(Christoph Rodatz) (02/24/91)
Morgan R LaVake (akcs.lavake@hpcvbbs.UUCP) schrieb am 23. 2.: > Several days ago a set of programs to compute Eigen values and vectors > was posted. I can't seem to find it now. Can someone help me out? > > E-mail to > Thanks, > > Morgan I'd also be interested. So I'd appreciate it if someone could help me out just as well. Thanks, Chris --- Christoph Rodatz ( C.A.T. Kommunikations-System, Frankfurt, Germany (Philippos A. Peleties) (02/25/91)
Well, here are my versions of eigenvalue routines. The first one is through the Leverierre algorithm. Not very good (roots of polynomials are sensitive to coefficient perturbations) but quite adequate for quick checks. The second routine converts a matrix to a schur form. Use 0 or 1 to indicate whether you want shift or not. Shift results in quadratic convergence rate. Sometimes you might not want to use shift though. As far as eigenvectors are concerned, that's not so easy. I don't have any eigenvector routines ( null(A-lambda*I) is not the way to go). Does anybody have any intelligent algorithms he/she wants to provide? Have fun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: EIGEN ---- Status: In hp28s. ------ Author: Philip Peleties. ------ Function: Compute the eigenvalues of a matrix via the -------- Leverierre algorithm. Input: A Matrix. ----- Output: List with eigenvalues. ------ Calls: TRACE, BAIR ----- Checksum: DFBF -------- << -> A << A SIZE LIST-> DROP IDN -> n N << 1 1 n FOR i N A * TRACE NEG i / DUP n IDN * N A * + 'N' STO NEXT 1 n + ->LIST BAIR >> >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: TRACE ---- Status: In hp28s. ------ Author: Philip Peleties. ------ Function: Computes the trace of a square matrix. -------- Input: A Square matrix. ----- Output: Trace of A. ------ Calls: None. ----- Checksum: A803 -------- << -> A << 0 A SIZE LIST-> DROP2 1 SWAP FOR i A i i 2 ->LIST GET + NEXT >> -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: BAIR ---- Status: In hp28s. ------ Author: Mark Wicks. ------ Function: Computes the roots, both real and complex, of a -------- polynomial. Input: List containing coefficients of polynomial. ----- Output: List containing roots of the polynomial. ------ Calls: NR. ----- Checksum: 9AF7. -------- << { } SWAP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 0 0 ] -> a b r s p q b1 b2 bp1 bp2 bq1 bq2 opq << IF a SIZE DUP 2 / IP 2 * == THEN a NR SWAP 'a' STO + END WHILE a SIZE 3 > REPEAT 'a' 2 GET 'a' 1 GET / 'p' STO 'a' 3 GET 'a' 1 GET / 'q' STO IF p 0 == THEN .1 'p' STO END IF q 0 == THEN .2 'q' STO END DO 'a' 1 GET 'b2' STO 'a' 2 GET p b2 * - 'b1' STO 0 'bp2' STO 0 'bq2' STO b2 NEG 'bp1' STO 0 'bq1' STO b2 b1 2 ->LIST 'b' STO 3 a SIZE 2 - DUP2 IF <= THEN FOR i 'a' i GET p b1 * - q b2 * - b1 NEG p bp1 * - q bp2 * - bp1 'bp2' STO 'bp1' STO b2 NEG p bq1 * - q bq2 * - bq1 'bq2' STO 'bq1' STO b1 'b2' STO 'b1' STO b b1 + 'b' STO NEXT ELSE DROP2 END a DUP SIZE 1 - GET p b1 * - q b2 * - 'r' STO a DUP SIZE GET q b1 * - 's' STO p q 2 ->ARRY r s 2 ->ARRY b1 NEG p bp1 * - q bp2 * - b2 NEG p bq1 * - q bq2 * - q NEG bp1 * b1 NEG q bq1 * - { 2 2 } ->ARRY / - ARRY-> DROP 'q' STO 'p' STO UNTIL p q 2 ->ARRY DUP opq - ABS SWAP DUP 'opq' STO ABS .0000000001 * < END p NEG 2 / DUP SQ q - $sqrt$ DUP2 + 3 ROLLD - 2 ->LIST + b 'a' STO END 'a' 2 GET NEG 'a' 1 GET / 2 / DUP SQ 'a' 3 GET 'a' 1 GET / - $sqrt$ DUP2 + 3 ROLLD - 2 ->LIST + >> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: NR ---- Status: In hp28s. ------ Author: Mark Wicks. ------ Function: Computes a single real root of a polynomial and returns -------- the deflated polynomial and the root. Input: List containing coefficients of polynomial. ----- Output: A list containing the coefficients of the deflated ------ polynomial. A single real root of the polynomial. Calls: None. ----- Checksum: B7C2 -------- << 0 0 0 0 0 -> a c r p b db << 'a' 2 GET 'a' 1 GET / 'p' STO DO 0 'db' STO a 1 GET 'b' STO b 1 ->LIST 2 a SIZE 1 - FOR i 'a' i GET p b * - db p * b + NEG 'db' STO DUP 'b' STO + NEXT 'c' STO 'a' a SIZE GET p b * - b p db * + NEG / p SWAP DUP2 - 'p' STO UNTIL ABS SWAP ABS .0000000001 * < END c p NEG >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: SCHUR ---- Status: In hp28s. ------ Author: Philip Peleties. ------ Function: Compute the Schur form of a matrix. -------- Input: A Matrix. ----- r Number of QR iterations. s Shift indicator (0 if no shift, 1 if shift). Output: Q Orthogonal matrix. ------ T Schur form (A=Q*T*Q') number ABS(Q*T*Q'-A) Calls: QR ----- Checksum: 5E5E -------- << -> A r s << A SIZE LIST-> DROP IDN DUP IF s 0 == THEN 0 * END A -> n Q IDNT T << 1 r START Q T 'T(n ,n)' EVAL IDNT * - QR DROP DUP DUP TRN T ROT * * 'T' STO * 'Q' STO NEXT Q T Q T Q TRN * * A - ABS >> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: QR ---- Status: In hp28s. ------ Author: Philip Peleties. ------ Function: Compute the QR factorization of a matrix. -------- Input: A Matrix. ----- Output: Q Orthogonal matrix. ------ R Upper triangular matrix (A=Q*R). Calls: None. ----- Checksum: 7937 -------- << -> A << A SIZE LIST-> DROP -> n m << n IDN DUP A TYPE IF 4 == THEN (1,0) * END A 0 0 -> Q IDNT R s c << 1 m FOR j 1 j + n DUP2 IF > THEN DROP2 ELSE FOR i 'R (j,j)' EVAL 'R(i,j)' EVAL DUP ABS IF 0 == THEN 1 'c' STO 0 's' STO DROP2 ELSE DUP2 ABS SWAP ABS IF > THEN ABS / DUP ABS SQ 1 + $sqrt$ INV DUP 'R( i,j)' EVAL DUP ABS / * 's' STO * 'c' STO ELSE SWAP ABS / DUP ABS SQ 1 + $sqrt$ INV DUP 'R(j,j)' EVAL DUP ABS / * 'c' STO * 's' STO END END Q IDNT i i 2 ->LIST c PUT i j 2 ->LIST s NEG PUT j j 2 ->LIST c CONJ PUT j i 2 ->LIST s CONJ PUT TRN DUP TRN R * 'R' STO * 'Q' STO NEXT END NEXT Q R IF TYPE 4 == THEN IDNT n m MIN DUP 2 ->LIST DUP R SWAP GET DUP ABS IF .000000000001 <= THEN 3 DROPN ELSE DUP ABS / PUT DUP 3 ROLLD * SWAP TRN R * 'R' STO END END R >> >> >> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- I speak for myself, I think for myself, I work for myself ... but I don't want to play by myself ... so bring your toys and let's share ...