[net.micro] P-System virtues

taylor (05/09/83)

Relay-Version:version B 3/9/83; site harpo.UUCP
Date:Mon, 9-May-83 15:30:44 EDT

	As an ex-employee of the UCSD Pascal project (via proctoring a
freshman programming class taught (marginally) by Ken Bowles himself),
I have a few thoughts on the P-System:

	First and foremost: It's a great idea whos implementation sucks!
(Pardon the 'french').  I get very hostile when I have to wait 2-3 minutes
to run a previously compiled program that DOES NOTHING!!!! (and on it's
own machine, yet!!!)  The single most needed piece of support software for
the P-System is a p-code to native code translator:  Think of the consequent
advantages; you could write your program in the *cough* language of choice,
Pascal or Fortran or Basic, then distribute the P-Code.  The user could buy
the P-Code then run it through a translator and get !!!voila!!! machine-code
version of the program!!!!

	In the meantime...

	We have some neat machines here on campus (UCSD) not the least of
which are the bit-mapped Terak 8510's.  Nice lumpy computers.  Here (of course)
they run the P-System...funny things happen if you try to use the Basic
compiler that doesn't really exist (according to the P-people) (hah!); the
entire disk that you are running on gets trashed!  YEAH!!!  Neat trick, my
friends and I think - how can we simulate that??

	Ooops: can't get access to ANYTHING to do with the system from within
a p-code based program, since the pcode would have to be specific to the
processor/OS...which conveniently brings up the second major problem with
the P-System:

	Portable Object code, or the Mythical ANSI standard for CPU chips...

	Yes, you guessed it!  All the nifty chips that are currently floating
around have UNIQUE instructions, and certain tasks are better implemented
in different ways on the different chips!  Meanwhile...the P-System says,
'naaahhh....no worrys with this; we'll let the INTERPRETER worry about this,
since it has to be written specifically for each chip anyway!!!'
	But, as they say, there's the rub - the interpreter suddenly becomes
a system unto itself, and the P-code might as well be BASIC source code fed
to a FAST basic interpreter.  At least the user could modify the code to his
(her) own needs if desired!!!

	The crux of the matter is that I don't think that portable object
code is the way to go: I LIKE SOURCE CODE!!!!  If I find a bug in a program
(which they assure us never happens....) I WANT TO FIX IT!!!  ditto if I
decide that certain functions should be added...

	Besides, isn't the proper direction on programming language
standards, not generated CODE standards????

	with a deep sigh of disgust,

					-- Dave Taylor

					trapped deep in the gloomy halls
					of UCSD,  La Jolla, California!!

ps: the tone in this is a bit wierd - post-midterm shock, I guess!