn		the length of the lib's name, in chars

(If the lib is unnamed, this is #00 and the next two fields are missing)

asciiascii	the name of the library
#nn		the length of the lib's name, again

(Now back to always there mode :)

#nnn		the LIB's id number
#nnnnn		offset to hash table	\
#nnnnn		offset to message arry	| offsets are from the start of
#nnnnn		offset to link table	| the offset field 
#nnnnn		ofset to config object	/

the data follows.

Named xlibs are stored in the format:
#000 or #8	000=ok in alg expressions, 8= not ok in algebraics
#nnn		lib's id number from above
#nnn		the xlib's member number
the actual object, starting w/ a std type field.

(You'll find that lib #002 (the usrlang commands) is stored this way also.)

Unnamed xlib's are stored w/o the #000nnnmmm or #8nnnmmm header, so
you just start w/ the type field.

The config object is what is evaluated after each system halt, and is
usually a program. To borrow from the usrlib doc file, make sure this
My assumption is that only a ram clear will fix the 48 if there is a
lib installed that has a bad config obj, as the post-system-halt
routines will probably crash each time you try one.

The link table is a hex string (a la a binary integer, but with a max
wordsize of 2^5 - 6 nybbles) (proof of that is left as an exersise for
the reader).  This hex string is 5 nybbles long per XLIB in the
library, and each group of 5 nyb's forms an offset from the table to
the beginning of the type field of each xlib.  These offsets are
signed, so if this table is after the actual XLIB's, the offsets
will be the complement (as per the NEG key on a binary integer--I'm
too tired to figure out if this is 1's or 2's ;) of the actual
distance from the field to the XLIB.  These are the only signed
offsets I'm aware of so far, though maybe all offsets are, check your
local saturn guru for details.  ;)

The message array is a simple array of strings.  (Which have the format: 

#029e8		type of ARRY
#nnnnn		size of array, incl this field
#02a2c		type of data in general, #2a2c is string type
#nnnnn		number of dimentions
#nnnnn		number of elements in 1st dimention
#nnnnn		  ''   ''    ''    '' nth    ''

Where data is sum(i=1,no_of_dims,no_of_elem_in_this_dim) elements of
the type specified.  In the case of strings, each of these looks like
a 5 nybble size field (in nyb's incl itself) plus the ascii chars in
the string.)

This leaves the hash table.  This is also a hex string.  At the end of
this hex string are 5 nyb pointers for each named XLIB which point to
that XLIB's name.  These names immediately precede the pointers.
These offsets, though pointing backwards, are positive (or unsigned?),
ie., #00020 would point 32 nybbles back from the start of itself.

The names these point to are in the familiar global name format, ie a
2 nybble size field (in char's, excluding itself) followed by that
many bytes of ascii (each of course in reverse nybble order).  This is
followed by a 3 nybble field of that XLIB's member number.  Before
this is a 5 nyb field that is the length, in nybbles, of itself, & each
of the XLIB names (inlc that name's length field and number field).
Before all this, in each of the lib's I've looked at, is 85 nybbles of
mostly 0's.  They seem to be 16 fields of 5 nybbles each (resonable
thought) and there would seem to be on the order of 3 or so of these
fields that contain any non zero data, this is usually only 2 nybbles.
I presume they are some sort of offset, but to where (or from where
for that matter) I've no idea.

The CONFIG, MESSAGE, LINK, HASH, and each individual XLIB can be, so
far as I can tell, in any order, so long as each is itself contiguous ;^)
I would presume, however, that there is some performance penalty if
they are all mixed around, as minor as that might be (though if you
use a XLIB in such a library in a type loop, these penalties could
amount to a noticable delay).  (My compiler will use a standard order
which is the easiest for me to put together. ;)

I better leave now, before I go over 900 words; I've already passed
100 lines.  Enjoy this info.  & like the post on dir's, if you don't
understand it, ask & someone (maybe even me) will try to explain it
better.  This *is* fun.  Trust me.  Really.  Would *I* lie to you?
Seriously.  As much as this looks sarcastic, it isn't.  I promise.

BTW, the library: "04B20E10000066600000000000000000000577E" (in ASC
format) is nothing but an unnamed lib, lib# = 666h = 1638d, w/o
anything in it.  ASC\-> will work on the string, resulting in :
`Library 1638: ` on the stack (w/o the `'s of course).  I'm not going
to try installing it, as I don't feel like a mem lost just now.  Could
someone out there who has a handy archive try this and report on it?

L8r, ffolks.

James H. Cloos, Jr.		Phone:  +1 716 673-1250
cloos@ACSU.Buffalo.EDU		Snail:  PersonalZipCode:  14048-0772, USA
cloos@ub.UUCP			Quote:  <>


David_Michael_Kaffine@cup.portal.com (11/16/90)

Please bear with me - I've rarely posted my own articles before, and
I'm using an unfamiliar system.

In a recent article (see - I don't know how to do followups correctly yet),
Jim Cloos described the structure of the Library object on the HP-48.  He
left a couple of question marks in the description, which I will try to
elaborate here.

The unknown fields were all a part of the hash table.  Here's my
current understanding of the hash table structure:

#02a4e		Prolog for binary integer
#length		Length of binary from this field to end
#ptr1		5-nibble offset (from start of this field) to first
		  1 character name (#00000 if none)
#ptr2		Pointer to first 2 character name
#ptr16		Pointer to first 16 character name
#decompile	5-nibble offset (from start of this field) to #xlib0
		  below.  This tells the 48 where the pointers are
		  for it to decompile a name from an xlib object

1-char-name-data	This is as Jim described - each name is
2-char-name-data	entered here, in no particular order, except
3-char-name-data	that names of the same size are grouped
4-char-name-data	together.  Each name is a two nibble size,
5-char-name-data	the ascii data, then the XLIB number.

#xlib0		5 nibble offset, which as Jim mentioned, is positive
		  to point backwards (unlike most of the other offsets),
		  This points to the size nibbles of the name for
		  XLIB object #0
#xlibn		Pointer for the last named XLIB object's name.

That's it for the hash table.  One other thing that I think Jim
left out - the library object has 4 CRC nibbles appended to it.
These CRC nibbles are calculated using the Kermit CRC algorithm,
but the CRC is calculated starting with the length field, not the
#02b40 field, and includes everything up to (but, for obvious reasons,
not including 8-) the CRC itself.  The length field of the library
includes the 4 CRC nibbles.

WARNING:  Be careful when playing around with library objects with
incorrect CRCs.  I did this several months ago, and started to notice
that I had less memory than expected.  It turns out that if you
install a library with a bad CRC in port 0, at the next system halt,
the bad CRC is detected, and the bad library object is 'pushed' aside
so that all the good objects in port 0 are contiguous.  But, the
bad library still takes up memory!!  I ended up doing a lot of peeking
and poking to reclaim my memory again.  I didn't try it, so I'm not
even sure a memory clear would work.  This warning applies to the
simple library that Jim posted, since it doesn't have a CRC field
(I'm not talking about the CRC needed for the ASC-> program - the
library object itself has an embedded CRC).  I don't know for sure
since I'm not risking any memory lost right now - oh, what the hell,
I just tried it, and sure enough, the library doesn't install correctly.
Instead, when the bad CRC is detected, you get the message
Invalid Card Data,
and the behavior I just described.

One final note - I don't believe there would be any performance
penalty for ordering the various components of a Library object
at random - they are always going to be accessed via pointers.

Again, I apologize if the preceding post is all messy.  It will take
me some time to get used to this new system (I'm using a $#@!% line
editor right now).  But, I'll never learn it if I don't try it.
Please direct replies to the address above, or

David_Michael_Kaffine@cup.portal.com (11/16/90)

(I'm still trying to get used to posting, bear with my mistakes)

Just one more note on library objects.  I made a small mistake in
my previous post.  When you install a library with an incorrect CRC,
it does not get moved so that all of the 'good' objects in that port
are contiguous, as I stated before.  Instead, the object stays 
still, and the prolog (in this case, #02b40 for a library) 
is overwritten with 0's.  This 00000 is also what's used to 
mark the end of objects in a port (i.e Port 0, at least, is
just a sequence of RPL objects, terminated by 00000).  Thus, the bad
object is now hidden, ALL objects that were after it in port memory
are hidden, and you're suddenly missing a fair chunk of memory.  The
only reasonable way of getting the memory back is to archive your user
data, do an ON-A-F, and restore your user data.

I apologize for the mistake - my memory on this was a few months old,
and wasn't refreshed until I installed Jim Cloos' sample library and
saw the same things over again.

To summarize:  If you store the library object from Jim Cloos' article
into port 0 and press ON-C (or turn calc. off and on), you will get the
message "Invalid Card Data".  The library will no longer show up in the
port 0 listing.  Anything that was previously in the port 0 listing will
no longer show up.  All of the objects that have disappeared are still
taking up memory.  A memory-clear will reclaim the lost memory (not to
mention your user variables!).

Dave.Kaffine@MicroProd.NCR.com		or

akcs.dnickel@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Derek Scott Nickel) (11/17/90)


Requarding those unknown nibbles.  You'll notice that the name-table part
of the hash-table is sorted by command name length, and then
alphabetically.  These 5 nibble fields are offsets into the name table
for a specific name length.  I.e., the first slot contains the offset to
one character names (or zero if no one character names), the second slot
contains the offset to the first two character name, the third is an
offset the first three character name... and so forth.

Thanks for the info on the unsigned pointers at the end of the hash
(pointing back to the individual names).  That had ne stumped.  I knew
they had to be related to the commands themselfs, but never guessed that
they were backward pointing.

        Derek S. Nickel