newman@utcsrgv.UUCP (Ken Newman) (05/25/83)
For anyone interested in putting ram expansion in an Atari 400/800, note first that it is better to use 64K drams (4164) than two or three boards full of 16K chips (4116) because the 4116's could cause heat problems since they are totally enclosed in a metal box with the other boards (many people have discovered that the 800 in particular locks up after a while). Second note that a number of 4164's WILL NOT WORK in Ataris because of timing incompatibilities that cause Antic to go bananas (yes Virginia different makes of 4164's are quite different electrically). Below is a brief list of 4164's that do and don't work in an Atari (from either first-hand experience or reliable second-hand experience). Note that this doesn't mean that these chips won't work in some other micro. (all 200 ns) DO WORK DON'T WORK ------- ---------- Fujitsu TI Mitsubishi NEC OKI Hitachi Toshiba uT (Mostek)