[comp.sys.handhelds] assembler & disassembler

akcs.gandalf@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Rakkiat Trimahaloek) (02/09/91)

        Could anyone tell me that what is the available assembler and
disassembler for saturn processor for both HP-mnemonics and Alonzo 
mnemonics? (Please don't begin flame war about what mnemonics we should
use again. We've discussed that alot in past and this time I just curious.)
        I know that star is assembler for Alonzo mnemonics and I think
Voyager from Derek is disassembler in HP-mnemonics( I don't sure but I
remember Derek used to use HP-mnemonis in posted messege. So,I assume that
Derek use HP-mnemonics. If I'm wrong, please tell me.)
        So,what is assembler in HP-mnemonis and disassembler in Alonzo
mnemonics?. And how can I get it?
        This question may begin war. Anyway, I still want to know it.
What mnemonics should I learn and use?. How many people out there use
HP and how many use Alonzo?.

Thank you,

internet: trimahal@usc.edu