jurjen@cwi.nl (Jurjen NE Bos) (01/31/91)
This is a program that can factor large integers (up to 63 bits) on the HP48. It is inspired by the postings of Klaus Kalb of last week. In fact, I used two of Klaus' routines (see below). The program has the following features: - very fast (average 4 seconds for numbers of 12 digits, 1 minute for 18 digits.) - uses two different algorithms for factoring (trial division and Pollard rho) and proves all factors prime (using Selfridge's theorem). - combines RPL (the language in the manual) with forth (what's in the ROM) and machine code. This gives speed and servicability at the same time. - The recursive calls are nicely shown during the computation. - A separate prime testing routine. There's also a bug: - It doesn't quite work with wordsizes that are a multiple of four. This is due to the carries. If you set the wordsize to 64 bits, it will be modified to 63 to make it work. How to use: Download the object at the end of this posting. Use ASC-> to convert it into a directory. Save it under the name FACTOR. Enter the directory. Press DEMO. See what happens. Remark: factoring numbers with large factors (more than 7 digits) can take up to ten minutes. Mind the bug above: if you set the wordsize to a multiple of four, factoring might take forever. Some interesting numbers to try: 3^37+1 (to get this, type 63 STWS #3 #37 #1 NEG POWMOD 1 +). The program thinks it found a large prime factor, but quickly finds out it isn't. 100264053529. This number looks even more prime. (Intermezzo:) Some puzzles for experienced HP48 users: (For information, send Email. Please realize these are PUZZLES, so they aren't trivial, and explanation is complicated.) - Compute 'SIN(180_\^o)' . You do not get 0. Why? - The time to compute '253!' is much longer than the time to compute '253.1!'. - To compute the factorial for large negative x, use '\pi*x/(SIN(\pi*x)*(-x)!)' instead of 'x!' for faster results. (Don't forget RAD.) Happy Hacking, Jurjen Bos -------------------Listing of the FACTOR directory (do not download)------ For the nosy people among you, here the listing of the routines: (Don't bother downloading these, it's all in the ASC string at the end.) DEMO @ Factor a random integer and time the computation \<< DEC TICKS RAND 1000000 * R\->B RAND 1,E12 * + RAND 1,E18 * + FACTOR TICKS ROT - B\->R 1,220703125E-4_s * SWAP \>> PRIME? @Prime test \<< # 0d + CASE DUP # 2d < THEN DROP 0 END DUP # 210d BGCD # 1d == THEN RCWS 63 MIN STWS 0 'L' STO LPRT 'L' PURGE END DUP # 121d < THEN B\->R { 2 3 5 7 } SWAP POS 0 \=/ END DROP 0 END \>> FACTOR @The factoring routine \<< RCWS 63 MIN STWS # 0d + 0 'L' STO LFAC 'L' PURGE \>> MULMOD @Modulo multiplication of binaries (In machine code. a b n -> a*b mod n ) POWMOD @Modulo powering of binaries (In machine code. a e n -> a^e mod n ) BGCD @Greatest commond divisor of binaries (In machine code. Written by Klaus Kalb. ) TRIAL @Trial division routine (In machine code and forth. Machine code part written by Klaus Kalb. ) MILRAB @Miller-Rabin test (In forth. n base -> 1 if n is pseudoprime ) LFAC @Internal factoring routine \<< DUP 'L' INCR DISP "Trial division" 'L' INCR DISP # 2000d TRIAL IF DUP # 1d == THEN DROP { } ELSE 1 \->LIST @List of composite factors END WHILE DUP SIZE REPEAT SWAP OVER 1 GET CASE DUP # 4012009d < THEN B\->R + END DUP L 1 - DISP "Primetest" L DISP DUP LPRT THEN IF DUP # 1000000000000d < THEN B\->R END + END "Pollard \Gr" L DISP WHILE P\Gr DUP # 1d == REPEAT DROP END 2 \->LIST ROT SWAP + SWAP END SWAP 2 OVER SIZE SUB END DROP 'L' " " OVER DECR DISP 1 STO- \>> LPRT @Internal primtesting routine \<< CASE DUP # 3d MILRAB NOT THEN 0 END DUP # 25000000000d > THEN SRT DUP END DUP # 2d MILRAB NOT THEN 0 END DUP # 1373653d < THEN 1 END DUP # 5d MILRAB NOT THEN 0 END DUP # 25326001d < THEN 1 END DUP # 7d MILRAB NOT THEN 0 END DUP # 3215031751d \=/ END SWAP DROP \>> SRT @Test primality of large numbers with Selfridge test. \<< DUP 1 - LFAC # 3d \-> n l a \<< "Selfridge" L DISP 9 CF 1 1 l SIZE FOR k IF l k GET SWAP OVER \=/ 8 FC?C OR THEN CASE a n 3 PICK / n POWMOD # 1d DUP2 \=/ THEN SWAP 3 PICK # 0d + n POWMOD \=/ 8 + SF END + 'a' STO+ RAND ,1 \>= THEN END n a MILRAB THEN END 9 SF END END 8 FS? 9 FS? - STEP DROP 9 FC?C \>> \>> P\Gr @Pollard rho factoring algorithm. \<< \-> n \<< RAND n B\->R * R\->B DUP NEWOB WHILE n Code n BGCD DUP # 1d == @ Code is a machine code routine that does 50 rounds REPEAT DROP END ROT ROT DROP2 n \>> OVER / \>> -------------------FACTOR directory in downloadable form------------------ This is the entire program. Download in your machine, use ASC->, and save under the name FACTOR. You'll need about 7K free to download it, it is about 2430 bytes. %%HP: T(3)A(D)F(,); "69A20FF77E1100000020057920D9D20E16321C432D6E2010E6E16329B1C1D6E2 010E6BB691EEDA1B969178BF1CB2A133032D6E2010E6CCD208E0008FD8F357C8 0AF2E610A156110815711091923A98118AF77380B16A977970B16108119A9779 60B1610911099250A9EB12A9711A7B4010A18013A13896CFA781011015011111 5111128DD69508F2D76014713416917414713517901A9082281F832D0A1A9945 0B10A1699150B1991FCDA9601D6E2010E684E20402474344478BF1E4A2060000 1279E1D50328DBF149632E0CF1E0CF13FBF1D6E2010E6EF53292CF150FA19363 2B21304B1003035254530D9D20E163278BF19C2A290DA184E2040C4641434E4A 206000031C432D6E2010E6D6E2010C6D6E201016E1632C2A20710003556C6662 79646765684E2010C4485A1173A25D2C19C2A29C2A2D6E2010C68B9C10A132D6 E2010B63CE22D6E2010C6D6E2010B66C7D1DBBF192CF1D9AE1C53A2025C1908E 1AFE22D9D20D8732D9D20D6E201016D6E2010E63F2A2A9CF150FA1D6E2010E68 4E206005F475D4F444E4A205100010000000000000002ABF1D9AE18A732D9D20 DBBF13F2A2A9CF1E4A2051000000000000000000076BA1D6E2010E684E206005 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6064143445F425D2891E0CF190DA1BB691ADA20339206990052130702210C2A2 0700003768B01B2130EEDA1DBBF193632B21306F87" --- end of posting ---