[comp.sys.handhelds] HP48SX Internals Address list part 3 of 3

Jake-S@cup.portal.com (Jake G Schwartz) (01/30/91)

Part 3 of 3:

80000:  P0_base
C0000:  P1_base
1E6C1            PARAMETRIC (XLIB 2 223) /:  Cmd_PARMTRC
2202C            PARITY (XLIB 2 371) /:  Cmd_PARITY
2ECCA   Internal PARITY (1:Real)     /:  Parity_real
1A125            PATH (XLIB 2 33)    /:  Cmd_PATH
1848C   Internal PATH                /:  Path
1E201            PDIM (XLIB 2 195)   /:  Cmd_PDIM
4B300   Internal PDIM (2:Binary,1:Binary)
4B206   Internal PDIM (2:Complex,1:Complex)
4B323   Internal PDIM (2:Syst Bin,1:Syst Bin)
1C236            PERM (XLIB 2 130)   /:  Cmd_PERM
2AE75   Internal PERM (2:Real,1:Real) /=  Perm_real
55D82   Internal PERM (2:Real,1:Symbolic) /=  Perm_real_algGlob
55D69   Internal PERM (2:Symbolic,1:Real) /=  Perm_algGlob_real
55D9B   Internal PERM (2:Symbolic,1:Symbolic) /=  Perm_algGlob
2123A            PGDIR (XLIB 2 351)  /:  Cmd_PGDIR
18595   Internal PGDIR (1:Global Nm)
54D35   Internal pi (3.14159265359)  /:  Pi
1AABD            pi (XLIB 2 63)               /:  Cmd_pi
1FC9A            PICK (XLIB 2 279)   /:  Cmd_PICK
032E2   Internal PICK (N:...,1:Syst Bin) /:  Pick
611FE   Internal 3 PICK              /:  Pick3
032F3:           pick_a_from_c
63740:           Pick3_Add
517B2:           Pick3_Grobsize
193A3:           Pick3_Recall
6121C:           Pick4
63754:           Pick4_Add
62DE5:           Pick4_Add_Swap
63FBA:           Pick4_Pick4
62EF3:           Pick4_Swap
6123A:           Pick5
6125E:           Pick6
61282:           Pick7
612A9:           Pick8
1E436            PICT (XLIB 2 210)   /:  Cmd_PICT
1E36E            PIX? (XLIB 2 205)   /:  Cmd_PIXp
4F4A3   Internal PIX? (1:Complex)
4F4BC   Internal PIX? (1:List)
1E344            PIXOFF (XLIB 2 204) /:  Cmd_PIXOFF
4F471   Internal PIXOFF (1:Complex)
4F48A   Internal PIXOFF (1:List)
1E31A            PIXON (XLIB 2 203)  /:  Cmd_PIXON
4F3EF   Internal PIXON (1:Complex)
4F458   Internal PIXON (1:List)
220DD            PKT (XLIB 2 377)    /:  Cmd_PKT
2E8D1   Internal PKT (2:String,1:String) /=  Pkt_strings
51328   place BAR (XLIB 2 227) on the stack, do not call
51314   place HISTOGRAM (XLIB 2 226) on the stack, do not call
06E97   Place next address on the stack, do not execute /:  Get_value
        /-  push_next_addr/object_in_rpl_instruction_stream_to_stk_unevaluated
51300   place SCATTER on the stack, do not call
710F6:  plot_GROB_h
710F1:  plot_GROB_len
710FB:  plot_GROB_w
71100:  plot_dispmem
1ACDD:           Cmd_unary_plus
1E09E            PMAX (XLIB 2 185)   /:  Cmd_PMAX
4B0C6   Internal PMAX (1:Complex)
1E07E            PMIN (XLIB 2 184)   /:  Cmd_PMIN
4B09E   Internal PMIN (1:Complex)
70565   pointer to PICT              /=  graph_GROB_ptr
705AB   pointer to alarm list
7059C   pointer to current dir       /:  cur_dir
70588   pointer to current loop information /=  loop_context
70551   pointer to menu display      /=  Menu_GROB_ptr
7055B   pointer to stack display     /=  Stk_56line_GROB_ptr
1E6A1            POLAR (XLIB 2 222)  /:  Cmd_POLAR
0477E:  poll_kbd
704DC=  pollflag
704C3=  pollpattern
06641   MC: pop TOS (Syst Bin) -> A.A /:  getshort
03F5D   MC: pop TOS-1 and TOS (Syst Bin) -> A.A and C.A /:  get2shorts
61ACE:  pop2_rplret
35B3D:  popd1_eval_ret
35C14:  popd1_eval_ret_ref
070F5:  pop_rplret
114C9:  popshort_store_indc
08D14:  pop_store_ind_c_rplret
0AB82-    return_port_pointers_1short     
1CAB4            POS (XLIB 2 161)    /:  Cmd_POS
1CAF0   Internal POS (2:List,1:Any)  /:  Pos_list_any
1CAD7   Internal POS (2:String,1:String) /:  Pos_string_string
2A7E3:  PositiveLev2p
2A7F7:  Positivep
1EE53            PR1 (XLIB 2 240)    /:  Cmd_PR1
318FE   Internal PR1
1FF7A            PREDV (XLIB 2 303)  /:  Cmd_PREDV
1FFBA            PREDX (XLIB 2 305)  /:  Cmd_PREDX
2CB75   Internal PREDX (1:Real)
1FF9A            PREDY (XLIB 2 304)  /:  Cmd_PREDY
2CB02   Internal PREDY (1:Real)
11533-  prg_on  (LCD status msg)
53C23:  Principal_flag_p
1EF63            PRLCD (XLIB 2 246)  /:  Cmd_PRLCD
31EE2   Internal PRLCD
02D9D   Program                      /:  type_Program
621EC:  Programp
632D1            ->Program and EVAL (N:...,1:Syst Bin) /:  ToPrg_Eval
05445   Internal ->PROGRAM (N:...,1:Syst Bin) /:  ToPrg
054AF-           program\->_1program
23824            PROMPT (XLIB 1792 28) /:  Cmd_PROMPT
2EC52:  Proper_baudrate_p
1EE89            PRST (XLIB 2 242)   /:  Cmd_PRST
31A25   Internal PRST
1EE6E            PRSTC (XLIB 2 241)  /:  Cmd_PRSTC
318A4   Internal PRSTC
1EEBF            PRVAR (XLIB 2 244)  /:  Cmd_PRVAR
31D56   Internal PRVAR (1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
1EF1E   Internal PRVAR (1:List)
1EEEC   Internal PRVAR (1:Tagged)
20EFE            PURGE (XLIB 2 343)  /:  Cmd_PURGE
1854F   Internal PURGE (1:Global Nm)
20F35   Internal PURGE (1:List)
20F8A   Internal PURGE (1:PICT)
217F1   Internal PURGE (1:Tagged)
07497-           purge_local(s)
089D8-           purge_1external(true/false)2any(variable_contents)
089FA-           purge_1any(variable_contents)   
54419   push A (Real) as Binary
03DC7:  Push_A_and_rplret
0357C   MC: push A as new Syst Bin and continue RPL /:  pusha_rplret_alt
03A86:  pusha_rplret
627CE:  pusha_rplret_alt_ref
627E2:  push_a_twice
03FBD   push Algebraic prolog <2AB8h> /:  Short__type_Algebraic
1C661   push Binary @ D0
5422C:  pushbin_r0_rplret
114B3   Push @C.A as new Syst Bin    /:  pushindc_short
61087:  pushc15_r15_a5_rplret
610ED:  pushc_rplret
03F95   push Complex prolog <2977h>  /:  Short__type_Complex
07221   push current loop counter as Syst Bin /:  Loop_increment
        /-  rcl_current_loop_count
03FC7   push Directory prolog <2A96h> /:  Short__type_Directory
2A83E:  pushFalse_alt3
03B06   MC: push False and continue RPL /:  False_rplret
03FA9   push Global Nm prolog <2911h> /:  Short__type_Gname
5179E   push GROB dimensions (2:Rows,1:Columns)
08D66:  pushindc_rplret
41A2B:  pushindc_rplret_ref2
14039   Push Last Err# as Syst Bin   /-  errn    
03F9F   push List prolog <2A74h>     /:  Short__type_List
03FD1   push Local Nm prolog <2E6Dh> /:  Short__type_Lname
03FDB   push Long Real prolog <2955h> /:  Short__type_LReal
06EC9:  pushobj_a_rplret
03FB3   push Program prolog <2D9Dh>  /:  Short__type_Program
03F8B   push Real prolog <2933h>     /:  Short__type_Real
2E31F:  pushr0_and_false
06537   MC: push R0 as new Syst Bin  /:  shortpush_r0
0357F:  pushr0_rplret_alt
62504:  pushShortA_alt_ref_2
6266D:  pushShortA_alt_ref_3         /:  push_a_ref_3
120EE:  pushShortA_rplret_alt_ref
6266B:  pushShort_cAddA
64236:  pushsmallshort_a
64214:  pushsmallshort_a_c
2A858:  pushTrue_alt3
03B1A   MC: push True and continue RPL
03FE5   push Unit prolog <2ADAh>     /:  Short__type_Unit
1D407            PUT (XLIB 2 176)    /:  Cmd_PUT
1D4DE   Internal PUT (3:Array,2:Real/List,1:Real/Complex)
1D484   Internal PUT (3:Global Nm,2:Real/List,1:Any)
1D524   Internal PUT (3:List,2:Real/List,1:Any)
1D565   Internal PUT (3:Local Nm,2:Real/List,1:Any)
18CCE   Put Error Code in C.A into A /:  disp_error_c
1D5DF            PUTI (XLIB 2 177)   /:  Cmd_PUTI
1D6B6   Internal PUTI (3:Array,2:Real/List,1:Real/Complex)
1D65C   Internal PUTI (3:Global Nm,2:Real/List,1:Any)
1D701   Internal PUTI (3:List,2:Real/List,1:Any)
1D747   Internal PUTI (3:Local Nm,2:Real/List,1:Any)
211FC            PVARS (XLIB 2 350)  /:  Cmd_PVARS
1E2F0            PVIEW (XLIB 2 202)  /:  Cmd_PVIEW
4F011   Internal PVIEW (1:Complex)
4F02F   Internal PVIEW (1:List)
20220            PWRFIT (XLIB 2 322) /:  Cmd_PWRFIT
2AA70=  PwrReal                      /-  ^_1real2real
1E27A            PX->C (XLIB 2 198)  /:  Cmd_PXtoC
4F0AC   Internal PX->C (1:List)
1F9C4            ->Q (XLIB 2 263)    /:  Cmd_toQ
1F9E9            ->Qpi (XLIB 2 264)  /:  Cmd_toQpi
20AB3            QUAD (XLIB 2 337)   /:  Cmd_QUAD
591AD   Internal QUAD (2:Symbolic,1:Global Nm) /=  Quad
1F500            QUOTE (XLIB 2 257)  /:  Cmd_QUOTE
1F542   Internal QUOTE (1:Algebraic)
1605F-  quotes_in_string_1string
1969B            R->B (XLIB 2 9)     /:  Cmd_RtoB
543F9   Internal R->B /=  Real_to_binary
1C79E            R->C (XLIB 2 153)   /:  Cmd_RtoC
36039   Internal R->C (2:Array,1:Array) /=  RtoC_array
05C27   Internal R->C (2:Real,1:Real) /:  Two_reals_to_complex
51A37:           Real_as_complex     /-  real\->complex_1real
1BEF4            R->D (XLIB 2 113)   /:  Cmd_RtoD
2A655   Internal R->D (1:Real)       /=  RtoD_real
5523D   Internal R->D (1:Symbolic)   /=  RtoD_algGlob
2A5C1   Internal R->LR (1:Real)
62E8F   Internal R->LR and SWAP (1:Real)
18CEA   Internal R->SB (1:Real)      /:  Real_to_Short
62CE1   Internal R->SB and DUP       /:  R_to_S_Dup
62E7B   Internal R->SB and SWAP (1:Real) /:  RealToShort_Swap
214A9   Internal R->SB and verify >= <100h> and != <700h>
1C3B4            RAD (XLIB 2 136)    /:  Cmd_RAD
2A5F0   Internal RAD                 /=  Rad
70000:  RAM_base
1C1B9            RAND (XLIB 2 127)   /:  Cmd_RAND
2AFC2   Internal RAND                /=  Rand
706A4   Random Seed
1FB5D            RATIO (XLIB 2 268)  /:  Cmd_RATIO
1F133            RCEQ (XLIB 2 249)   /:  Cmd_RCEQ
1572B   Internal RCEQ
15744   Internal RCEQ -> Contents,True/False
20B40            RCL (XLIB 2 340)    /:  Cmd_RCL
20B81   Internal RCL (1:Global Nm/Local Nm) /=  Rcl
62A34   Internal RCL (1:Global Nm/Local Nm) -> Contents,True/False
20B9A   Internal RCL (1:List (path/object))
20CAD   Internal RCL (1:PICT)
21761   Internal RCL (1:Tagged)
1853B=           Recall
04A0B-  rcl_variable_name_1short/ rcl_rom_operation_1short 
        /- rcl_rom_directory_1short
04A41-  rcl_variable_name_1short/ rcl_rom_menu_as_string_1short
19928            RCLALARM (XLIB 2 26) /:  Cmd_RCLALRM
0E3DF   Internal RCLALARM            /:  Rclalrm
1C619            RCLF (XLIB 2 150)   /:  Cmd_RCLF
1C637   Internal recall System Flags /:  Get_system_flags
1C64E   Internal recall User Flags   /:  Get_user_flags
22586            RCLKEYS (XLIB 2 382) /:  Cmd_RCLKEYS
211E1            RCLMENU (XLIB 2 349) /:  Cmd_RCLMENU
415C9   Internal RCLMENU
1FD46            RCLsigma (XLIB 2 285) /:  Cmd_RCLsigma
2C2AC   Internal RCLsigma
2C293   Internal RCLsigma -> Contents,True/False
0E235            Recall 'Alarms' list
08D5A            recall current directory     /:  Get_curdir
04CE6-           rcl_five_nibbles_at_70673_as_short
08326-           rcl_first_directory/variable_1directory
08D82-           rcl_home_directory
08309-           rcl_next_directory_up_1directory
08376-           rcl_next_directory/variable_1external2directory
0E402            Recall N'th Alarm (1:Syst Bin) -> (Alarm/True,False)
12665            recall PICT                  /:  Get_graphGrob
1C637   Internal recall System Flags /:  Get_system_flags
1C64E   Internal recall User Flags   /:  Get_user_flags
1C5FE            RCWS (XLIB 2 149)   /:  Cmd_RCWS
54039   Internal RCWS -> Syst Bin    /:  Get_WS
53CF0   Internal RCWS                /:  Rcws
1D0DF            RDM (XLIB 2 172) /: Cmd_RDM
1D10C   Internal RDM (2:Array,1:List)
1D125   Internal RDM (2:Global Nm,1:List)
1D152   Internal RDM (2:Local Nm,1:List)
1C1D4            RDZ (XLIB 2 128)    /:  Cmd_RDZ
2B044   Internal RDZ (1:Real)        /=  Rdz_real
1C7CA            RE (XLIB 2 154)     /:  Cmd_RE
35F8F   Internal RE (1:Array)        /=  RE_ComplexArr
519A3   Internal RE (1:Complex)      /=  RE_Complex
54EA0   Internal RE (1:Symbolic)     /=  RE_Algebraic
02933   Real                         /:  type_Real
51A37:  Real_as_complex              /-  real\->complex_1real
54451:  Real_to_Bin_x_positive
54422:  Real_to_Binary_positive
194F7=  TwoReal_to_Shorts
162AC:  Real_to_string               /-  \->str_1real    
02955   Long Real                    /:  type_LReal
05C8A:  Two_lreals_to_lcomplex
21F62            RECN (XLIB 2 365)   /:  Cmd_RECN
2D816   Internal RECN (1:String/Global Nm/Local Nm) 
        /=  Recn_name /=  Recn_string
21F96            RECV (XLIB 2 366)   /:  Cmd_RECV
22647   Reference to hash table for library 002 (XLIB 2)
22DFE   Reference to hash table for library 700 (XLIB 1792)
60F21:  Remove_lev3                  /-  drop_level_3    
2305D            REPEAT (XLIB 1792 6) /:  Cmd_REPEAT
23085   Internal REPEAT (1:Real)
230A3   Internal REPEAT (1:Symbolic)
1C8EA            REPL (XLIB 2 157)   /:  Cmd_REPL
4F9F3   Internal REPL (3:Graphic,2:Complex,1:Graphic) /=  Repl_grob_cmplx_grob
4F999   Internal REPL (3:Graphic,2:List,1:Graphic) /=  Repl_grob_list_grob
4FA7A   Internal REPL (3:List,2:Real,1:List) /=  Repl_list_string_list
4FA2F   Internal REPL (3:PICT,2:List/Complex,1:Graphic) 
        /=  Repl_prg_cmplx_grob /=  Repl_prg_list_grob
4FAF7   Internal REPL (3:String,2:Real,1:String) /=  Repl_string_real_string
620A0   Replace TOS with False       /:  ret_set_False
62080   Replace TOS with True        /:  ret_set_True
1E126            RES (XLIB 2 188)    /:  Cmd_RES
4AFEF   Internal RES (1:Real)
4B012   Internal RES (1:positive Real/Binary)
2133C            RESTORE (XLIB 2 353) /:  Cmd_RESTORE
21B2F   Internal RESTORE (1:Backup)
067D2   MC: restore D,B,D1,D0 (C=D0), clear carry /:  restore_regs
05143   MC: Restore D,B,D1,D0 (C=D0), Clear Carry and continue RPL
0679B   MC: save D0,D1,B,D (uses C,D0), clear carry /:  save_regs
0CBEF:  restore_regs_and_p
03672   MC: restore registers, push A and continue RPL 
        /:  restore_regs_pusha_ret
620D2   MC: restore regs and push False /:  ret_FalseTrue
620B9   MC: restore regs and push True
624AC:  restore_regs_ref_2
65A38:  RE_Real_alt
6296D:  Return_alt
626DC   Return and execute the fourth token in this stream /:  Skip_3_exec
06FD6   MC: return and execute the next token in this stream 
        /:  eval_and_ret /:  rpl_return
06FD1   Return and execute the next token in this stream /:  Eval_prev_context
626EE   Return and execute the second token in this stream /:  Skip_1_exec
626AE   Return and execute the sixth token in this stream /:  Skip_5_exec
626E5   Return and execute the third token in this stream /:  Skip_2_exec
3030633A=  ret_c
363A436D=  ret_c
31666563=  ret_c
620DC:  ret_False
620D9:  ret_FalseTrue_2
0CB0F:  ret_FalseTrue_2_ref
62986   Return, if pop TOS = True, then do next/return, else skip next 
        /:  Ret_if_notTrue
629A1   Return, if pop TOS = True, then skip next, else do next/return 
        /:  Ret_if_True
63D12:  Return_if_LessThan_short_short
63DA3:  Return_if_notArray
63DDF:  Return_if_notFalse
63D4E:  Return_if_notGreaterThan_Short_2
63E1B:  Return_if_notReal
63CD6:  Return_if_not_identical
61A18:  Return_if_short_0
0AB82-  return_port_pointers_1short     
620C3:  ret_True
620B9:  ret_TrueFalse
620C0:  ret_TrueFalse_2
61998:  ret_if_false
62076:  ret_set_FalseTrue
6207D:  ret_set_FalseTrue_2
62096:  ret_set_TrueFalse
6209D:  ret_set_TrueFalse_2
60F33:  Rev3                         /-  reverse_3       
60F0E:  Rev3_Drop                    /-  reverse_3_drop  
62CF5:  Rev3_Dup
6326D:  RightStr
63281:  RightStr_Plus1
1959B            RL (XLIB 2 1)       /:  Cmd_RL
53E0C   Internal RL                  /:  Rl_bin
195BB            RLB (XLIB 2 2)      /:  Cmd_RLB
53E3B   Internal RLB                 /:  Rlb_bin
1BD55            RND (XLIB 2 108)    /:  Cmd_RND
35E2C   Internal RND (2:Array,1:Real)
35EC2   Internal RND (2:Complex,1:Real) /2=  Rnd_complex_real
2B529   Internal RND (2:Real,1:Real) /=  Rnd_real
55DCD   Internal RND (2:Real/Complex/Array/Unit,1:Symbolic) /=  Rnd_real_algGlob

55DB4   Internal RND (2:Symbolic,1:Real) /=  Rnd_algGlob_real
55DE6   Internal RND (2:Symbolic,1:Symbolic) /=  Rnd_algGlob
0FD68   Internal RND (2:Unit,1:Real) /=  Rnd_unit_real
1BF9E            RNRM (XLIB 2 118)   /:  Cmd_RNRM
368E5   Internal RNRM (1:Array)      /=  Rnrm_array
3690D   Internal RNRM... (1:Array)
1FCB5            ROLL (XLIB 2 280)   /:  Cmd_ROLL
03325   Internal ROLL (N:...,1:Syst Bin) /:  Roll
62F89   Internal ROLL and DROP (N:...,1:Syst Bin) /:  DropNth
62D45   Internal ROLL and SWAP (N:...,1:Syst Bin) /:  Roll_Swap
60FBB   Internal 4 ROLL              /:  Roll4
62864-           4_roll_drop
62ECB:           Roll4_Swap
60FD8   Internal 5 ROLL              /:  Roll5
62880-           5_roll_drop 
61002:           Roll6
6106B:           Roll7
6103C:           Roll8
612EC:  roll_a_lev_ref
03330:  roll_a_levels
1FCD0            ROLLD (XLIB 2 281)  /:  Cmd_ROLLD
0339E   Internal ROLLD (N:...,1:Syst Bin) /:  Rolld
60FAC=           Rolld3
6109E:           Rolld4
60FBB-           4_rolld 
62D09:           Rolld4_Dup
610C4:           Rolld5
610FA:           Rolld6
62BC4   Internal 7 ROLLD (7:...,1:Any) /:  Rolld7
63119   Internal 8 ROLLD             /:  Rolld8
6312D   Internal 10 ROLLD            /:  Rolld10
6134C:  rolld_a_lev_ref
033A9:  rolld_a_levels
705D9   ROM: ML Version Output
1F16E            ROOT (XLIB 2 251)   /:  Cmd_ROOT
32F77   Internal ROOT (3 args)
1FC0E            ROT (XLIB 2 274)    /:  Cmd_ROT
03295   Internal ROT                 /=  Rot
62C7D   Internal ROT and DUP2 (3:Any,2:Any,1:Any) /:  Rot_Dup2
62CA5   Internal ROT and OVER        /:  Rot_Over
637B8   Internal ROT and add one (Syst Bin) /:  Rot_inc_short
62DCC:           Rot_AddShort_Swap
62775:           Rot_Dup
63718:           Rot_add
63768:           Rot_sub
05F42   RPL Garbage Collect          /-  force_memory_packing
03130   RPL RETURN                   /:  rpl_end
706C5   RPL System Flags             /=  System_flags
706D5   RPL User Flags               /=  User_flags
62966:  rpl_return_ref
08D75:  rpljump_indc
41A32:  rpljump_indc_ref2
62544:  rplret_2
03585:  rplret_3
619D6:  rplret_4
6196C:  rplret_6_ref
3574C:  rplret_7
12002:  rplret_8
2A867:  rplret_9
195DB            RR (XLIB 2 3)       /:  Cmd_RR
53DA4   Internal RR                  /:  Rr_bin
2A837:           rr_pushFalse_alt3
2A851:           rr_pushTrue_alt3
08072:           rr_pusha_jumpTrue
079AE:           rr_pusha_jumpTrue_ref
07EC4:           rr_setFalse_rplret
079D3:           rr_setFalse_rplret_ref
195FB            RRB (XLIB 2 4)      /:  Cmd_RRB
53DE1   Internal RRB                 /:  Rrb_bin
1C03E            RSD (XLIB 2 123)    /:  Cmd_RSD
365AC   Internal RSD (3:Array,2:Array,1:Array) /=  Rsd_array
20A7D            RULES (XLIB 2 335)  /:  Cmd_RULES
3FDD1   Internal RULES               /=  Rules
1E761            SAME (XLIB 2 228)   /:  Cmd_SAME
03B97   Internal SAME -> True/False  /-  same_(boolean)_1any2any
705BA   save arg ptrs (15 Nibbles)   /=  last_args
0679B   MC: save D0,D1,B,D (uses C,D0), clear carry /:  save_regs
706FF   Save Last Err#
18C77   MC: save last RPL token      /:  save_toh_sub_10
18AA5   Save last RPL token and verify DEPTH >= 1 /:  Need_1_arg_retq
        /-  need_1_argument_(xlib)  
18A80   Save last RPL token and verify DEPTH >= 2 /:  Need_2_args_retq
        /-  need_2_arguments_(xlib) 
18A5B   Save last RPL token and verify DEPTH >= 3 /:  Need_3_args_retq
        /-  need_3_arguments_(xlib) 
18B92   Save last RPL token and verify DEPTH >= 4 /:  Need_4_args_retq
        /-  need_4_arguments_(xlib) 
18B6D   Save last RPL token and verify DEPTH >= 5 /:  Need_5_args_retq
        /-  need_5_arguments_(xlib) 
18A1E   save last RPL token, stack size, clear @706FD.S /=  No_Args
        /-  need_0_arguments_(save_last_stack)
18ECE   Save last RPL token, verify DEPTH >= 1 and check args. 
        /:  Switch_on_argtype        /-  need_&_check_1_argument
18EDF   Save last RPL token, verify DEPTH >= 2 and check args. 
        /=  Switch_on_2_argtypes     /-  need_&_check_2_arguments
18EF0   Save last RPL token, verify DEPTH >= 3 and check args. 
        /:  Switch_on_3argtypes      /-  need_&_check_3_arguments        
18F01   Save last RPL token, verify DEPTH >= 4 and check args.
        /-  need_&_check_4_arguments        
18F12   Save last RPL token, verify DEPTH >= 5 and check args.
        /-  need_&_check_5_arguments 
18C34   Save last token, check args, R->SB and verify TOS < DEPTH-1 
        /:  ToShort_Need_n_args_alt   /-  need_n_arguments_1real2any...nany
35AE1:  save_regs_ref
11CC5:  save_regs_ref_3
04693:  save_regs_ref_4
70574   saved B (return stack pointer) /=  FramePtr
7066E   saved D (free stack space)   /=  FreeMem
705B0   saved D0 (RPL thread pointer) /=  TOH
70579   saved D1 (RPL stack pointer) /=  TOS
18A27   MC: save stack size, clear @706FD.S and continue RPL
05A75-           SB->Char (1:Syst Bin)
059CC-           SB->B (1:Syst Bin)
63B96   Internal SB->LR (1:Syst Bin)
18DBF   Internal SB->R (1:Syst Bin)  /:  Short_to_real
220C2            SBRK (XLIB 2 376)   /:  Cmd_SBRK
2EE18   Internal SBRK                /:  Sbrk_real
1E1E1            SCALE (XLIB 2 194)  /:  Cmd_SCALE
4AE3C   Internal SCALE (2:Real,1:Real)
F0000:  Scan_RAM_base
2018C            SCATRPLOT (XLIB 2 318) /:  Cmd_SCTRPLT
1E701            SCATTER (XLIB 2 225) /:  Cmd_SCATTER
1C41E            SCI (XLIB 2 139)    /:  Cmd_SCI
1C437   Internal SCI (1:Real)        /:  Sci_real
166EF   Internal SCI (1:Syst Bin)    /=  SetSci
200C4            SCLsigma (XLIB 2 313) /:  Cmd_SCLsigma
203CC            SCONJ (XLIB 2 326)  /:  Cmd_SCONJ
203EF   Internal SCONJ (1:Global Nm)
20412   Internal SCONJ (1:Local Nm)
1FECF            SDEV (XLIB 2 299)   /:  Cmd_SDEV
2C5A3   Internal SDEV
21EF0            SEND (XLIB 2 363)   /:  Cmd_SEND
2E5AB   Internal SEND (1:Global Nm/Local Nm) /=  Send_name
2E6EB   Internal SEND (1:List)       /=  Send_list
21FD1            SERVER (XLIB 2 368) /:  Cmd_SERVER
2D9F5   Internal SERVER              /=  Server
04D0E:  Set_70673
6102F:  set_a_rplret
11FFF:  seta_rplret
03B68:  seta_rplret_alt2
11F1D:  set_c_nib7_0fh
11F1F:  set_c_p_fh
08D08:  Set_curdir                   /-  sto_directory_1global2directory 
        /-  updir_1directory_(pre-existing)
20234   set curve-fitting model in 'sigmaPAR' (1:model)
6384E:  setd0tos
6385D:  setd1tos
055A3:  setfalse
6210C:  Set_false
2A843:  setFalse_alt3
08D9E:  setHome_c
41A24:  setindc_rplret_ref2
1884D   Set last RPL Token to <0h>   /:  Short0_End
1592D   Set last RPL token to <0h> and verify DEPTH >= 1
07295:  Set_loop_counter
07270:  Set_loop_increment
072AD:  Set_loop_v1q
072C2:  Set_loop_v2q
6400F:  Set_loopctr_to_0
03B65:  setr0_rplret_alt2
0717B   MC: set return to A and continue RPL /:  set_return_a
0716B   set return to self           /:  Set_return_self
07170   MC: set return to self and continue RPL /:  set_return
62535:  Set_short_0
04D43:  set_string_null
04D3E:  Set_string_null
53731   Set system flag (1:Syst Bin) /:  Setflag
08DC4:  SetTmpdir_Home
0558F:  settrue
62103:  Set_true
2A85D:  setTrue_alt3
0558A:  settrue_if_CEqA_elseFalse
6254E:  Set_twoShort0
05ACC:  Settype                      /-  change_prolog_1short2any
53725   Set user flag (1:Syst Bin)   /:  Setflag_q
1C274            SF (XLIB 2 131)     /:  Cmd_SF
1C28D   Internal SF (1:Real)         /:  Sf_real
53731            Set system flag (1:Syst Bin) /:  Setflag
53725            Set user flag   (1:Syst Bin) /:  Setflag_q
05574:  short_5_p
0556F:  Short_5_p
05566:  Short_5_p_alt
63A15:  Short_Endq
055B7:  Short__End_p
03F14:  shortpushR0R1_rplret
18D07:  shortpush_a_replret
18D0A:  shortpush_r0_rplret
06529:  shortpush_r0r1
05A75:  Short_to_char
167D8-  short\->real\->string_(colon)_1short
167E4-  short\->real\->string_1short
1685C-  short\->real\->string_+_(colon)_1short2string
1686A-  short\->real\->string_+_(colon)_1short2string
19529=  ListOf_short_to_real
1950B:  TwoShorts_to_reals
6212F:  Shortp
20AD3            SHOW (XLIB 2 338)   /:  Cmd_SHOW
58D75   Internal SHOW (2:Symbolic,1:Global Nm/Local Nm) 
        /=  Show_global /=  Show_local
20B00   Internal SHOW (2:Symbolic,1:List) /=  Show_list
56A4C   Internal sigma (4:Symbolic,3:Real,2:Symbolic,1:Any)
56AC9   Internal sigma (4:Symbolic,3:Real,2:Real,1:Any)
56A06   Internal sigma (4:Symbolic,3:Symbolic,2:Real,1:Any)
56949   Internal sigma (4:Symbolic,3:Symbolic,2:Symbolic,1:Any)
1F2C9            sigma (XLIB 2 254)  /:  Cmd_sigma
2C32E   Internal sigma+ (1:Array)
2C2D9   Internal sigma+ (1:Real)
1FD61            sigma+ (XLIB 2 286) /:  Cmd_sigmaAdd
2C423   Internal sigma-
1FD8B            sigma- (XLIB 2 287) /:  Cmd_sigmaSub
4A16C   Internal sigmaLINE
200F3            sigmaLINE (XLIB 2 314) /:  Cmd_sigmaLINE
2C94F   Internal sigmaX
1FDF7            sigmaX (XLIB 2 291) /:  Cmd_sigmaX
2C9BD   Internal sigmaX*Y
1FE63            sigmaX*Y (XLIB 2 295) /:  Cmd_sigmaXmulY
2C977   Internal sigmaX^2
1FE2D            sigmaX^2 (XLIB 2 293) /:  Cmd_sigmaXsq
2C963   Internal sigmaY
1FE12            sigmaY (XLIB 2 292) /:  Cmd_sigmaY
2C99A   Internal sigmaY^2
1FE48            sigmaY^2 (XLIB 2 294) /:  Cmd_sigmaYsq
1B32A            SIGN (XLIB 2 78)    /:  Cmd_sign
520CB   Internal SIGN (1:Complex)    /=  Sign_complex
2A8D7   Internal SIGN (1:Real)       /=  Sign_real
54F68   Internal SIGN (1:Symbolic)   /=  Sign_algGlob
0FCE6   Internal SIGN (1:Unit)       /=  Sign_unit
1B4AC            SIN (XLIB 2 81)     /:  Cmd_SIN
52530   Internal SIN (1:Complex)     /=  Sin_complex
2ABEF   Internal SIN (1:Real)        /=  Sin_real
54FB3   Internal SIN (1:Symbolic)    /=  Sin_algGlob
0F62E   Internal SIN (1:Unit)        /=  Sin_unit
2AC06-           sin_1longreal
1B5B7            SINH (XLIB 2 84)    /:  Cmd_SINH
5262F   Internal SINH (1:Complex)    /=  Sinh_complex
2ADAE   Internal SINH (1:Real)       /=  Sinh_real
54FFE   Internal SINH (1:Symbolic)   /=  Sinh_algGlob
202CE            SINV (XLIB 2 324)   /:  Cmd_SINV
202F1   Internal SINV (1:Global Nm)
20314   Internal SINV (1:Local Nm)
1C9B8            SIZE (XLIB 2 160)   /:  Cmd_SIZE
05622            SIZE of level 2 String -> Syst Bin /:  Strlen_of_lev2
1CA4E   Internal SIZE (1:Array)      /:  Size_array
1CA85   Internal SIZE (1:Binary)     /:  Size_prg
1CA62   Internal SIZE (1:Graphic)    /:  Size_GROB
05636   Internal SIZE (1:String) -> Syst Bin /:  Strlen
1CA26   Internal SIZE (1:String)     /:  Size_string
59F91   Internal SIZE (1:Symbolic)   /=  Size_algGlob
1CA3A   Internal SIZE (1:Unit)       /:  Size_listUnit_toReal
035A9            size_(dimension)_1array
03562            size_(elements)_1array
05616-           size_(nibbles)_1string
05902-           size_(nibbles)_1any
0567B=  Size_listUnit                 /-  size_1list
1CA0D:  Size_unknown
626CF:  skip_1_exec
626C8:  skip_2_exec
61903:  skip_3
626C1:  skip_3_exec
6199C:  skip_if_cc
6336C:  Skip_if_EqualShort
6333A:  Skip_if_NonzeroShort
618A8:  Skip_if_nonZerop
618BA:  Skip_if_not_eq
61933:  Skip_if_not_equal_else_ret
618D3:  Skip_if_not_short_equal_drop
618E8:  Skip_if_true_else_drop_ret
61896:  Skip_if_zerop
0714D   skip next token              /:  Skip
03019   MC: skip next token          /:  getinstr
07152   MC: skip next token and continue RPL /:  skip
0715C   skip next two tokens         /:  Skip_Two
07161   MC: skip next two tokens and continue RPL /:  skip_two
07211   MC: skip next two tokens and iterate
1961B            SL (XLIB 2 5)       /:  Cmd_SL
53D5E   Internal SL /=  Sl_bin
1963B            SLB (XLIB 2 6)      /:  Cmd_SLB
53D6E   Internal SLB                 /:  Slb_bin
2034D            SNEG (XLIB 2 325)   /:  Cmd_SNEG
20370   Internal SNEG (1:Global Nm)
20393   Internal SNEG (1:Local Nm)
02D2A:  span1thread
02C28:  span10nib
02C49:  span21nib
02C6D:  span26nib
02C95:  span32nib
02CBC:  span47nib
02D04:  span5vector
02CE3:  spanbyte
02EFB:  spanname
5EC10:  spanstack
02F28:  spanxlib
04DD7:  Split_short (1:Syst Bin)
127A7:  Split_string_at_LF
1B426            SQ (XLIB 2 80)      /:  Cmd_SQ
36435   Internal SQ (1:Array)        /=  Sq_array
1B48F   Internal SQ (1:Complex)      /:  Sq_complex
1B47B   Internal SQ (1:Real)         /:  Sq_real
54F9A   Internal SQ (1:Symbolic)     /=  Sq_algGlob
0F913   Internal SQ (1:Unit)         /=  Sq_unit
1B374            SQRT (XLIB 2 79)    /:  Cmd_sqrt
52107   Internal SQRT (1:Complex)    /=  Sqrt_complex
1B3F5   Internal SQRT (1:Real)       /:  Sqrt_real
54F81   Internal SQRT (1:Symbolic)   /=  Sqrt_algGlob
0F92C   Internal SQRT (1:Unit)       /=  Sqrt_unit
2AAEA-           \v/_1longreal
2AB09-           \v/_1real 
1965B            SR (XLIB 2 7)       /:  Cmd_SR
53D81   Internal SR                  /:  Sr_bin
1967B            SRB (XLIB 2 8)      /:  Cmd_SRB
53D91   Internal SRB                 /:  Srb_bin
21E95            SRECV (XLIB 2 360)  /:  Cmd_SRECV
2EE97   Internal SRECV (1:Real)      /:  Srecv
70972:  stk_GROB_h
7096D:  stk_GROB_len
70977:  stk_GROB_w
7097C:  stk_dispmem
7069F   stack size                   /=  Stacksize
0F561   Standardize units and then strip units (levels 1,2)
23103            START (XLIB 1792 9) /:  Cmd_START
23144   Internal START (2:Real,1:Real)
23167   Internal START (2:Real/Symbolic,1:Symbolic)
23180   Internal START (2:Symbolic,1:Real)
073CE-           start_1_to_n-1_1short
073DB-           start_1_to_n_1short_(7249=n+1)
073F7-           start_n(2)_to_n(1)_1short2short
357A8:  Stat_Dir
62F9D:  Stat_Dir_Drop
1C486            STD (XLIB 2 141)    /:  Cmd_STD
16707   Internal STD                 /=  Std
23380            STEP (XLIB 1792 12) /:  Cmd_STEP
233C1   Internal STEP (1:Real)
233A8   Internal STEP (1:Symbolic)
073A5:           Step                /-  step_1short
1F14E            STEQ (XLIB 2 250)   /:  Cmd_STEQ
15717   Internal STEQ (1:Any)
220A2            STIME (XLIB 2 375)  /:  Cmd_STIME
2EDF5   Internal STIME (1:Real)      /=  Stime_real
538DC-  stk_off  (display)
538CE-  stk_on   (display)
70556=  Stk_GROB_ptr
20CCD            STO (XLIB 2 341)    /:  Cmd_STO
1F8CF   Internal STO (2:Any,1:Algebraic)
18513   Internal STO (2:Any,1:Global Nm)
07D27   Internal STO (2:Any,1:Local Nm)
214F4   Internal STO (2:Any,1:Tagged)
4F37C   Internal STO (2:Graphic,1:PICT)
215BF   Internal STO (2:Library/Backup,1:Real)
08D08-           sto_directory_1global2directory 
08696-           sto_1global2any
20753            STO* (XLIB 2 330)   /:  Cmd_STOmul
207C6   Internal STO* (2:Any,1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
2086B   Internal STO* (2:Array,1:Global Nm)
208AC   Internal STO* (2:Global Nm,1:Array)
2082A   Internal STO* (2:Global Nm,1:Real/Complex)
207E4   Internal STO* (2:Global Nm/Local Nm,1:Any)
20802   Internal STO* (2:Real/Complex,1:Global Nm)
2044B            STO+ (XLIB 2 327)   /:  Cmd_STOadd
20482   Internal STO+ (2:Any,1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
204C3   Internal STO+ (2:Global Nm/Local Nm,1:Any)
20538            STO- (XLIB 2 328)   /:  Cmd_STOsub
20583   Internal STO- (2:Any,1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
205BF   Internal STO- (2:Array,1:Global Nm)
205E2   Internal STO- (2:Global Nm,1:Array)
205A1   Internal STO- (2:Global Nm/Local Nm,1:Any)
2060C            STO/ (XLIB 2 329)   /:  Cmd_STOdiv
2066B   Internal STO/ (2:Any,1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
206E8   Internal STO/ (2:Array,1:Global Nm)
20729   Internal STO/ (2:Global Nm,1:Array)
206A7   Internal STO/ (2:Global Nm,1:Real/Complex)
20689   Internal STO/ (2:Global Nm/Local Nm,1:Any)
198FE            STOALARM (XLIB 2 25) /:  Cmd_STOALRM
0E54D=           Stoalrm_list
0E510=           Stoalrm_real
04D0E-           sto_five_nibbles_at_70673_1short
1C67F            STOF (XLIB 2 151)   /:  Cmd_STOF
1C6A2   Internal STOF (1:List)       /:  StoF_list
1C6CF   Internal STOF (2:Binary,1:Binary) /:  StoF
1C6E3   Internal STOF (system) (1:Binary) /:  StoF_sysflags_bin
1C731            Store system flags (1:Binary) /:  Set_system_flags
1C6F7            Store user flags (1:Binary)  /:  Set_user_flags
22514            STOKEYS (XLIB 2 380) /:  Cmd_STOKEYS
41AA1   Internal STOKEYS (1:List)
41BA5   Internal STOKEYS (1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
1FD0B            STOsigma (XLIB 2 283) /:  Cmd_STOsigma
2C1F3   Internal STOsigma (1:Any)
08D1C:  store_a_indc_rplret
53741:  storeflag_rplret
2C6A2   store levels 1-5 into 'sigmaPAR'
615BC:  store_local_c
074E4   store local variables (M:Any,...N:Local Nm,...1:Syst Bin) 
        /:  Store_Locals_N
074D0   store local variables (N:Any,...,1:List(of Local Nms)) 
        /:  ListAlgPrgTo_StoreLocals
04A4C-  sto_menu_label_1short2string
63A3D   Store TOS into ''LNAME' (Local Nm)
63A29   Store TOS into ''dvar' (Local Nm) /:  ListAlgPrgTo_StoreLocalDvar
1C731   Store system flags (1:Binary) /:  Set_system_flags
1C6F7   Store user flags (1:Binary)  /:  Set_user_flags
1795A:  StoreShort_70770
419A4:  Store_70560
41894:  Store_7061e
419E4:  Store_70623
418B4:  Store_70628
418D4:  Store_7062d
418F4:  Store_70632
41914:  Store_70637
41944:  Store_7063c
41964:  Store_70641
41984:  Store_70646
41A04:  Store_7064b
419C4:  Store_70655
40A6F:  Store_7065f
41848:  Store_707c9_short
4186E:  Store_707d3_short
61625:  Store_local1
61635:  Store_local2
61645:  Store_local3
61655:  Store_local4
61665:  Store_local5
61675:  Store_local6
61685:  Store_local7
61695:  Store_local8
616A5:  Store_local9
615E0:  Store_local_fh
616B5:  Store_local10
616C5:  Store_local11
616D5:  Store_local12
616E5:  Store_local13
616F5:  Store_local14
61705:  Store_local15
61715:  Store_local16
61725:  Store_local17
61735:  Store_local18
615F0:  Store_local_19h
61600:  Store_local_23h
61615:  Store_Local_2dh
61610:  Store_local_2dh        
????????  61615-b sto_Local_2dh
08D4A:  Store_tmpdir
1CB26            STR-> (XLIB 2 163)  /:  Cmd_STRto
14137   Internal STR-> (1:String)    /:  StrTo_Eval
238A4=           StrTo
05B15:  Str_to_Global                /-  string\->global_1string
1CB0B            ->STR (XLIB 2 162)  /:  Cmd_toSTR
14088   Internal ->STR (1:Any)       /:  ToString
15978:           toString_1any
05BAD:  str_avail
05B88:  str_try_again
11F80=  String_pitch6_toGrob
11D00:  String_pitch8_toGrob
11CF3:  String_pitch10_toGrob
1200C:  String_to_grob_pitch6
62159:  Stringp
120CC:  strlen_a
645B1:  Strpos
70764=  st_save
1C5C5            STWS (XLIB 2 148)   /:  Cmd_STWS
53C96   Internal STWS (1:Real)       /:  Stws_real
53CAA   Internal STWS (1:Syst Bin)   /:  Stws_short
1C85C            SUB (XLIB 2 156)    /:  Cmd_SUB
4FBC4   Internal SUB (3:Graphic,2:Complex,1:Complex) /=  Sub_Grob_Cmpx_Cmpx
4FB74   Internal SUB (3:Graphic,2:List,1:List) /=  Sub_Grob_List_List
1C8CF   Internal SUB (3:List,2:Real Numb,1:Real) /:  Sub_CArr_Real_Real
4FBF6   Internal SUB (3:PICT,2/1:List or Complex)
1C8BB   Internal SUB (3:String,2:Real Numb,1:Real) /:  Sub_Str_Real_Real
05733-           sub_(bytes)_1short2short3string
05815-           sub_(nibbles)_1short2short3string
05821=           Sub_Arr_Short_Short /-  sub_1short2short3list
60F8D:           sub_d_2_rplret
60F8B:           sub_d_3_rplret
637CC:           Sub_inc_short
63790:           Sub_loop_count
6281A:           Sub1_Dup            /-  <1h>_-_dup_1short               
05153:  SubList_2_toEnd
627F8:  SubShort_Dup
63065:  SubShort_Over
612CC:  SubShort_Roll                /-  -_roll_1short2short3any...nany  
6132C:  SubShort_Rolld               /-  -_rolld_1short2short3any...nany 
62E12:  SubShort_Swap
63245:  Substr_Less1
62D6D:  Substr_Swap
05733=  Substr_short_short           /-  sub_(bytes)_1short2short3string
0516C:  SubString_2toEnd
62E4E   Internal subtract 1, <1h> and SWAP (1:Syst Bin) /:  DecShort_Short1_Swap

625FA   Internal subtract 3 (1:Syst Bin) /:  Sub3_short
6260A   Internal subtract 4 (1:Syst Bin) /:  Sub4_short
6261A   Internal subtract 5 (1:Syst Bin) /:  Sub5_short
6262A   Internal subtract 6 (1:Syst Bin) /:  Sub6_short
03E0E   Internal subtract one (1:Syst Bin) /:  Dec_short
631A5   Internal subtract one and ->LIST (N:...,1:Syst Binary) /:  ToListLess1
62FD9   Internal subtract one and ROT (1:Syst Bin) /:  DecShort_Rot
03E4E   Internal subtract two (1:Syst Bin) /:  Dec2_short
1FBBD            SWAP (XLIB 2 271)   /:  Cmd_SWAP
03223   Internal SWAP                /=  Swap
63C2C   Internal SWAP and 4 ROLL     /:  Swap_Roll4
62747   Internal SWAP and DUP        /:  Swap_Dup
6386C   Internal SWAP and DUP2       /:  Swap_dup2
2164C   Internal SWAP and False
631F5   Internal SWAP and LIST->     /:  Swap_ListAlgPrgTo
632A9   Internal SWAP and R->C (2:Real,1:Real) /:  Swap_RtoC
6344D   Internal SWAP and next (internal loop) /:  Swap_Next
63425   Internal SWAP and push curr loop counter as Sys Bin /:  Swap_CurLoopInc
62794-           swap_-_1short2short     
622EF:           Swap_AddStrings
637E0:           Swap_dec_short
5EAF4:           Swap_Drop_Dec
62830-           swap_drop_dup   
6284B:           Swap_drop_swap
62904:           Swap_Inc            /-  swap_<1h>_+_1short      
60EE7:           Swap_lev2_lev3
644BC:           Swap_Listpos
61380:           Swap_Over
63C7C:           Swap_Pick4
63312:           Swap_Retq
62001:           Swap_short
63AB0:           Swap_short_1
35B4F:  Switch_R_C_LR
35B90:  Switch_R_C_LR_and_R_LR
53C0A:  Sym_const_flag_p
53BB0:  Symbolic_mode_p
1A52E            SYSEVAL (XLIB 2 49) /:  Cmd_SYSEVAL
1A547   Internal SYSEVAL (1:Binary)  /:  Syseval
02911   Syst Bin                     /:  type_Address
53784   System flag set? (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False /:  Test_system_flag
225BE            ->TAG (XLIB 2 383)  /:  Cmd_toTAG
05F2E   Internal ->TAG (2:Any,1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
22618   Internal ->TAG (2:Any,1:Real)
225F5   Internal ->TAG (2:Any,1:String)
05E81   Deep Int ->TAG (2:Any,1:String) /:  StrTag
05E9F:  Tag                          /-  /->tag_1{global_any}    
02AFC   Tagged                       /:  type_Tagged
1B55E            TAN (XLIB 2 83)     /:  Cmd_TAN
525B7   Internal TAN (1:Complex)     /=  Tan_complex
2AC91   Internal TAN (1:Real)        /=  Tan_real
54FE5   Internal TAN (1:Symbolic)    /=  Tan_algGlob
0F674   Internal TAN (1:Unit)        /=  Tan_unit
2AC17-           tan_1longreal
1B655            TANH (XLIB 2 86)    /:  Cmd_TANH
5265C   Internal TANH (1:Complex)    /=  Tanh_complex
2ADED   Internal TANH (1:Real)       /=  Tanh_real
55030   Internal TANH (1:Symbolic)   /=  Tanh_algGlob
20B20            TAYLR (XLIB 2 339)  /:  Cmd_TAYLR
595DD   Internal TAYLR (3:Symbolic,2:Global Nm,1:Real) /=  Taylr
705B5   temp save A.A
0E909:  test_1dh
1C4EC:  Test_and_clear_system_flag
1C4CE:  Test_and_clear_user_flag
0E8FE:  testbinary
31085:  test_bit3_of_402
0EDFA:  test_d_gt_1
0E8F3:  testEnd
310A5:  test_if_401_is_Ch
0E914:  testlist
62063:  teststack
61A02:  test_True
0E91B:  testtype
621D2   test TYPE(TOS) = Algebraic, push True/False /: Dup_Algebraicp
621D7   test TYPE(TOS) = Algebraic, replace TOS with True/False /: Algebraicp
62193   test TYPE(TOS) = Array,     push True/False /: Dup_Arrayp
62198   test TYPE(TOS) = Array,     replace TOS with True/False /: Arrayp
6213F   test TYPE(TOS) = Binary,    push True/False /: Dup_Binaryp
62144   test TYPE(TOS) = Binary,    replace TOS with True/False /: Binaryp
62025   test TYPE(TOS) = Character  replace TOS with True/False /: Charp
6217E   test TYPE(TOS) = Complex,   push True/False /: Dup_Complexp
62183   test TYPE(TOS) = Complex,   replace TOS with True/False /: Complexp
62256   test TYPE(TOS-1) = complex, replace TOS with True/False
        /-  level_2_complex?_(boolean)_1any2any     
621BD   test TYPE(TOS) = Directory, push True/False /: Dup_Directoryp
621C2   test TYPE(TOS) = Directory, replace TOS with True/False /: Directoryp
621A8   test TYPE(TOS) = Function,  push True/False /: Dup_Functionp
621AD   test TYPE(TOS) = Function,  replace TOS with True/False /: Functionp
62035   test TYPE(TOS) = Global Nm, push True/False /: Dup_Gnamep
6203A   test TYPE(TOS) = Global Nm, replace TOS with True/False /: Gnamep
621FC   test TYPE(TOS) = Graphic,   push True/False /: Dup_Graphicp
62201   test TYPE(TOS) = Graphic,   replace TOS with True/False /: Graphicp
62211   test TYPE(TOS) = List,      push True/False /: Dup_Listp
62216   test TYPE(TOS) = List,      replace TOS with True/False /: Listp
62115   test TYPE(TOS) = Local Nm,  push True/False /: Dup_Lnamep
6211A   test TYPE(TOS) = Local Nm,  replace TOS with True/False /: Lnamep
621E7   test TYPE(TOS) = Program,   push True/False /: Dup_Programp
621EC   test TYPE(TOS) = Program,   replace TOS with True/False /: Programp
62169   test TYPE(TOS) = Real,      push True/False /: Dup_Realp
6216E   test TYPE(TOS) = Real,      replace TOS with True/False /: Realp
62154   test TYPE(TOS) = String,    push True/False /: Dup_Stringp
62159   test TYPE(TOS) = String,    replace TOS with True/False /: Stringp
6212A   test TYPE(TOS) = Syst Bin,  push True/False /:  Shortp
6212F   test TYPE(TOS) = Syst Bin,  replace TOS with True/False /: Shortp
62226   test TYPE(TOS) = Tagged,    push True/False /:  Dup_Tagp
6222B   test TYPE(TOS) = Tagged,    replace TOS with True/False /: Tagp
6204A   test TYPE(TOS) = Unit,      push True/Falst /:  Dup_Unitp
6204F   test TYPE(TOS) = Unit,      replace TOS with True/False /: Unitp
07E99-  test TYPE(TOS) = xlib       replace TOS with True/False
1E606            TEXT (XLIB 2 217)   /:  Cmd_TEXT
1314D   Internal TEXT
22EFA            THEN (XLIB 1792 1)  /: Cmd_THEN
22F22   Internal THEN (1:Real)       /:  Then_real
22F4F   Internal THEN (1:Symbolic)   /:  Then_alg
2371F            THEN (XLIB 1792 24)
237A8            THEN (XLIB 1792 26) /:  Cmd_THEN
1982D            TICKS (XLIB 2 18)   /:  Cmd_TICKS
0EB81   Internal TICKS               /=  Ticks
197F7            TIME (XLIB 2 16)    /:  Cmd_TIME
0CBFA   Internal TIME                /=  Cmd_Time
198BE            ->TIME (XLIB 2 23)  /:  Cmd_toTIME
0CD53   Internal ->TIME              /=  ToTime
70200   Time Init
0D06A=  Time_to_string
1E3C2            TLINE (XLIB 2 207)  /:  Cmd_TLINE
4F598   Internal TLINE (2:Complex,1:Complex)
4F539   Internal TLINE (2:List,1:List)
2115D            TMENU (XLIB 2 347)  /:  Cmd_TMENU
41679   Internal TMENU (1:Real)
705A1=  tmpdir
052C6=  ToList1_Swap_AddList
63FE7:  ToPrg_1
63FFB:  ToPrg_2
15978:  toString_1any
1C2B0   TOS (Real) -> Syst Bin / TOS (Real) > 0 -> T/F /:  RealToShort_Dup_Ge1p
1FEEA            TOT (XLIB 2 300)    /:  Cmd_TOT
2C5BC   Internal TOT
2204C            TRANSIO (XLIB 2 372) /:  Cmd_TRANSIO
2ED10   Internal TRANSIO (1:Real)    /:  Transio_real
1D392            TRN (XLIB 2 175)    /:  Cmd_TRN
3811F   Internal TRN (1:Array)
1D3BF   Internal TRN (1:Global Nm)
1D3E2   Internal TRN (1:Local Nm)
1BDD1            TRNC (XLIB 2 109)   /:  Cmd_TRNC
35EA9   Internal TRNC (2:Array,1:Real) /=  Trunc_array_real
35F17   Internal TRNC (2:Complex,1:Real) /=  Trunc_complex_real
2B53D   Internal TRNC (2:Real,1:Real) /=  Trnc_real
55E18   Internal TRNC (2:Real/Compl/Array/Unit,1:Symb) /=  Trnc_real_algGlob
55DFF   Internal TRNC (2:Symbolic,1:Real) /=  Trunc_algGlob_real
55E31   Internal TRNC (2:Symbolic,1:Symbolic) /=  Trunc_algGlob
0FD8B   Internal TRNC (2:Unit,1:Real) /=  Trunc_unit_real
03A81   True /:  True
634F7   Internal True and False      /:  True_False
12770:  Trunc_string_for_display
1E6E1            TRUTH (XLIB 2 224)  /:  Cmd_TRUTH
079CC:  try_prev_dir
19992            TSTR (XLIB 2 29)    /:  Cmd_TSTR
0D304   Internal TSTR                /:  Tstr
1A1AF            TVARS (XLIB 2 37)   /:  Cmd_TVARS
18706   Internal TVARS (1:List)      /=  Tvars_list
186E8   Internal TVARS (1:Real)      /=  Tvars_real
63AC4:  Twice_short_1
194F7=  TwoReal_to_Shorts
1950B:  TwoShorts_to_reals
05C8A:  Two_lreals_to_lcomplex
1CB86            TYPE (XLIB 2 166)   /:  Cmd_TYPE
1CB90   Internal TYPE (1:Any)
1CDB1   Internal TYPE (1:Array)      /:  Type_array
1CDD4   Internal TYPE (1:Program)    /:  Type_prg
6205B        MC: TYPE(pop TOS) = C -> True/False /:  test_type_vs_c
0358F	type_(real/complex)_1array
18653:  TypeNib1and2_zerop
1911E=  type_table_1
1916E:  type_table_2
03C64:  Type_to_short
        /-  prolog\->short_1any_(except_string_array_binary_grob_tagged_backup)
19771            UBASE (XLIB 2 14)   /:  Cmd_UBASE
55256   Internal UBASE (1:Symbolic)  /=  Ubase_algGlobal
0F945   Internal UBASE (1:Unit)      /=  Ubase
197A5            UFACT (XLIB 2 15)   /:  Cmd_UFACT
197C8   Internal UFACT               /:  Ufact_unit_unit
63B5A   Unevaluated * (multiply)     /:  Getval_Mul
15758   unevaluated 'EQ' (Global Nm)
632BD   Unevaluated No Operation (continue RPL)
63B6E   Unevaluated delta (stepwise derivative)
1974F            UNIT (XLIB 2 13)    /:  Cmd_UNIT
0F33A   Internal UNIT                /=  ToUnit_real_unit
05481   Internal ->UNIT (M:...,1:Syst Bin)
02ADA   Unit                         /:  type_Unit
6204F:  Unitp
230ED            UNTIL (XLIB 1792 8) /:  Cmd_UNTIL
633C6:           Until
071C8-           until_(end)_1external
082E3=  Up_findValue                 /-  variable_contents->name
3A1FC   Update menu display          /=  Update_menu
1A16F   Internal UPDIR               /:  Up
1A15B            UPDIR (XLIB 2 35)   /:  Cmd_UPDIR
08309=           Updir               /-  rcl_next_directory_up_1directory
07901=           Up_dir
08D08-           updir_1directory_(pre-existing)
2001A            UTPC (XLIB 2 308)   /:  Cmd_UTPC
2C149   Internal UTPC (2:Real,1:Real)
2005A            UTPF (XLIB 2 310)   /:  Cmd_UTPF
2C174   Internal UTPF (3:Real,2:Real,1:Real)
2003A            UTPN (XLIB 2 309)   /:  Cmd_UTPN
2C09F   Internal UTPN (3:Real,2:Real,1:Real)
2007A            UTPT (XLIB 2 311)   /:  Cmd_UTPT
2C19A   Internal UTPT (2:Real,1:Real)
1971B            UVAL (XLIB 2 12)    /:  Cmd_UVAL
5526F   Internal UVAL (1:Symbolic)   /=  Uval_algGlobal
05089   Internal UVAL (1:Unit)       /=  RE_Unit
53778   User flag set? (1:Syst Bin) -> True/False /:  Test_user_flag
1DD06            V-> (XLIB 2 180)    /:  Cmd_Vto
1DD3D   Internal V-> (1:Array)
1DD29   Internal V-> (1:Complex)
1DE66            ->V2 (XLIB 2 181)   /:  Cmd_toV2
1DE7F   Internal ->V2 (2:Real,1:Real)
1DEC2            ->V3 (XLIB 2 182)   /:  Cmd_toV3
1DEDB   Internal ->V3 (3:Real,2:Real,1:Real)
51148   validate pop TOS is PICT (Bad Arg Type)
1FF05            VAR (XLIB 2 301)    /:  Cmd_VAR
2C5D5   Internal VAR
082E3-  variable_contents->name
1A194            VARS (XLIB 2 36)    /:  Cmd_VARS
18779   Internal VARS                /=  Vars
1CE28            VTYPE (XLIB 2 167)  /:  Cmd_VTYPE
1CE55   Internal VTYPE (1:Global Nm/Local Nm)
1CE82   Internal VTYPE (1:Tagged)
18AB2       Verify DEPTH >= 1        /:  Need_1_arg
18ABF   MC: verify DEPTH >= 1        /:  assert_1_arg
18AB7   MC: verify DEPTH >= 1 and continue RPL /:  need_1_arg
18A8D       Verify DEPTH >= 2        /:  Need_2_args
18A9A   MC: verify DEPTH >= 2        /:  assert_2_args
18A92   MC: verify DEPTH >= 2 and continue RPL
18A68       Verify DEPTH >= 3        /:  Need_3_args
18A75   MC: verify DEPTH >= 3        /:  assert_3_args
18A6D   MC: verify DEPTH >= 3 and continue RPL
18B9F       Verify DEPTH >= 4        /:  Need_4_args
18BAC   MC: verify DEPTH >= 4        /:  assert_4_args
18BA4   MC: verify DEPTH >= 4 and continue RPL
18B7A       Verify DEPTH >= 5        /:  Need_5_args
18B87   MC: verify DEPTH >= 5        /:  assert_5_args
18B7F   MC: verify DEPTH >= 5 and continue RPL
18AC6   MC: verify DEPTH >= C.S, expect P = 2*C.S - 1 /:  assert_c_args
194BB   verify Real Array (1:Array)
1A71F            WAIT (XLIB 2 55)    /:  Cmd_WAIT
1A7B5   Internal WAIT (1:Real > 0)   /:  Wait_positive
1A738   Internal WAIT (1:Real)       /:  Wait_real
1F3F3            | (algebraic syntax) (XLIB 2 256)
1F354            | (stack syntax)     (XLIB 2 255) /:  Cmd_where
1F38B   Internal | (stack syntax) (2:Symbolic,1:List)
1F3ED:           Cmd_where_2
23033            WHILE (XLIB 1792 5) /:  Cmd_WHILE
071A2-           while
62B6F:           While_ShortZerop
18608:           While_dir_empty
4245C:           While_loc70679nonzero
19848            WSLOG (XLIB 2 19)   /:  Cmd_WSLOG
0D2A3   Internal WSLOG               /:  Wslog
1FFDA            XCOL (XLIB 2 306)   /:  Cmd_XCOL
2C6C5   Internal XCOL (1:Real)
18F83   XFER: Bad Arg Type           /:  error_bad_arg_type_ref_2
53807   XFER: Error Bad Arg Val
503C5   XFER: Internal TEXT
6249E   MC XFER: pop TOS (Syst Bin) -> A.A /:  getshort_ref_2
6199F   MC XFER: return and execute the next token in this stream
61A47   XFER: RPL RETURN             /:  rpl_end_ref
13161   XFER: Restore D,B,D1,D0 (C=D0) / Clear Carry
12FB2   XFER: Save D,B,D1,D0 (uses C)
53F69   XFER: Save Regs D,B,D1,D0 (uses C) /:  save_regs_ref_5
2A181   XFER: load regs D,B,D1,D0 (uses C)
53F70   XFER: load regs D,B,D1,D0 (uses C) /:  restore_regs_ref_5
62829   XFER: pop 2 Syst Bin -> A.A,C.A /:  get2shorts_ref
624B3   XFER: save regs D,B,D1,D0 (uses C) /:  save_regs_ref_2
619A6   XFER: skip next RPL token and continue RPL /:  skip_ref
1F640            XLIB 2 260
1F996            XLIB 2 261
1F9AE            XLIB 2 262
02E92   XLIB Name                    /:  type_Func /:  type_Xname
07E99-  xlib?_(boolean)_1any    
21E75            XMIT (XLIB 2 359)   /:  Cmd_XMIT
2EE6F   Internal XMIT (1:String)     /:  Xmit
1E8F6            XOR (XLIB 2 232)    /:  Cmd_XOR
53D26   Internal XOR (2:Binary,1:Binary)
1E946   Internal XOR (2:Real,1:Real)
55A49   Internal XOR (2:Real,1:Symbolic)
1889B   Internal XOR (2:String,1:String)
55A30   Internal XOR (2:Symbolic,1:Real)
55A62   Internal XOR (2:Symbolic,1:Symbolic)
18904   Deep Int XOR (2:String,1:String)  /-  xor_1string2string
03ADA            xor_(boolean)_(1:True/False,2:True/False)
1BC45            XPON (XLIB 2 105)   /:  Cmd_XPON
2AE39   Internal XPON (1:Real)       /=  Xpon
551F2   Internal XPON (1:Symbolic)   /=  Xpon_algGlob
1E621            XRNG (XLIB 2 218)   /:  Cmd_XRNG
47A1A   Internal XRNG (2:Real,1:Real)
1B185            XROOT (XLIB 2 74)
1B1C4         ?? XROOT (XLIB 2 75)   /:  Cmd_XROOT
560D4=           Xroot_algGlob
560A2=           Xroot_algGlob_real
2AA81=           Xroot_real
560BB=           Xroot_real_algGlob
0F8FA=           Xroot_real_unit
1FFFA            YCOL (XLIB 2 307)   /:  Cmd_YCOL
2C6DE   Internal YCOL (1:Real)
1E641            YRNG (XLIB 2 219)   /:  Cmd_YRNG
47A42   Internal YRNG (2:Real,1:Real)
2A75A:  ZeroLev2p_real
62266:  Zero_shortpq
40AA8:  Zerop_7065f
08D35:  zeropindc
42262:  Zerop_loc70679
2A76B:  Zerop_real

(end of part 3 of 3)