[comp.sys.handhelds] Info on Wayne's mail server.

wscott@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Wayne H Scott) (02/13/91)

I can tell that it is time to post the information on how to
reach my mail server again.  So here it is...

If you already take advantage of this service you can skip this article.

I maintain a mail server than has a collection of HP48 and HP28 programs
on it.  This was set up as a service to those people who do not have
access to FTP a want to find the great calculator programs that have
been written.

However, many people who can FTP have found my server very useful.  I try
to obtain every program from every FTP site I can find and store them in
my archives.  I believe I have the most complete public archive of
calculator programs around.

Other nice features include:
	A one-line description of every file in the INDEX
	A search command for all files added in the last x # of days

My standard message on how to reach the server is included below along
with the current HP-48 index.  I hope this helps people who are tring to
catch-up on the HP scene.

How to reach Wayne's Mail Server
To request files for your HP-48 or HP-28 you can send command my mail
to my mail server.

Mail commands to:  wscott@ecn.purdue.edu
Mail Subject: HP-MAIL-SERVER     <--If you don't the mail will come to me.

The server will mail responses to the Reply-To: header on your mail.  If 
not found, the From: field will be used.  If you want to overide this path
put this command in the message:
	path <your address> 

To get help:
	send HELP

The HP-48 files are used by default.  To reach the HP-28 files include:

To get an index of files:
	send INDEX

If you don't get a response within a day or so, your email address is 
probably bad.  Include a path command with an address like one of the following:
	path login@machine.place.edu
	path login@PLACE.Bitnet
	path place!machine!login

Files are send in a uuencoded (atob on request) format and the programs are
usually compressed. (if they end in .Z)   PC users should request PC.starter
and u16.exe to extract files on a PC. 

If you have any other problems send me mail.  (Same address, different
subject)  I hope you enjoy the server.

Wayne Scott

Last Updated: Wed Feb 6 11:46:19 EST 1991

This is the index of my HP-48 directorys.

To get a file use
send dir/file

send math/poly.v32
send games/tetris.2

You don't need to add the file extentions.

The binaries directory contains the following:

DESC                |This file
GROBer.hqx.Z        |A Macintosh program to convert picture to GROBs and back.
HP-48_Font.hqx.Z    |A Macintosh font that matches the 48 font.
appt.tar.Z          |Appointment book and phone directory
clk.tar.Z           |Clock adjustment tool
database.tar.Z      |A database program
db.tar.Z            |another database program?
epsprinter.tar.Z    |
grob2tif.tar.Z      |convert a grob to a tiff file
hpibm.arc           |Run your 48 from your IBM-PC
inprt.tar.Z         |Read HP-28 printer output
mac.fonts           |
notes               |How to download binary files
pclprint.tar.Z      |Print graphics to a HP printer
stpwatch.tar.Z      |Stopwatch library
usag.tar.Z          |Command usage (Like catalog in HP28)
The chip8 directory contains the following:

DESC                |This file
blinky.Z            |A pac-man game.
brix.Z              |The BRIX binary
brix.decode.Z       |A decoded version of the BRIX game
brix.waynes.Z       |Wayne's version of brix with touching bricks (1 byte diff)
chip-48.Z           |the CHIP-48 program
chip-48.src.Z       |The CHIP-48 source code
chip.assembler.Z    |A good chip8 assembler (I think)
chip.assm.Z         |chip8 assmebler
chip.star.mac.Z     |Chip8 macros for STAR 1.02.4 or later
chip8.mac.Z         |A CHIP-8 assembler using macros
chip8.mac2.Z        |CHIP-8 macros
chip8.mac3.Z        |CHIP-8 macros
chipper.zip         |
pong11.Z            |A chip8 game of pong
puzzle.Z            |a puzzle 15 game
syzygy.Z            |A growing snake game.  (very good)
syzygy.decode.Z     |The CHIP-8 source for syzygy
The desc directory contains the following:

48sx.vs.28s.Z       |Change from 28 to 48
48sxland.Z          |
48toIBM.Z           |Transfering from 48 to PC
BOOK.Z              |
DESC                |This file
HP48.Built-in.Menus.Z|List of menus on the 48
HP48_Handbook.Z     |
background.tasks.Z  |
bugs.Z              |List of bugs in 48's
bugs.fetures.Z      |
bugsreport.Z        |
calc.comparison.Z   |
connector.info.Z    |
edu.calc.Z          |
educalc.list.Z      |List of Items on Educalcs #50 catalog
hints..Z            |
hp.upgrade.Z        |
hp41.rom.Z          |
hp48.desc.Z         |
hp48.products.Z     |
hp48.vs.28.Z        |
hp48sx.Z            |
manual.err.Z        |
menus.Z             |
remote_hp48sx.Z     |
review.Z            |
stuff.Z             |
tongue-in-cheek.Z   |
verD.bugs.Z         |
The games directory contains the following:

48sxlander.Z        |A lunar lander program
CPRAC.Z             |practice card counting for blackjack
DESC                |This file
INCO.Z              |the game of INCO
biorythm.Z          |a biorythm program
blob.Z              |find the blob
dieroll.Z           |A dice roller
hexatom2.Z          |Find the hidden balls
psycho-horror.Z     |cheap special effects. Flash skull on screen
puzzle24.Z          |a 24 piece puzzle
reversi.ml.Z        |A machine language reversi
reversi.source.Z    |The source code for reversi
roborun2.0.Z        |This is the latest version of roborun.  I don't have docs. and I am not sure if this works.  Someone let me know.
sokoban.Z           |Another game for the 48 (haven't tried it)
subs.m+m.Z          |a sub hunt game
tetris.2.Z          |Erik Bryntse's version of tetris. (Not ML)
tetris.3.Z          |Yet another tetris
tetris.48.Z         |tetris
tile.puzzle.Z       |Another puzzle program
yahtzee.Z           |guess
The graphics directory contains the following:

3d.graphics.Z       |3d graphics routines
DESC                |This file
dragon.curves.Z     |Draw dragon curves on the 48
elispe.Z            |Draw an elispe (sp) on the screen
expand.draw.Z       |plot a graphic larger than the screen
grob.format.Z       |A description of the grob format
grob.to.bitmap.Z    |how to convert a grob to a bitmap
lissajous.Z         |a neat lissajous demo
lll.tar.Z           |another lissajous program
mand.pics.Z         |Mandelbrot fractals
mand.plotter.Z      |print Mandelbrots
sea.Z               |Moving sea simulation(??)
sprites.Z           |A set of routines for handling sprites on the 48
stack.view.Z        |View 10 levels of the stack a once
The hardware directory contains the following:

DESC                |This file
HP48SX.GROB.Format.Z|GROB format description
PRG.to.Z            |The PRG-> program
alonzo.intro.Z      |Alonzo's introduction to the Internals list
alpha.Z             |Some interesting ML stuff
alt.stack.disp.Z    |A ML stack display routime
and.or.strings.Z    |Logic operations on strings
areuh.tar.Z         |Complete Saturn Development System (orig HP-71)
array.format.Z      |A description of arrays in the 48
asc.shar.Z          |Code to turn a binary file into the ->ASC format
asc.to.Z            |A C program to decode ASC-> files
asc.unthread.Z      |A disembly of ASC->
cables.Z            |info on 48 cables
card.dump.Z         |Access the object in a ROM card
client.Z            |Run you 48 from UNIX machines
dir.structure.Z     |A description of directorys in memory
disasm.tar.Z        |a Saturn dissembler
externals.Z         |External code structure
hidden.notes.Z      |note on the hidden directory
hyde.Z              |Bill Wick's Mystery program  (look at errors)
innards.Z           |Intro to 48 Internals by Alonzo Gariepy
internals.Z         |Combined HP48 Internals Addr List (2/91) (LARGE)
io.spec.Z           |HP's specification on the serial port (GOOD)
ir-232-link.Z       |a 48 Infra-Red reciever/transmitter
key.sysevals.Z      |A list of sysevals
lib.format.Z        |A description of librarys in memory
link.table.Z        |Def of a link table
mach.code.Z         |machine code on the 48
mem.scanner.Z       |a memory scanner
memory.scanner.Z    |mroe memory scanners
ml.find.Z           |find a string (in mach lang.)
ml.peek.Z           |A peek program
modem.Z             |How to use a modem with a 48
pcto48.Z            |How to connect a PC to the 48
peek.syseval.Z      |A syseval based peek program for the 48
processor.tar.Z     |Alonzo Gariepy's HP28S processor notes
read.IR.Z           |saturn ML code to read from the IR. (just a ML demo)
rom.xlibs.Z         |A description of xlibs in rom
sassPC.tar.Z        |SASS compiled for the PC
scanner.Z           |memory scanner
screen.address.Z    |A list of the screen memory addresses
serial.connector.Z  |How to build a serial connectory
serial.kit.Z        |Contents of the serial kit from HP
sim1.Z              |A saturn debugger/simulator
sreeninv.Z          |Invert the screen
star-1.04.1.tar.Z   |A macro assembler for saturn code
symbol.table.Z      |A symbol table for the 48
tools.Z             |A nice set of tools for dealing with librarys and machine code
unasc.pl            |A perl script to turn a ASC string to a binary.
unit.objects.Z      |description of unit.objects
utility.Z           |ML utility programs for the 48
vector.ENTER.Z      |How the the vectored enter works
wicked.Z            |A description of the "wicked" directory on the 48
The math directory contains the following:

3d-sface.Z          |Plot 3D surfaces
CMOSFET.Z           |CMOS FET equations
DESC                |This file
PCOEF.Z             |Find of coef. of a polynomial
PHYCONST.Z          |Physical constants library (downloadable version)
RN.Z                |A fancy number rounder
ROUTH.Z             |Routh stability test
TVM.Z               |Time Value of Money
air.table.Z         |STD air tables
bode_plots.Z        |Computes and Displays Bode plots
boolean.Z           |Boolean math routines
dft.stuff.Z         |Several DFT programs etc...
diff.eqs.Z          |Assorted diffential equations programs
dig.logic.Z         |A digital logic simulator
egenvalue.Z         |Programs to compute egenvalue and vectors (sp)
eignval.Z           |find eignvalues
factor.Z            |Prime Factorizer for the HP-48sx
fractal.tree.Z      |Create a fractal tree
fractions.Z         |Add, sub, etc.. fractions
hp16c.Z             |A set of routines to make you HP-48 emulate a hp16c
interpolate.Z       |A program to do interpolation from tables
lapace.Z            |Lapace transforms
lin.fit.Z           |Some linear fit program
lqoc.Z              |Optimal root placement for Linear-Quadratic Optimum Control
mat.vec.Z           |some programs which handle with arrays and lists
mod.mul.Z           |Modulo computations
mult.eq.solv.Z      |Multiple equation solver
multi_regr.Z        |Multivariate statistical regression utility
poly.v32.Z          |Wayne's poly routines version 3.2
prime.fac.Z         |More prime factors
prime.fact.Z        |A good factoring program
prime.test.Z        |A program to test if a number is prime. (very fast)
primes.more.Z       |The ultimate factoring program"
probability.Z       |probability distrubtions
quote.apply.Z       |how quote and apply work
root.locus.Z        |Root Locus Routines
rwrd.Z              |Matrix Row Reduction
sim.mat.Z           |Work with symbolic matrixs
state.space.Z       |Many routines for dealing with state.spaces
steff.hp.Z          |find roots with Steffensen's method
stoer.Z             |Solve systems of linear factors
taylor.Z            |find taylor series from any point
tvm.Z               |A different time value of money program
usum.Z              |add '1_ft' to '16_in' and get '2_ft+4_in'
The misc directory contains the following:

DESC                |This file
UP.for.menus.Z      |UP for builtin menus
airfoil.Z           |Compute airfoil shapes?
appr.short.Z        |A small version of HP's apointment book
bm.Z                |a Benchmark program
browser.tar.Z       |a list browser and menu program (nice)
cash.01b.tar.Z      |cash management application directory
cel.nav.42.Z        |Celestial Navigation V4.2
cgs-ubase.Z         |a ubase for the cgs system
city.dist.Z         |Calculate the distance between two points on earth
cw.tar.Z            |A morse code program
echo.to.status.Z    |Echo your key presses to the status line (neat)
fsmenu.Z            |full screen menu system
grob2eps.Z          |GROBs to epesion printer on a PC
hp16c.emul.Z        |hp16c emulator
list.sets.Z         |do set operations on lists
manual.progs.Z      |the programs from the manual
moonphase.tar.Z     |several moon phase programs
morse.Z             |a morse code practicer
music.tar.Z         |a music program
outprt.Z            |A program to run on a HP-28 to aid in transfering programs
phone.manag.14.Z    |Phone Manager version 1.4
psychrometric.Z     |Psychrometric program
pubdom.tar.Z        |A collection of public domain programs from hpcvaaz.cv.hp.com
radix50.Z           |convert numbers to some radix 50 notation?
rolldex.tar.Z       |A roll-a-dex program
schd.backup.Z       |Backup your memory at regular intervals
stackdisp.Z         |Display many levels of the stack
term2.0.Z           |a terminal program
terminal.Z          |another terminal program
unit.lists.Z        |a unit managment program
The programming directory contains the following:

DESC                |This file
DISPLST.Z           |display a full screen list to select from
SVC.Z               |Allow system calls to global routines
char.menu.Z         |a menu of untypable characters
dataStorage.Z       |Routines to do compact data storage
hash.string.Z       |Find hash value for a string
kermit.stuff.Z      |48 kermit server commands
key.assign.Z        |Find all USER assignments for a key
list.all.vars.Z     |list all varables in all directorys
notes.Z             |Some comments on improvments in the 48
obj.pos.Z           |Find an element in a list quickly
pack.Z              |Pack SYSEVALs in program
pause.w.stack.Z     |Pause program with Stack Display
programmers.kit.Z   |A review of James Donnelly's programmers kit
pxadd.Z             |Add graphics points quickly
qsort.Z             |Quicksort program
qsort.fast.Z        |A quicker quicksort
qsort.more.Z        |another quicksort
quickqsort.Z        |more quicksort
rcl.defkey.Z        |RCL a defined key
scroll.menu.Z       |Scrolling menu program
serc.repl.Z         |Search and Replace
string.reverse.Z    |reverse a string fast
strip.Z             |strip << from programs
strtoname.Z         |convert strings to names
to.PRG.Z            |->PRG PRG->
up.Z                |UP for built-in programs
usrlib.SUN3.tar.Z   |usrlib binaries for a SUN3
usrlib.tar.Z        |A PC program to build librarys from RPN programs.
The time directory contains the following:

ALMANAC.Z             |Many useful time routines (Julian days,...)
Calendar_tools.Z      |A nice set of tools for doing date stuff
DESC                |This file
aclock.Z            |an analog clock program
analogclock.Z       |another analog clock program
calen.Z             |calendar program
calgen.Z            |Another calendar generator
caln.Z              |calendar program
chess.clock.Z       |use your 48 as a chess clock
clock.tar.Z         |analog clock program
daylight.Z          |handle daylight savings automaticly
daylight.savings.Z  |more daylight savings
daylightsav.Z       |another
dow.Z               |day of the week
exact.time.Z        |keep the 48 clock exact
timekeeping.Z       |timekeeping utilitys
timr.Z              |a timer
The util directory contains the following:

4.level.stack.Z     |Use a 4 level stack like the 41
DESC                |This file
EXEC.Z              |Unix-link PATH searching for the HP-48SX
KMENU.Z             |A automated kermit downloading program
PRG.Z               |Cleanup of directories
TERM.Z              |A terminal program
TRAVERSE.Z          |HP48 Directory Traversal
ascii.encode.Z      |Encode a program to a ascii string (ASC-> / ->ASC)
bye.Z               |Cleanup before turning off
cleanup.Z           |Clean up contents of directory.
dte48.Z             |Data terminal emulator v1.02   (should work now)
exepath.Z           |allows a path like UNIX
find.file.Z         |find a file in all the directorys
find_vars.Z         |Find a file in the directory tree
grob.printer.Z      |Print GROBs on IR printer vertically
hide.v2.Z           |hide a variable it 'disappears' but can still be used
less.Z              |CAT fuction for strings
modes.browse.Z      |a browser for the system modes
prot.Z              |Prevent the 48 from turning on by itself
pushd.Z             |PUSHD and POPD (save and restore the current directory)
safe_purge.Z        |Allows you to undelete files.
scroll.Z            |scroll a string across the top line of the display
six.level.stack.Z   |allow six levels of the stack instead of 4
soft.keys.Z         |Allows user definded menu keys
stack.disp.v3.Z     |View ~10 levels of the stack
stack.view.Z        |another stack display
sysflags.Z          |set/clear system flags
terminal10.Z        |A more advanced terminal program
testmenu.Z          |A menu program
tomtools.Z          |A collection of utilitys
toolbox.Z           |A collection of useful tools for the 48
workspace.Z         |A hp-48 'Operating System'
Wayne Scott             |  INTERNET: wscott@ecn.purdue.edu
Electrical Engineering  |  BITNET:   wscott%ecn.purdue.edu@purccvm
Purdue University       |  UUCP:     purdue, pur-ee}!ecn.purdue.edu!wscott