[comp.sys.handhelds] STAR 1.02 - Saturn Macro Assembler Version 1.02

bson@rice-chex.ai.mit.edu (Jan Brittenson) (12/10/90)

   Anyone interested in STAR 1.02 can pick it up as
@rice-chex.ai.mit.edu: ~/pub/star-1.02.tar.Z.

   The only known bug is the 64-bit integer constant one. data.w
doesn't work properly. data.15 and less will work fine, though.

   Also notice that you need GCC, the GNU C compiler, to take
advantage of 64-bit integer arithmetic. Otherwise all integers will be
of size `long', which usually is 32 bits.

   All real arithmetic is carried out as floating-point, with its
limitations. The C data type used is `double' for this.

Strings cannot contain NUL characters.

Included is the README file.

Have fun!
						-- Jan Brittenson

PS. The reason for the delay between 1.01 and 1.02 was that had to
    design ways to circumvent GNU C `long long' bugs, as well as
    fixing all bugs reported. Thanks to everyone who beta-tested 1.01!


   There is no documentation yet, but I have included the files I have
used for testing STAR this far. They can be found as *.star.

   There are a few instructions that differ syntactically from ASAP,
SASS, and Alonzo's Processor Notes. This is so, because I found no way
to lexically cope with differing numbers of arguments, depending on
what these arguments are. The instructions are:

	move.1	c,i,p	-->   move.1  c.i, p
	move.1  p,c,i   -->   move.1  p, c.i
	swap.1  p,c,i   -->   swap.1  p, c.i   (or c.i, p)

   Also, STAR implements the special register HST. To clear (or
similarly, to test) HST bits, use (for example):

	clrb	5, hst			; Three identical constructs
	clrb	(1<<xm)|(1<<sr), hst	; XM = 0, SR = 2
	clrb	[xm,sr], hst		; [] = bit mask

   Default suffixes are as per Alonzo's Processor Notes with the
following exceptions:

	rln		-->  rln.w
	rrn		-->  rrn.w

	move  id,a	-->  move.a  id,a

STAR also can't cope lexically with Alonzo's notation

	brcc	pc+17

since PC is a register, and as such can't be used in expressions.
Instead, use "." (the dot) to refer to the address of the current
instruction. The above would in STAR be written as:

	brcc	.+17

   JUMP and CALL instructions default to relative (.3 or .4) when the
address is in RAM, to absolute (.A) when the address is in ROM, and
signal an error when the address is in neither. (See the STATIC and
FLOATING directives below.) Relative addresses are by default the
smallest possible.

   This is where the optimizer pass comes in. In the first pass all
relative offsets are 4 nibbles, but during the remaining passes
offsets are cut down to 3 nibbles when feasible. Reducing the size of
offsets will reduce the code size, perhaps resulting in further
possible reductions if run through further passes. The optimizer pass
is repeated until no further reductions are possible. The idea is that
in the future nonreferenced code will be ditched.

   You are recommended to use the memory configuration
(STATIC/FLOATING partitioning) set up by the HP-48SX Standard Macro
Library (hp48.star), and totally ignore the use of suffixes with JUMP
and CALL instructions. Use suffixes only for very special purposes,
like generating ROMable code. Let STAR handle the offset sizes.

[ Note: STAR is based on an assembler I wrote in 1986 for National
Semiconductor's Series 32000. NS32k heavily (read: almost always) uses
displacements to address data, esp. in code generated by an HLL
compiler. The optimizer pass(es) would in some cases cut down the code
size by 30% or more. The technical reason for not optimizing
references during pass 1, is that forward references are yet
unresolvable, and so the worst case must be assumed - 24 bits on the
32k. Very little code hasn't actually been rewritten for the Saturn
version, though.]

   Here follows a list of recognized operators. Note that &&, ||, and
^^ always evaluate both arguments, unlike in C. They are logically the
same, though, i.e.:

	(1 & 2)  -->  0			1 and 2
	(1 && 2) -->  1			Both nonzero

   Like any assembler worth the media it's stored on, STAR ignores
operator arities.

	# ^x x' 0x 16'			Hex number
	^d d' 10'			Decimal (base 10) number
	^o o' 8'			Octal number
	^b b' 2'			Binary number
	r^ r'				Real (double) number - default
					for any number containing a decimal
					point or `e' character

	~				Binary NOT
	!				Logical NOT (is zero)
	&				Binary AND
	&&				Logical AND (both nonzero)
	|				Binary OR
	||				Logical OR  (either nonzero)
	^				Binary XOR
	^^				Logical XOR (either, but not both
	<<				Left shift
	>>				Right shift

	[i1,i2,i3...]			Integer with bits i1, i2, i3... set
					and all other bits clear.

	rm^	(rm^i)			Right mask, yields an int with `n'
					right-adjusted 1s. 

	wd^	(wd^real)		Real as 64-bit word

	* / -				Standard arithmetic, no arity
	+				Add numbers or concatenate strings
	%				Modulo (same as `fmod' for reals)
	-				Unary minus
	**				Power (coerced to real)

	`str'				String

	r%	(str r% n)		Right, all characters from pos n to
					end of string
	l%	(str l% n)		Left, all characters up to n
	sz^	(sz^ str)		Length of string in bytes
	ch^	(ch^i)			Integer ASCII value to string
	tl^	(tl^ str)		Trim leading blanks
	tt^	(tt^ str)		Trim trailing blanks
	ev^	(ev^str)		Evaluate expression
	uc^	(uc^str)		Convert to uppercase
	i^	(i^str)			Machine code of string
					(e.g. i^`add.a a,b')
	ni^	(ni^str)		Length of i^ for string.

	def name   -or-			Nonzero if "name" is a defined
	df name				symbol.

	()				Parenthesis, subexpression.

	> < >= <= == !=			C-style relational operators

    Real operators:

	cos, sin, tan, acos, asin	Trig
	atan, sinh, cosh, tanh

	log, log10			e and 10 logs

	ceil, floor			Rounding (from 0, towards 0)

	exp				e**x

	fabs				Absolute value
	fmod				Modulo, same as %

	sqrt				Square root

Predefined symbols:

	saturn				48; default memory model
	version				Current version, 1.02 (real)
	list				Nonzero if listings enabled
	bits				Number of bits in an integer

	xm				0; HST XM bit #
	sb				1; HST SB bit #
	sr				2; HST SR bit #
	mp				3; HST MP bit #

	pass				Current pass, 1, 2, or 3
	.				Current location

	pi, e
	ln2				log(2)
	sqrt2				sqrt(2)
	log2e				log10(2*e)
	log10e				log10(10*e)
	ln10				log(10)

Operator usage examples:

	s=`add.a a,a'
	data.$(ni^s)  i^s		; Create code for ADD.A A,A

	data.w	wd^s			; Identical...
	double	s			; ...with this

	move.p16  wd^s, c		; C=1.5e0


	$name		Expands to value of name. \$ escapes expansion.
	$(expr)		Expands to result of expr.



L_$(lseq+1): $m.$foo	addr, d$dreg

    Will expand to:

L_3:	move.5	addr, d1

Notice that expansion can not be nested, i.e. the following won't work:

	data.a	$($foo)		; WILL NOT WORK AS INTENDED

Conditional assembly, nesting up to 16 levels:

	if expr

Some pseudo instructions:

	radix i				Set default radix
					Supported radixes are 2, 8, 10, 16,
					and 0 for real.

	origin expr			.=expr

	name=value			Assign value to symbol
	define name value		name=value

	odd				Align for odd address
	even				Align for even address
	align n				Align for even n-nibble word

	byte  i1, i2, i3...		Byte data (same as data.b)
	data.f i1, i2, i3...		Data of size 'f' (.1-.16, .B, .X, .A,
							  and .W)

	ascii  s1, s2, s3...		Ascii data. S1...Sn are either:
					parenthesized expressions, in which
					case the value is used as a byte,
					or delimited strings. The delimiter
					is chosen to be the first character
					of the string. Escapes \n, \r, \b,
					\e, \ooo, \xhh work.

	asciz  s1, s2, s3,...		Same as ascii, but terminate with
					NUL (\000) character.

	double	r1, r2, r3...		16-nibble real data

	error str			Display error message

	end				End of file
	exit				End of assembly

	doblock	m, blockterm		Read block of input and apply macro
					m to it (see hp48.star for examples)


Macro definitions are of the form:

label:	macro	name	arg1, arg2..., argn
	... macro body ...

where n is 0 or up, and `argi' is of the form:

	name		-or-


where `name' is the symbol to be instantiated to the argument value
(passed at the macro call as a string, use ev^ to evaluate an
expression). If no value is given for the argument in the macro call,
the optional default value is used instead. If no default value is
defined, an error is signal and the macro call ignored.

   Here is a sample macro. It implements the HP-48 `global name' data
type. A similar macro can be found in the STAR HP-48SX Standard Macro
Library (file hp48.star). When called with no argument, it defaults to
a null string name.

	macro	global  name=``''
	data.a	x'2e48
	data.b	sz^&name
	ascii	&name

	global	`ABC'		; Global name `ABC'

	global			; Header template
	ascii	`XXXXXXXXX'	; Filled in later

HP-48SX Standard Macro Library definitions:

	false	0
	true	1
	warnings		Symbol - nonzero value means warnings enabled

	warning msg		Generate warning

	sym: equ value		EQU-style assignment

	listblock		Enable listings
	nlistblock		Disable listings
	endlist			Revert back to previous enable/disable

	rpl			Implicit RPL/data.a body
	  ...rpl body...	DO NOT NEST
	header	rev		Kermit preamble HPHP48- followed by revision

	string	str		RPL string object
	global	name		RPL global name object
	local	name		RPL local name object
	binary	value,digits	RPL binary integer object
	short	i		RPL system binary object
	address	i		RPL system binary object
	character c		RPL character object

	code			RPL code object
	  ...ml code...		DO NOT NEST

   Note: Do not nest macros where so indiciated. It won't work as
intended - in fact, the results are unpredictable - they may not
even contain references to each other.

   To `unquote' from within an RPL body, prefix the line with
underscore (_). Example:

Drop = x'3244

	  _ascii `foo'

The above example will be identical to:

	data.a	Drop
	ascii	`foo'
	data.a	Drop

Symbols can be defined within both RPL and CODE constructs.