[comp.sys.handhelds] binary downloads; HELP

NELSON%VWSCYG@vmsd.oac.uci.edu (Matthew A. Nelson) (12/28/90)

hello all,
  i have been having trouble with binary downloads to my 48sx.  i have had
no luck in downloading the following files:  all of the pc-link libraries
written by hp, and the recently posted MOVE game.  when i download them
and try to execute them, i get the well known "HPHP48-xBLAHBLAH..."
(or something like that; sorry if i dont have the thing memorized, but
you all know what i am talking about) sitting on level one.
  now before everybody and their brother says to "set the file type to
binary, idiot", let me tell you what my configuration is...

48:    IR/wire:       wire
       ASCII/binary:  bianry
       baud:          9600
       parity:        spc 4
       checksum type: 1
       translate code:3

host:  matched as well as possible to the above.

  could the problem lie in the fact that i have to use 7-bit (space parity)
mode?  the host is a VAX/VMS system, and the kermit-32 available will not
work in 8-bit mode (due to some little bug, don't remember exactly what it
is).  the weird thing is that all of the archive/restore operations that i
do work like a charm.

  whats the deal?  send responses to nelson@psroot.ps.uci.edu, and i will
summarize to the net.  thanx.

akcs.falco@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Andrey Dolgachev) (12/29/90)

well there's your problem, you're set to bianry, not binary.  Just fix
that and it should work.  (Just kidding)

prestonb@hpcvra.cv.hp.com. (Preston Brown) (01/03/91)

You may need to set binary transfers when the files are moved 
to the IBM machine.  Also, if you are running kermit from a Unix
machine you must set the binary mode there.  Remember, it is the
mode (binary or not) of the sending side that sets the actual mode.

If you use ftp or kermit to download the files to your PC then they 
will have to be set to binary mode.  XMODEM will not work!
