[comp.sys.handhelds] HP-48 SX

d.reeves@oxy.edu (Bryan Douglas Reeves) (04/12/90)

Anyone out there in the eastern LA valley area (read: Pasadena, Eagle Rock,
Glendale, etc.)  know of a retailer for HPs who will have the 48sx in stock?
Logic Tree folded some time ago, and If the d*mned thing weren't $250
mail order I'd already have one by now, but alas, I want to "test drive"
one first.  Please E-mail.  Thanks, Douglas.

B. Douglas Reeves (N6XHW)      D. Reeves@oxy.edu  (Internet, of course!)
(213)-341-4763	(ma Bell)	 1600 Campus Rd., La, Ca, 90041 (USnail)
"Cogito, ergo es."	      Occidental College Society of the Clueless

kosi@sun411.uucp (05/10/90)

 The prices of 48SX, the 32K RAM card and the 128K RAM card
 form Educalc are (approximately):
	48SX -->  $270
	 32K -->  $80
	128K -->  $190
 Now, we get the 48 with 32K of (S)RAM for 1.0*(48's price) :-))
                The 128K card costs        0.7*(48's price) :-((((
   Assume (?) the 32K built-in in 48 costs 0.1*(48's price) = $27 ??

 So, does this mean just packaging the 32K in the card costs over 50
 bucks ? In any case (as some one else on the net also pointed it
 out), 190 bucks, I mean 0.7*(48's price) for the 128K is NOT
 justifiable, EVEN if it IS STATIC RAM and has some tiny circuit 
 modifications or whatever (I/O buffers, etc., NOT the entire RAM !)

 Anyone @HP ? Please correct me ...

 *Kosi Reddy*

akcs.lee@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Mark wilcox) (12/29/90)

hp-48sx equation card

akcs.falco@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Andrey Dolgachev) (12/29/90)

yeah, what's your point?

gt7200a@prism.gatech.EDU (CHENG,ROBERT CHUANLUN) (01/31/91)

Someone once posted several mail order companies which carried the
HP-48 SX.  Could someone please post the names and phone numbers again?

Another quick question... I know that two 48's can exchange data, but
can data be transferred from a 28-S to a 48-SX?  I've got 30K worth of
data in my 28-S that I definately don't want to type over again.  Also,
does anyone have any complaints about the multiple, multiple, multiple
function keys?  A 28-S has a separate keypad for alphanumeric and
menu functions and it seems to me that entering data on a 48-SX would
be a lot more cumbersome...


Robert Cheng                   |  EE                               
                               |  Georgia Institute of Technology
gt7200a@prism.gatech.edu       |  Atlanta, Georgia