[comp.sys.handhelds] 1/12/91 HP User Meeting Videotape Available

Jake-S@cup.portal.com (Jake G Schwartz) (01/16/91)

Hi folks.....here we go again. A Hewlett-Packard handheld user's meeting
was held in Las Vegas on Saturday, Jan. 12th, 1991 in conjunction with the
Winter Consumer Electronics Show (WCES). The 21 attendees discussed topics
mostly related to HP and the HP48. 

I videotaped the meeting (as well as a short "CES highlights") and am 
willing to make the material available on one VHS tape. There is a total of
four hours of stuff, so copying shall be performed at "LP" speed (4-hr 
capacity) onto T-120 (NTSC-format) tapes.  Much of the discussion was 
centered around the many pages of handouts that were made available by 
several people who were there, so a copy of the handouts will also be 
included. I am asking $15.00 for the material (which inludes first 
class/priority mail) postage. Send a personal check (or whatever) to:

Jake Schwartz
135 Saxby Terrace
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 USA

609-751-1310 home
609-866-6268 work

(NOTE: Wlodek - I'll send you an audiotape copy of the meeting)

The following is a summary of the contents of the videotape from 1/12/91.

           HP Handheld User's Meeting - Saturday, January 12th, 1991
                           Las Vegas, Nevada

List of Topics (some very brief, others lengthy discussions):

1.  Opening remarks 

2.  Leather soft case from Sharper Image fits the HP48 and accessories
    perfectly (but it was designed for the Sharp Wizard)

3.  Comments on use of the HP48 internal RPL programming in commercial

4.  Alan Fudge of Sparcom talks about their HP48 products

5.  Port congestion problem on the HP48/ Issue of copying ROMs into RAM

6.  Bank-switched RAM cards - what are the chances?

7.  HP is relying on the third-party people to develop the majority of
    HP48 devices and software

8.  The user does not want to carry more than one machine around at a time

9.  How would Sparcom feel if users copied their ROMs into RAM for use?
    General comments on copy protection

10. Adam Parsons talks about his navigation software products for the HP48

11. Steve Thomas describes his handout on (1) HP28/48 functional differences;
    (2) 41CV Emulator ROM overview; and (3) his Email conversations with 
    Frank Wales and Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz regarding the emulator ROM

12. John Wettroth introduces the Travtech ADCM-48 low-cost data acquisition
    and control system for the HP48 (Infrared controlled)

13. Educalc Technical Notes series is being opened up to outside authors/
    Discussion of "inertia" in the user community

14. John Beaton of HP describes the new Program Developer's Link (PDL) for
    the HP48 

15. A quick glance at the Sparcom disk drive for the HP48

16. Joseph Horn speaks about Derek Nickel's "Voyager" PC program which
    "unthreads" RPL/machine code in the HP48

17. Third-party software developer advanced support by HP in the coming 
    months (possible "developer's utilities")

18. RPL/machine code entry points: certain ones may be frozen so outside
    developers may take advantage of them

19. The new "PCMCIA" plug-in card standard developed in industry

20. Derek Nickel's "HP48SX Internals" article, Rick Grevelle's "Hacker's
    Toolbox" programs and the "combined" HP48 internal address list presented
    by Jake Schwartz

21. Richard Nelson reviews his handout: calculators for teaching math, the
    "Missing Link" ROM card, PDL data sheet, Interloop HPIL interfaces for
    both Toshiba laptops and general PC's, CMT peripherals data sheets

22. CMT versus HP RAM card functional differences

23. Data sheet of Jim Donnelly's products, HP48 ROM upgrade program, E Z Math
    tutor ROM card, Sparcom data sheets, disk drive instructions

24. Sparcom disk drive discussion, file-handling utilities will be offered
    free with the first hundred or so drives

25. Information on Bill Wickes' "HP48 Insights part 1", including table of
    contents distributed

26. HP48 off-line storage methods compared

27. What's happening with SMI's publication "The Forty Eight Forum" 

28. CMT RAM card low battery not detected by HP48 at power-on

29. Data transfer methods: infra red; 48-to-48 by dual-headed cable; RAM
    card transfer the fastest

30. CMT EEPROM programmer - The sale of CMT's EEPROM cards should help offset
    the low cost of the programmer, in order for them to stay in the
    business. Programmer copies all card types (EPROM, EEPROM, ROM, RAM)

31. CMT needs software for the EEPROM programmer in order to easily assemble
    four 32K images into a single 128K EEPROM card

32. Status of the upcoming Corvallis HP user's conference on August 2-4, 1991

33. General discussion about how rumors spread from one source to the outside

34. New Casio FX-7700G graphics calculator - only 6 units have been built so
    far, and all were at the CES booth.

35. The codename selection for projects in industry

36. HP hasn't really thought out the Serial I/O Kit and new PDL kit pricing
    very thoroughly to this point.


           Winter CES Highlights (on tape)- 1/10/91 to 1/13/91 

1.  HP        HP48SX awards list, EDN Innovation award, remainder of booth,
              PC screen showing program developer's link program running

2.  Sony      New DAT Walkman 

3.  Steadicam Jr. camcorder positioning product

4.  Casio     Industrial LCD displays plus the Japanese version of the BOSS

5.  "In the Picture" automatic camcorder and tripod camcorder steering device

6.  3D video demo showing balloons floating in mid air (no glasses needed) 
    (similar to "ballerina" video taped at last Summer's CES)

7.  Nintendo  game area, occupying an entire outside building
              Monopoly for Nintendo
              "Darth Vader" at Lucasfilm Games booth
              "Miracle" piano teaching system for Nintendo
              "Hatris" game

8.  Noritsu   "Create-a-Print" automatic 35mm photo printing/cropping/en-
              laring system

9.  Kodak     Photo-CD system. Up to 100 35mm negatives transferred in
              digital 2K by 3K pixel color format to write-once CD. Signifi-
              cantly higher resolution than high-definition TV. Cost to be 
              less than $20./disk. Consumer CD still-video players (also
              compatible with audio CDs) will be under $500. High-resolution
              prints (in various sizes up to approx. 17 by 22) will be
              available from outlets that make the CDs. Not all photos have 
              to be transferred to the digital disk at once. System to be
              available in June of 1992.

10. A large dot-matrix advertising sign for commercial use.

11. Casio     New FX-7700G graphics calculator. 4K RAM, expanded features
              BOSS organizer plug-in cards for SF-9000, 9500 models

12. Sharp     VL-L510U full-sized VHS camcorder with 16-to-1 zoom
              Wizard OZ-8000/8200 models
              Tetris card, bible card
              4-inch, 5.6-inch and 8.6-inch LCD color monitors
              Full line of Wizard cards
              CE-50P Wizard printer peripheral
              Organizer system diagram

13. T I       TI-81 graphics calculator, TI68 scientific machine
              Learning devices (Super Speak & Math, etc)
              PS-6600 64K RAM Organizer (32 by 6 LCD, PC link, etc.)

14. Toshiba   10.4-inch color LCD TV (640 by 480 resolution)

15. IBM       Glimpse of their first CES booth. PS/1 and PS/2 highlighted

16. Commodore Amiga products highlighted, especially the "CD-TV" multimedia
              products (very brief glimpse)

17. Selectronics handheld Random House Encyclopedia product 

18. Memorex   MRX G1 and G2 laptop machines - actually the Psion MC400 and
              MC600 units

19. IBM       PS/2 multimedia demo glimpse

20. "Hot Seat" chair controller for Nintendo games

21. Synetic Systems sight/sound "relaxation device"

22. phones, phones and still more phones

23. "Danceman" dancing AM/FM radio

(end of list)

MAGZP@ROHVM1.BITNET (Wayne I. Pridgen) (01/16/91)

Hi Jake,
Please save me a tape from that Vegas Meeting and I will get it from you
at our next meeting.

Thank You

Wayne Pridgen