How does one plot the graph of a function given in a tabular form? Specifically, I have a program that generates a sequence of (x,y) pairs and stores them in the stack. The pairs represent points on the graph of the solution of a differential equation. Does anyone have a utility program for plotting a graph passing through these points? A simple linear interpolation between the points will suffice. The closest thing I could find in HP48's built-ins was the scatter-plot function of the STAT utility in which a set of data points can be fitted with a linear, power, logarithmic or exponetial functions. Their applicability to my purposes is limited since these curve-fitting routines approxiamte the entire data set by one single equation, rather than with different equations in piecewise fashion. Any suggestions? -- Rouben Rostamian Telephone: (301) 455-2458 Department of Mathematics and Statistics e-mail: University of Maryland Baltimore County bitnet: rostamian@umbc.bitnet Baltimore, MD 21228, U.S.A. internet:
rrd@hpfcso.HP.COM (Ray Depew) (02/06/91)
Rouben Rostamian asks: >How does one plot the graph of a function given in a tabular form? >Specifically, I have a program that generates a sequence of (x,y) >pairs and stores them in the stack. The pairs represent points >on the graph of the solution of a differential equation. >Does anyone have a utility program for plotting a graph passing >through these points? A simple linear interpolation between the points >will suffice. Here's a quick program that will do what you want. As with most connect-the- dots scatter plots, the data points are connected in the same order they appear in your array. This means that your output may be ugly and disordered, unless you sort your array first. I'm reading this from my 48 display and typing it in here, so pleaswe] firgove typos. You may be able to improve on this code, since I put it together in only a few minutes. Regards Ray Depew HP ICBD -- IC's by Bill and Dave TREND ----- Draws a SCATTER plot and connects the dots. Input: Level 1: A real array, or the name of a real array. Output: Nothing on the stack. (Draws the plot and displays it.) Caution: Use [STAT] {XCOL} and [STAT] {YCOL} to choose your x- and y-data columns correctly. Checksum: #37143d Bytes: 253.5 Instructions: Use TREND instead of SCATRPLOT -- that is, use it the same way you would use SCATRPLOT. This means that you have to choose XCOL and YCOL before you start. If you want to "pretty up" your plot, you can use LABEL, AXES, DRAX and the other plotting functions to do so. (In this listing, \GS is Sigma, or "Greek S". Use [VARS] {\GSDAT}. \-> is "right arrow". Use [Rshift][0], or [PRG]{OBJ}{\->LIST}, or [PRG]{OBJ}[NXT]{R\->C}. \=/ is "not equals". Use [PRG]{TEST}[NXT]{\=/}. ) \<< SCATRPLOT @ To set plot limits and draw axes. IF DUP TYPE 3 \=/ THEN RCL END @ Get the array on the stack. DUP SIZE 1 GET @ Array length (number of rows). \GSPAR DUP 1 GET @ x-data column no. SWAP 2 GET @ y-data column no. \-> arry n xcol ycol \<< 1 n 1 - FOR j @ Number of line segments to draw. arry DUP j xcol 2 \->LIST GET OVER j ycol 2 \->LIST GET R\->C @ First endpoint. OVER j 1 + xcol 2 \->LIST GET 3 PICK j 1 + ycol 2 \->LIST GET R\->C @ The other endpoint. LINE @ Draw the line. NEXT { } PVIEW @ Keep it in the display for as long \>> @ as you want it. \>> (Rouben Rostamian) (02/07/91)
Last week I posted an article inquiring if anyone had a program to plot graphs of tabular data on the HP48. In article <7360065@hpfcso.HP.COM> rrd@hpfcso.HP.COM (Ray Depew) writes: >Here's a quick program that will do what you want. ... Nice program. Works fast and it's easy to use. Thank you very much. After I had posted my query, I wrote a program to generate a cubic spline interpolation of a given tabular data. I can plot the function (and even its derivative!) It is slower than Ray Depew's program though :-( I will post the program to this newsgroup in a couple of days after I get a chance to load it into my workstation. Regards, Rouben Rostamian -- Rouben Rostamian Telephone: (301) 455-2458 Department of Mathematics and Statistics e-mail: University of Maryland Baltimore County bitnet: rostamian@umbc.bitnet Baltimore, MD 21228, U.S.A. internet: