[comp.sys.handhelds] Test program that reads the IR input of HP48

erikmb@cd.chalmers.se (Erik Bryntse) (12/03/90)


Since there are many people that are interested in having their 48's 
as learning remote controls, I am posting a little test program I 
wrote some weeks ago.

It reads the IR input diode, and times each period (at the low-high 
transition). The result is returned as a string.

This is only intended to help if someone out there is struggling to 
make a remote control program for the 48, so I only include the source 
code. It is not very well commented (remember it's a test program...).

Hope this helps someone!

Erik Bryntse


; ---- source code begins here ----


; Test program that reads the IR-diode
; Written by Erik Bryntse
; Returns 1: "string" that contains 3 nibbles per period time
; Parts taken from INPRT by William C Wickes

	call.a		SaveR		; save RPL regs
	call.a		#613E
	clrb		15,ST
	call.a		#6806		; space bw RSTK & TOS -> C
	move.a		c,a
	move.p5		#10F,c
	subn.a		a,c		; C := space - #200
	brcs		OutOfMem	; If not enough exit

	move.w		c,r1		; Save away in R1
	call.a		#1115		; toggles b 0 of #10E
	call.a		DispOff
	move.w		r1,c		; Alloc all mem - #200 nibs
	srb.a		c		; in bytes!
	call.a		#5B79		; alloc C bytes string -> D0
	move.w		r1,c
	swap.a		a,d0
	move.a		a,d0
	add.a		c,a
	move.w		a,r1		; R1 highest allowed addr
	clr.w		c
	move.w		c,r4		; R4 := 0
	move.1		4,p
	move.p1		#6,c		; C := #60000
	move.1		0,p
	brcc		Begin		; If alloc OK start prog
	call.a		#10E5
	jump.a		#65AA		; load regs, Out Of Mem!

; Not out of memory error

Begin:	call.3		MainProc
	call.a		#16671
	move.5		#10B,d1
	move.b		@d1,c
	clrb		#5,c
	move.b		c,@d1		; clrb 5 of #10B
	call.a		DispOn
	call.a		#10E5
	move.w		r0,a
	call.a		#54266
	move.a		@d0,a
	add.a		5,d0
	jump		@a		; bye bye


	call.3		Wait1st		; Wait until IR toggle or timeout
	retcs				; Timeout: return


	move.x		a,@d0		; Store period time in string (3 nibs)
	add.a		3,d0
	swap.a		a,d0
	move.a		a,d0
	move.a		r1,c
	retle.a		c,a
	clr.a		a
	call.3		WaitL		; Time one more pulse
	brcc		OneMor

	retclrc				; Timeout

; Wait until first IR pulse is received


	clr.w		a
	move.p5		#20000,c	; Timeout counter
	move.5		#0011A,d1
NoIR:	dec.a		c
	brcs		TimeOut
	move.s		@d1,c
	add.s		c,c
	brcc		NoIR		; Wait until first IR pulse recvd

; Wait until IR goes low

WaitL:	inc.x		a
	move.s		@d1,c
	add.s		c,c
	brcs		WaitL		; Wait until bit 3 of 11A low

; Wait until IR goes high again

WaitH:	inc.x		a
	move.s		@d1,c
	add.s		c,c
	brcc		WaitH		; Wait until bit 3 of 11A high

	pop.a		c

; ---- souce code ends here ----