[comp.sys.handhelds] HP48 Code on a PC

Jake-S@cup.portal.com (Jake G Schwartz) (01/01/91)

Charles Hirst asks:

>	My next question is whether there is a piece of software that allows you
> to write code for the 48 on your PC, and then download it to the calculator.

All you have to do to write code for the 48 on your PC is to literally
write it on the PC. Use the "translate code 3" symbols for special char-
acters (like \<< for open french quotes, for example) as specified in the
manual. Don't worry how long your lines are. Just make sure the file you 
create has no special editor/word processor control characters in it. Then
download the file in ASCII mode to the HP48 and it should run fine. (Famous
last words??)

In addition, HP has just announced the Program Development Link, a package
for the PC that is a text-windowing environment for editing, maintaining,
uploading/downloading and testing HP48 *user* code.  It provides "HP48
Immediate Mode", allowing the user to run HP48 code on the calculator from
the PC (while the calc is connected via serial cable) without having to
type the Kermit "REMOTE HOST" command on every line. There is also context-
sensitive help on line, so you can mouse-click on any HP48 command and get
reference-manual type of information. I'm sure more will be mentioned on
this product in the near future.

Jake Schwartz

akcs.falco@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Andrey Dolgachev) (01/03/91)

In response to Charles' query about HP Internals documents:  Dennis
Nickel has been nice enough to post a very nice document, including
memory addresses in user.programs on the HP board.  It is # 184.  In
addition, there is a posting at #94, Response/attachment #16 of 16, which
is the "compleete" compiliation of all the machine language comments on
c.s.h.  So, try those out and have fun with it.