akcs.kevin@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Kevin Jessup) (02/21/91)
******* Documentation and program listings for the HP48SX EDIR utility ******* EDIR Version 1.01 This version handles ALL HP48SX object types including those not described in the manual. The display is the same as in the original version. This version also uses Bill Wickes PRESERVE program which is inluded here. EDIR is a program that provides an extended directory listing of all variables within the directory from which it is run. The variable name is displayed, followed by the variable type and it's size in bytes. The program output is a graphics object that is then made available using the graphics application viewer. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to move through the list. Use right shift (blue) followed by the UP or DOWN arrows to rapidly reach the top or bottom of the display as needed. The last item displayed is a total byte count for all objects in the current directory. Hit ON when you are finished viewing to exit the graphics application and clear the graphic object from memory. It may take a couple of minutes to build the graphics object if you have a large directory. You should have about 6000 bytes of free memory for this program to run with a relatively large directory. The larger the directory, the more memory required to build the graphics object. If you don't have enough memory, you'll find out about it as the program builds the graphic. No damage will occur. Just delete any garbage on the stack. I wrote this program as an enhancement to the REVIEW key when used to review a user directory. I wish the review key did what this program does. Too bad the EDIR program is such a run-time memory hog! Those lucky enough to have a RAM expansion card will probably use it occaisionally. If you don't, please note that the 48SX PURGE command has always been a solid performer! Note that the program listings were generated with the 48SX translate code set equal to 3. EDIR REV 1.01 18-Feb-1991 Kevin Jessup Milwaukee, WI (414) 355-9752 ***************************************************** Program name: TYPSTRS (a list of object type strings) Checksum: 47B4 hex Size: 360.5 Function: This is a list used by EDIR to get a textual description of the object type. Listing: %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); { "real" "complex" "string" "real array" "complex array" "list" "global" "local" "program" "algebraic" "binary" "graphic" "tagged" "unit" "xlib" "directory" "library" "backup" "function" "command" "address" "long real" "long cmplx" "linked ary" "character" "code" "LIBRARY DATA" "external" } ***************************************************** Program name: EDIR (extended directory listing) Checksum: 7D64 hex Size: 642 Function: The EDIR utility. Place EDIR, TYPSTRS and PRESERVE (described below) in your "HOME" directory. Listing: %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); \<< \<< STD PICT PURGE CLLCD "Checking:" 1 DISP { { # 0h \<< 0 SWAP \->TAG OBJ\-> SWAP DROP DUP " " SWAP + 3 DISP \>> } { # 37h \<< VTYPE 1 + TYPSTRS SWAP GET \>> } { # 6Ah \<< BYTES SWAP DROP DUP 5 ROLL + 4 ROLLD \>> } } VARS DUP SIZE 6 * 12 + R\->B # 83h SWAP BLANK # 83h # 6h BLANK \-> pro var dg bl \<< 0 1 var SIZE FOR i bl 1 3 FOR j 'pro' j GET 1 GETI # 0h 2 \->LIST 3 ROLLD GET 'var' i GET SWAP EVAL 1 \->GROB REPL NEXT # 0h i 1 - 6 * R\->B 2 \->LIST dg SWAP ROT REPL 'dg' STO NEXT dg \>> CLLCD DUP SIZE # 6h - SWAP DROP # 0h SWAP 2 \->LIST ROT "TOTAL BYTES USED: " SWAP \->STR + 1 \->GROB REPL PICT STO { } PVIEW PICT PURGE \>> PRESERVE \>> ***************************************************** Program name: PRESERVE Checksum: 5418 hex Size: 46.6 Function: Utility that saves the 48SX flags, evaluates an expression and restores the flags. Author: Bill Wickes Listing: %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); \<< RCLF \-> f \<< EVAL f STOF \>> \>> ********************[END]****************** Milwaukee HP48SX BBS (414)362-2020 2400/1200/600/300 baud 8 bits, no parity 6PM to 7AM CST Mon-Sat 24 Hours Sunday Fast logins! All files compressed using PKZIP. Save on your phone bills. Give us a try!