metcalf@akala.IFA.Hawaii.Edu (Tom Metcalf) (12/27/90)
Following is version 3.0 of the HP-48SX program I wrote to do sight reductions for celestial navigation. It computes a position fix from observations of any number of celestial bodies using a least squares fit to the altitude of the bodies as a function of time. The routine does all the standard corrections for dip, refraction, parallax etc. as well as correcting for motion of the observer between sights. The major change from version 2 is that the program will now advance the lines of position, allowing a running fix. I have also added some error checking, simplified the input of stellar data, and fixed a slight error in the "PLOTP" routine which cut off the bottom of the plot in a few cases. It does not compute the GHA/declination of celestial bodies, so a copy of the Nautical Almanac is required to use these routines. It will, however, interpolate the GHA and declination from the hourly entries on the daily pages of the nautical almanac. A detailed description of the mathematical basis of the algorithm is available upon request (send a surface mail address). Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome Tom Metcalf ---------------------------------------------------------- Instructions Note: these instructions are not a "tutorial" on celestial navigation. A basic understanding of celestial navigation is assumed. There are several steps to go through to get a fix from a set of observations. When prompted for input, key in the requested data, and press "ENTER". All angular inputs must be in degrees and in the "hms" format: dddd.mmss, where dddd is degrees, mm is minutes and ss is seconds of arc. All times must also be input in the "hms" format. For example, 16.3427 is 16 degrees 34 minutes 27 seconds if an angle is being input and 14.0153 is 14:01:53 if a time is being input. The output is the optimum latitude and longitude, both in "hms" format. North latitude and west longitude are positive numbers, while south latitude and east longitude are negative numbers. For example, 157 deg 49 min 58 sec W, 21 deg 17 min 30 sec N would be output as LON: 157.4958 LAT: 21.1730 1. If you want to start a new set of observations purge the variable "OBS". This variable stores all the observations, so, to start over, this variable must be removed. You may want to rename it rather than remove it if it will be useful at a later time. "OBS" is a matrix with each row representing one observation in the format: GHA DEC ALT. 2. Run the program "setup". This sets up the appropriate corrections and the GHA-declination interpolation for the observed body. This program must be run whenever a new body is observed or whenever the observations have extended beyond the times given for the GHA/declination interpolation (TIM1,TIM2; see below) since the interpolation will become inaccurate. If you are observing more than one body, input all the observations for each before proceeding to the next (temporal order does not matter). The "setup" program asks for the following input: a) BODY: Select the appropriate body by pressing a menu key. "planet" means any planet other than Venus or Mars (i.e. Jupiter or Saturn). b) INDEX: The index correction (degrees, in hms format) which is to be *added* to the observed sextant altitude, e.g. 1' should be input as 0.0100. c) SEMI-D: Semi-diameter in degrees, "hms" format: e.g. 16.2 arc minutes should be input as 0.1612 since 0.2 min = 12". Sun only. d) HP: Parallax in degrees, "hms" format. Moon,Venus,Mars only. For the Moon, HP is found on the daily pages of the Nautical Almanac. For Venus/Mars, it is found in a short "parallax" table in the explanation section of the Nautical Almanac. For the moon a typical value might be 54.4 arc minutes which would be input as 0.5424 in hms format. The correction is much smaller for the planets: a typical value might be 0.3 arc minutes which would be input as 0.0018 in hms format (since 0.3 arc minutes is 18 arc seconds). e) LIMB: Select lower limb (LL), upper limb (UL), or disk center (CENT) from the menu keys. (Sun/Moon only). f) HEIGHT: Height above water (in meters) at which the observations were taken (for the dip correction). g) PRESSURE TEMPERATURE: The atmospheric pressure in millibars and the atmospheric temperature in Celsius. These are used for the refraction correction: if you want to use standard conditions (usually good enough) simply hit ENTER without changing the displayed numbers. h) If the body is a *star* the program will ask for GHA-ARIES and SHA, DEC for the star at time TIM (from the daily pages of the Nautical Almanac). These should be at the whole hour (TIM) before the start of the observations. All inputs must be in hms format and all must be input on the appropriate line *before* pressing "ENTER". To move to the next item, use the down-arrow key. Skip to (j). h') GHA1 DEC1 TIM1: The Greenwich Hour Angle and declination at time TIM1. The actual values for the observations will be interpolated linearly from this value and the next. TIM1 should be the whole hour before the observation times. All three numbers should be input on the appropriate line *before* pressing "ENTER". To move to the next item, use the down-arrow key. All three entries must be in "hms" format. i) GHA2 DEC2 TIM2: The second set of values for the linear interpolation. TIM2 should be a whole hour after TIM1 and in "hms" format (generally, TIM1 and TIM2 should be consecutive hours). All observations must be between TIM1 and TIM2. If this is not the case, the observations should be input in several groups, running "setup" between groups. If the GHA passes through zero between GHA1 and GHA2, 360 degrees should be added to GHA2. Similarly, the time should not pass through zero: if TIM1 is 23, TIM2 should be 24 not 0. As an error check, the program will terminate if the time and GHA do not increase. j) SPEED: Speed of vessel during the observations (knots). If the speed is zero, the program will terminate at this point. k) COURSE: True course of vessel during the observations (hms format). l) DR LAT LON: Dead reckoning latitude and longitude at the time of the observations (not necessarily the time of the fix) to use in the correction of the observations for course and speed (hms format). Negative values indicate East longitude or South latitude. The default values displayed are the last known DR position. If these are correct, simply hit ENTER. If they are incorrect, they can be edited with the arrow and delete keys. These values need not be precise; use the best information you have. m) TIME OF FIX: The time to which the course and speed corrections are made (hms format). This will be the time at which the fix is valid and should be the same for all observations. 3. Enter the observations: a) Enter the time of the observation (hms format) and then the uncorrected altitude (hms format) onto the stack. Care should be taken with the time: Since it is used in the interpolation of the GHA and declination of the body, it must lie within the range of times specified in steps 2h and 2i. It should not pass though 00:00. b) Run the "CORRECT" program to correct the observation for index, dip, refraction, and parallax. c) Run the "ADDOB" program to add the observation to the "OBS" variable. If the time is not within the range specified in the "setup" program for the interpolation, the program will terminate without adding the observation to the "OBS" variable. "ADDOB" does the correction for course/speed. d) Repeat until all observations are input. e) If accurate dead reckoning information is available, it can be included in the fix by running the "ADDDR" program which includes the DR position in the "OBS" variable. Dead reckoning information is only required when just two observations are available; otherwise, it is optional. The input should be in "hms" format. Negative values indicate East longitude or South latitude. If the vessel is moving, the dead reckoning position should be computed at the same time used in step 2(m) above. Important note: If observations of more than one body are input, "setup" must be run before starting the input for each body. Use the same time in step 2(m) for all bodies, unless the LOP's are advanced appropriately (see step 7). 4. Get the fix by running the "SOLVE" program. This program can be run at any time when there are at least 3 observations (including dead reckoning) in "OBS". It does not affect "OBS", so more observations can be input after running "SOLVE". If "convergence error" appears (very unlikely) or if the position estimate is far from your dead reckoning position, there may be an error in the input data and it should be reentered. If the data is correct, but the error persists, the position fix should not be trusted; note that the plot of the LOPs (step 6) can be used to determine the validity of the fix. Remember: the fix is, at best, only as good as the data you supply, and you should examine the results critically! "SOLVE" can update the DR position to keep a running fix; after the fix is computed "SOLVE" will display the fix and ask if you want the DR position updated. The "DR" program can also be used to update the DR position "by hand". 5. If all observations are for a *single celestial body* (no DR) over a relatively short period of time, run the "ERROR" program to get an estimate of the position error (miles). This program assumes an error on the observations of one arc minute, and should be multiplied by the actual sextant error in arc minutes if it is other than one. 6. Run the "PLOTP" program to plot the lines of position. To run this program the position fix from "SOLVE" must be left as the first two numbers on the stack (longitude in level 2, latitude in level 1; this defines the center of the plot). The "PLOTP" program will ask you for the scale of the plot in miles. The program makes the scale of the plot as close as possible to this size. Hence, if you input 100 miles, the HP-48SX screen will display a region of the Earth's surface about 100 miles on a side (latitude on the vertical scale (North up), longitude on the horizontal scale (East right)). The default is 9 miles; if this is what you want, simply press "enter" at the prompt. The program will work for very large scales (try 10000), but the Earth's spherical surface is mapped onto a flat lat/lon grid and hence the lines (really circles) of position will appear somewhat distorted. The larger the scale the longer it takes to plot the LOP's. A cross-hair is drawn at the position of the fix with line segments one mile long (from tip to tip). The cross hair can be used to judge the scale of the plot but for large plots it will disappear as it becomes impossible to resolve a one mile line segment. If no lines of position appear, you need to expand the plot by using a larger scale value. Press "ATTN" when you are done with the plot. Note that the "coordinate" graph utility and the arrow keys built into the calculator can be used to examine the lat/lon coordinates (*not* hms format) of the plot after pressing <orange-shift GRAPH>. 7. You can advance the LOP's contained in the "OBS" variable using the "ADV" program. "ADV" assumes that the DR position is correct for the time implied by the "OBS" data: if it is not, the DR position should be updated with the "DR" program. "ADV" asks for a distance in nautical miles and a true course describing the vessel's motion. All data in the "OBS" variable, as well as the DR position, will be advanced along this track. After "ADV" is run, another group of data may be added to "OBS" to update the running fix. Note that the new data must be input with a "time of fix" (step 2m) consistent with the *advanced* LOP's. For example, if you advance the LOP's by the distance traveled in 6 hours, the time of fix in step 2(m) should reflect this by having 6 hours added to the value used previously (so that they all apply at the same time). Advancing lines of position by large distances is not, in general, a good idea, since errors will be incurred as your dead reckoning position becomes less certain. The "ADV" program assumes the observer is moving along a constant course; if the course varies, "ADV" must be run separately for each course steered. If no "OBS" variable is present, "ADV" will update only the DR position and hence is a useful tool for keeping track of your DR position, even when you are not keeping a running fix. If the effects of a current need to be included, run "ADV" once for the motion of the vessel through the water and once for the direction and distance the current has moved the vessel since the last DR position. If you make a mistake entering the data for "ADV", you can undo the damage by running "ADV" again with the same course but the negative of the distance. Disclaimer: This software is provided "as is" and is subject to change without notice. No warranty of any kind is made with regard to this software, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author shall not be liable for any errors or for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this software. Use it at your own risk. Copyright 1990 by Thomas R. Metcalf. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit and provided that this copyright notice and the above disclaimer are retained. ------------------------------ CUT HERE ----------------------- %%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.); DIR SOLVE \<< -22 SF 4 FIX DEG 0 0 0 0 0 GSUM a0 \->NUM 'A0' STO a1 \->NUM 'A1' STO EV1 \->NUM DUP '\Ga1' STO EIGEN 'E1' STO EV3 \->NUM DUP '\Ga3' STO EIGEN 'E3' STO EV2 \->NUM DUP '\Ga2' STO EIGEN 'E2' STO R E1 DOT '\Gb1' STO IF '\Ga1==0 AND \Gb1==0' THEN "AMBIGUOUS SOLUTION" MESS KILL END R E2 DOT '\Gb2' STO R E3 DOT '\Gb3' STO 0 'NIT' STO 0 '\Gm' STO DO \Gm 'OLD' STO ITER '\Gm' STO 1 'NIT' STO+ UNTIL 'ABS((\Gm -OLD)/\Gm)<.000001 OR NIT>30' END IF '\Gm>\Ga1 OR NIT>30' THEN Gx 'x' { 0 '-N' \Ga1 } ROOT '\Gm' STO END IF '\Gm>\Ga1 OR \Gm <-N' THEN "CONVERGENCE ERROR" END UVW OBJ\-> DROP OUT CLLCD "Update DR?" 2 DISP DUP2 \->STR 4 DISP \->STR 5 DISP ASK IF 11.1 == THEN DUP2 HMS\-> 'DRLAT' STO HMS\-> 'DRLON' STO END \>> ADDOB \<< 0 \-> TM A n \<< TM HMS\-> 'TM' STO IF TM T1 < TM T2 > BODY "T" SAME NOT AND OR THEN TM \->HMS A "Error:Bad Time" MESS KILL END A HMS\-> 'A' STO TM GHA1 GHA2 INTERP 180 RANGE TM DEC1 DEC2 INTERP IF 'SPD\=/0' THEN TF TM - SPD * 60 / CRS RMOVE SWAP 180 RANGE SWAP END OBS IFERR OBJ\-> THEN 3 ROLLD A { 1 3 } \->ARRY SWAP STO ELSE OBJ\-> ROT 1 + DUP 3 * 'n' STO ROT ROT \->LIST n ROLL n ROLL ROT A SWAP \->ARRY 'OBS' STO END \>> \>> CORRECT \<< DEG HMS\-> INDX + HGT \v/ .0293 * - DUP DUP REFRACT SWAP COS CASE BODY "S" SAME THEN .002443 * SEMI END BODY "M" SAME THEN HP * HP .272476 * END BODY "VM" SAME THEN HP * 0 END 0 * 0 END LU * + SWAP - + \->HMS \>> SETUP \<< CLLCD 2 FREEZE MBODY TMENU "BODY?" PROMPT 'BODY' STO 0 MENU "INDEX? (dd.mmss)" { "" V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 'INDX' STO IF BODY "S" SAME THEN DO "SEMI-D? (dd.mmss)" { "" V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 'SEMI' STO IF 'SEMI> .55' THEN "TOO LARGE-PRESS ENTER" MESS END UNTIL 'SEMI \<=.55' END END IF BODY "M" SAME BODY "VM" SAME OR THEN DO "HP? (dd.mmss)" { "" V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 'HP' STO IF 'HP> 1.2' THEN "TOO LARGE-PRESS ENTER" MESS END UNTIL 'HP< 1.2' END END IF BODY "M" SAME BODY "S" SAME OR THEN CLLCD 2 FREEZE MLIMB TMENU "Limb?" PROMPT 'LU' STO 0 MENU END "HEIGHT (m)?" { "" V } INPUT OBJ\-> 'HGT' STO "ENTER for std cond" { ":PRESS (mb): 1010 :TEMPER (C): 10" -14 V } INPUT OBJ\-> 'TMPTR' STO 'PRESS' STO IF BODY "T" SAME THEN "Star" { ":GHA\Gg: :SHA: :DEC: :TIM: " { 1 0 } V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> DUP 'T1' STO 1 + 'T2' STO HMS\-> DUP 'DEC1' STO 'DEC2' STO HMS\-> SWAP HMS\-> + DUP 'GHA1' STO 15.041067 + 'GHA2' STO ELSE "Linear Interp 1" { ":GHA1: :DEC1: :TIM1:" { 1 0 } V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 'T1' STO HMS\-> 'DEC1' STO HMS\-> 'GHA1' STO "Linear Interp 2" { ":GHA2: :DEC2: :TIM2:" { 1 0 } V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 'T2' STO HMS\-> 'DEC2' STO HMS\-> 'GHA2' STO END IF 'T1>T2' THEN "Error:T1>T2" MESS KILL END IF 'GHA1>GHA2 ' THEN "Error:GHA1>GHA2" MESS KILL END "SPEED? (Knots)" { "" V } INPUT OBJ\-> 'SPD' STO IF 'SPD\=/0' THEN "COURSE? (True)" { "" V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 180 RANGE 'CRS' STO DR "TIME OF FIX?" { "" V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 'TF' STO ELSE 0 'CRS' STO 0 'TF' STO END \>> ADDDR \<< 0 \-> n \<< OBS IFERR OBJ\-> THEN DROP 0 ELSE OBJ\-> DROP DROP END 'n' STO "dd.mmss" DRLAT \->HMS "DR_LAT" \->TAG \->STR " " + DRLON \->HMS "DR_LON" \->TAG \->STR + { 1 0 } 'V' 3 \->LIST INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> SWAP HMS\-> 90 n 1 + 3 2 \->LIST \->ARRY 'OBS' STO \>> \>> DR \<< "Dead Reckoning? (hms)" DRLAT \->HMS "DR_LAT" \->TAG \->STR " " + DRLON \->HMS "DR_LON" \->TAG \->STR + { 1 0 } 'V' 3 \->LIST INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 'DRLON' STO HMS\-> 'DRLAT' STO \>> PLOTP \<< IF DEPTH 2 < THEN "LON/LAT NOT ON STACK" MESS KILL END 2 DUPN HMS\-> 'LAT' STO HMS\-> 'LON' STO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \-> g d a l n N sc sc\Gl ssz d0 d1 ll lm top bot \<< "Scale? (NMiles)" { "9" -1 V } INPUT OBJ\-> ABS IF DUP 0 == THEN DROP "SCALE\=/0 PLEASE" MESS KILL END 120 / DUP 'sc' STO LAT COS / 2.0469 * 180 MIN NEG 'sc\Gl' STO ERASE { # 0h # 0h } PVIEW LON sc\Gl + LON RANGE LAT sc + 90 MIN DUP 'top' STO DUP 3 ROLLD R\->C PMAX LON sc\Gl - LON RANGE LAT sc - -90 MAX DUP 'bot' STO DUP 3 ROLLD R\->C PMIN - 2 / 'sc' STO OBS OBJ\-> OBJ\-> DROP2 DUP 'N' STO 3 * DROPN 1 N FOR n DEPTH 'd0' STO OBS { n 1 } GET 'g' STO OBS { n 2 } GET 'd' STO OBS { n 3 } GET 'a' STO IF 'LAT- sc>d+90-a OR LAT+sc <d-90+a' THEN ELSE top d 90 a - + IF DUP 90 > THEN 180 SWAP - END MIN bot d 90 a - - IF DUP -90 < THEN 180 + NEG END MAX IF LAT d < THEN SWAP END DUP2 SWAP - DUP SIGN IF DUP 0 == THEN DROP 1 END SWAP ABS 90 a - PSCALE sc 32 / MAX * 'ssz' STO DUP 'lm' STO SWAP DUP 'll' STO - ssz / CEIL 0 SWAP FOR l g d a l ssz * ll + DUP lm IF ' ssz<0' THEN SWAP END IF > THEN DROP lm END LOP DUP C\->R SWAP g - NEG g + LON RANGE SWAP R\->C DEPTH d0 - ROLLD NEXT DEPTH d0 - 2 / 2 + 'd1' STO WHILE DEPTH d0 - DUP 1 > REPEAT IF d1 \=/ THEN OVER SWAP END LIMIT LINE END DEPTH d0 - DROPN END NEXT LAT COS DUP LON .0083333 ROT / - LAT R\->C SWAP LON .0083333 ROT / + LAT R\->C LINE LON LAT .0083333 - R\->C LON LAT .0083333 + R\->C LINE \>> { } PVIEW \>> ADV \<< 0 0 0 0 0 0 \-> \Gh d \Gl l n n3 \<< "Motion? (nmi,deg true)" { ":DISTANCE: :COURSE: " { 1 0 } V } INPUT OBJ\-> HMS\-> 180 RANGE '\Gh' STO 60 / 'd' STO 2 FIX CLLCD "Old DR: " DRLAT \->HMS \->STR + " " + DRLON \->HMS \->STR + 3 DISP OBS IFERR OBJ\-> THEN DROP ELSE OBJ\-> DROP SWAP DUP 'n' STO * 'n3' STO 1 n START 3 ROLLD 'l' STO '\Gl' STO \Gl l d \Gh RMOVE SWAP 180 RANGE SWAP ROT n3 ROLLD n3 ROLLD n3 ROLLD NEXT { n 3 } \->ARRY 'OBS' STO END DRLON DRLAT d \Gh CCMOVE 'DRLAT' STO 'DRLON' STO "New DR: " DRLAT \->HMS \->STR + " " + DRLON \->HMS \->STR + 4 DISP 4 FIX 3 FREEZE \>> \>> ERROR \<< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \-> H1 H2 D1 D2 G1 G2 DT DH \<< OBS { 1 3 } GET 'H1' STO OBS { N 3 } GET 'H2' STO OBS { 1 2 } GET 'D1' STO OBS { N 2 } GET 'D2' STO OBS { 1 1 } GET 'G1' STO OBS { N 1 } GET 'G2' STO T2 T1 - GHA2 GHA1 - / G2 G1 - * 'DT' STO H2 H1 - 'DH' STO 1 DT / N \v/ / 57.3 H1 H2 + 2 / COS * * 225 D1 D2 + 2 / COS SQ * DH DT / SQ - \v/ / "ERR" \->TAG \>> \>> DRLAT 31.6262161969 DRLON 15.0182575167 NIT 3 ASK \<< { "YES" "" "" "" "" "NO" } TMENU 0 DO DROP -1 WAIT UNTIL DUP { 11.1 16.1 } SWAP POS DUP IF NOT THEN 880 .1 BEEP END END 0 MENU \>> MLIMB { { "LL" \<< 1 CONT \>> } "" { "UL" \<< -1 CONT \>> } "" { "CENT" \<< 0 CONT \>> } "" } MBODY { { "SUN" \<< "S" CONT \>> } { "MOON" \<< "M" CONT \>> } { "VENUS" \<< "VM" CONT \>> } { "MARS" \<< "VM" CONT \>> } { "PLANET" \<< "P" CONT \>> } { "STAR" \<< "T" CONT \>> } } Gx '(\Gb1/(\Ga1-x))^2 +(\Gb2/(\Ga2-x))^2+(\Gb3/ (\Ga3-x))^2-1' x -3.44048231887E-8 RMOVE \<< 0 0 0 0 0 0 \-> \Gl l d \Gh d\Gl dl n\Gl nl r n \<< DRLON DRLAT d \Gh CCMOVE DUP 'nl' STO DRLAT - 'dl' STO DUP 'n\Gl' STO DRLON - 'd\Gl' STO l COS \Gl COS * l COS \Gl SIN * l SIN \->V3 'r' STO 0 0 -1 \->V3 r d\Gl SMOVE 'r' STO n\Gl 90 + DUP COS SWAP SIN 0 \->V3 r dl SMOVE V\-> ASIN 3 ROLLD R\->C ARG SWAP \>> \>> SMOVE \<< \-> n r d \<< d COS r * n n r DOT * 1 d COS - * + r n CROSS d SIN * + \>> \>> CCMOVE \<< 0 \-> \Gl l d \Gh pl \<< \Gh COS d * l + IF DUP ABS 90 \>= THEN SIGN 90 * \Gl SWAP ELSE IF 'ABS( COS(\Gh))<.01' THEN '- SIN(\Gh)*\.S(0,d,1/COS( l+x*COS(\Gh)),x)' \->NUM ELSE 45 l 2 / + 'pl' STO ' -57.295779513*TAN(\Gh )*LN(TAN(pl+d*COS(\Gh )/2)/TAN(pl))' \->NUM END \Gl + SWAP END \>> \>> PSCALE \<< \-> s a \<< IF 's\=/0' THEN 'a/( 360+a/s)' \->NUM ELSE 0 END \>> \>> LON 15.0182575167 LAT 31.6262161969 IERR 9.78679938533E-2 LIMIT \<< 0 0 0 0 0 0 \-> g1 g2 d1 d2 d180 up \<< DUP2 C\->R 'd1' STO 'g1' STO C\->R 'd2' STO 'g2' STO IF 'ABS(g1- g2)>180' THEN DROP2 LON 180 IF 'g1> LON' THEN + ELSE - END 'up' STO 'd1+(up-g1)*(d1 -d2)/(g1-g2)' \->NUM 'd180' STO g2 d2 R\->C up 360 IF 'up> LON' THEN - ELSE + END d180 R\->C up d180 R\->C g1 d1 R\->C LINE END \>> \>> RANGE \<< \-> \Gl \<< WHILE DUP 180 \Gl + > REPEAT 360 - END WHILE DUP -180 \Gl + < REPEAT 360 + END \>> \>> LOP \<< \-> g d a l \<< IF 'ABS(l)\=/ 90' THEN 'g+ ACOS((SIN(a)-SIN(l) *SIN(d))/(COS(l)* COS(d)))' \->NUM ELSE g END DUP IM IF 0 \=/ THEN DROP g END IF 'ABS(l)> 90-ABS(d)+a' THEN 180 + END LON RANGE l R\->C \>> \>> ITER \<< 0 0 \-> f fp \<< \Gb1 \Ga1 \Gm - / SQ DUP 'f' STO+ 2 * \Ga1 \Gm - / 'fp' STO+ \Gb2 \Ga2 \Gm - / SQ DUP 'f' STO+ 2 * \Ga2 \Gm - / 'fp' STO+ \Gb3 \Ga3 \Gm - / SQ DUP 'f' STO+ 2 * \Ga3 \Gm - / 'fp' STO+ -1 'f' STO+ \Gm f fp / - \>> \>> CST { SOLVE ADDOB CORRECT SETUP ADV ADDDR PLOTP TIME \->HMS HMS\-> HMS+ HMS- } REFRACT \<< 0 \-> h rp \<< '1/TAN(h+ 7.31/(h+4.4))' \->NUM 'rp' STO 'rp*(( PRESS-80)/930)/(1+ .00008*(rp+39)*( TMPTR-10))' \->NUM 60 / \>> \>> MESS \<< 3 DISP 7 FREEZE 0 WAIT DROP \>> PPAR { (25.0345573463,27.4595495302) (5.0019576871,35.7928828636) \Gm 0 (0,0) FUNCTION Y } PRESS 1010 TMPTR 10 a0 '-(G12*G23-G13 *G22)*G13+(G11*G23- G12*G13)*G23-(G11* G22-G12^2)*G33' a1 'G11*G22-G12^2 +G11*G33-G13^2+G22* G33-G23^2' TF 0 CRS 0 SPD 0 EV3 '-2*\v/Q*COS((\Gh +360)/3)+N/3' EV2 'N-\Ga1-\Ga3' EV1 '-2*\v/Q*COS(\Gh/ 3)+N/3' OLD 4.02732539364E-4 \Gm 4.02732539364E-4 \Gb3 .637635140172 \Gb2 -.684386502275 \Gb1 -.287515572887 E3 [ .788429842018 -.134721632922 .600190358001 ] E2 [ .101065522502 -.934090506002 -.342433477858 ] E1 [ -.606765312638 -.33064332367 .722849118343 ] INTERP \<< \-> T V1 V2 \<< V1 V2 V1 - T2 T1 - / T T1 - * + \>> \>> GSUM \<< \-> DS DC GS GC HS \<< 0 'G11' STO 0 'G12' STO 0 'G13' STO 0 'G22' STO 0 'G23' STO { 3 } 0 CON 'R' STO OBS OBJ\-> OBJ\-> DROP DROP 'N' STO 1 N START SIN 'HS' STO DUP SIN 'DS' STO COS 'DC' STO DUP SIN 'GS' STO COS 'GC' STO DS SQ 'G11' STO+ DS DC GC * * 'G12' STO+ DS DC GS * * 'G13' STO+ DC SQ GC SQ * 'G22' STO+ DC SQ GS GC * * 'G23' STO+ R OBJ\-> DROP DC GS HS * * + ROT DS HS * + ROT DC GC HS * * + ROT { 3 } \->ARRY 'R' STO NEXT N G11 G22 + - 'G33' STO \>> \>> OUT \<< \-> U V W \<< IF 'ABS(U)> 1' THEN U SIGN 'U' STO END U ASIN V W R\->C ARG \->HMS "LON" \->TAG SWAP \->HMS "LAT" \->TAG \>> \>> UVW \<< \Gb1 \Ga1 \Gm - / E1 * \Gb2 \Ga2 \Gm - / E2 * \Gb3 \Ga3 \Gm - / E3 * + + \>> EIGEN \<< \-> EV \<< 'G12*G23- G13*G22+G13*EV' \->NUM 'G13*G12-G11* G23+G23*EV' \->NUM ' G11*G22-SQ(G12)-( G11+G22)*EV+SQ(EV)' \->NUM { 3 } \->ARRY DUP ABS IF DUP 0 \=/ THEN / ELSE DROP END \>> \>> \Ga2 .86588407145 \Ga3 1.46600912668 \Ga1 .66810680187 \Gh 'ACOS(R1/Q^1.5) ' R1 'A0/2+N/3*(A1/ 6-Q)' Q '(N/3)^2-A1/3' N 3 A0 -.84809073318 A1 2.8273476583 G33 .9787254307 R [ .608017170664 .648440792514 .409228934633 ] G23 -.001255484102 G22 .855154290614 G13 .370729035826 G12 -.10342306594 G11 1.16612027869 GHA2 1 DEC2 1 T2 1 GHA1 0 DEC1 0 T1 0 LU -1 SEMI 0 HP 0 HGT 0 INDX 0 BODY "S" END ------------------------------ CUT HERE -----------------------