The following directory provides routines for displaying and converting binary numbers and performing 2's complement arithmatic. The following entry points are provided through a custom menu: BDISP - displays the binary number in level 1 of the stack in binary, octal, hexidecimal, and decimal form. It's basically a mod of BDISP from the manual. CONV - converts the number in level 1 of the stack to or from binary form. DEC/HEX/ OCT/BIN - select math base. \->2C - convert number to 2's complement 2C\-> - convert number from 2's complement 2C+ - add 2's complement numbers 2C- - subtract 2's complement numbers 2C* - multiply 2's complement numbers 2C/ - integer division of 2's complement numbers. The routines are sensitive to the current word size. If you attempt to convert a number that is outside the current range of 2's complement numbers, the converted binary will be tagged "CF". This is similar to setting the carry flag if a math operation exceeds the range of the destination. If you find these routines useful, please let me know. ndw %%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.); DIR CST { BDISP CONV DEC HEX BIN OCT { "\->2C" \->TC } { "2C\->" TC\-> } { "2C+" TCS } { "2C-" TCM } { "2C*" TCP } { "2C/" TCD } { "WS4" \<< 4 STWS \>> } { "WS8" \<< 8 STWS \>> } { "WS16" \<< 16 STWS \>> } { "WS32" \<< 32 STWS \>> } { "WS64" \<< 64 STWS \>> } RCWS } BDISP \<< IF DUP TYPE 10 \=/ THEN CONV END DUP DUP DUP BIN 8 ZPAD CLLCD 1 DISP HEX 4 ZPAD 2 DISP OCT 3 ZPAD 3 DISP DEC 1 ZPAD 5 DISP 0 FREEZE \>> CONV \<< IF DUP TYPE 10 == THEN B\->R ELSE R\->B END \>> NEG2C \<< IF 2 RCWS 1 - ^ R\->B AND # 0d \=/ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END \>> OK \<< IF DUP TYPE 0 == THEN IF DUP FP 0 == THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END IF NOT 2 PICK TYPE 10 \=/ AND THEN 0 ELSE 1 END \>> TCD \<< TC\-> SWAP TC\-> SWAP / IP \->TC \>> TCM \<< TC\-> SWAP TC\-> SWAP - \->TC \>> TCP \<< TC\-> SWAP TC\-> * \->TC \>> TCS \<< TC\-> SWAP TC\-> + \->TC \>> TC\-> \<< IF DUP TYPE 12 == THEN DTAG END IF DUP TYPE 10 == THEN IF DUP NEG2C THEN NOT B\->R 1 + NEG ELSE B\->R END END \>> ZPAD \<< \-> len \<< IF DUP TYPE 10 \=/ THEN CONV END \->STR DUP SIZE 3 SWAP 1 - SUB DUP SIZE len + 1 - len / IP len * 'len' STO WHILE DUP SIZE len < REPEAT "0" SWAP + END # 0d \->STR 4 4 SUB + PAD \>> \>> \->TC \<< 0 \-> tag \<< IF DUP TYPE 10 == THEN B\->R END IF OK THEN IF DUP DUP TYPE 0 == SWAP ABS 2 RCWS 1 - ^ 1 - > AND THEN 1 'tag' STO END IF DUP 0 < THEN NEG 1 - R\->B NOT ELSE R\->B END END IF tag THEN "CF" \->TAG END \>> \>> END ***END OF POSTING***