a while back someone posted a blurb wnating to know about programs that came up when you turned the calculator on. I posted, but it never made it to the net. Oh well, I'll try again. As Xeno posted earlier, just assign a program to the off sequence (blue-on) and have the program execute an off command. Here's mine as an example. to turn the calculator on, press on and hold the + key until the menu appears. beep+ and beep- will enable or disable respectively, the beep for this session with the calculator . (I found this kind of handy in exams) %%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.); \<< DO DO OFF UNTIL KEY END UNTIL 95 == END CLLCD -57 CF IF -17 FS? THEN "RAD MODE: ON" 1 DISP ELSE IF -18 FC? THEN "RAD MODE: OFF" 1 DISP END END IF -15 FC? -16 FC? AND THEN "RECT. MODE" 2 DISP ELSE "POLAR MODE" 2 DISP END IF -19 FC? THEN "2D VECTORS" 3 DISP ELSE "COMPLEX #" 3 DISP END IF -49 FC? -50 FC? AND THEN "STD MODE" 4 DISP ELSE IF -49 FS? -50 FS? AND THEN "ENG MODE" 4 DISP END END -61 SF -62 SF { "BEEP+" "BEEP-" } TMENU -1 WAIT IF 11.1 SAME THEN -56 CF ELSE -56 SF END 2 MENU \>> -Mike