mjj@stda.jhuapl.edu (Marshall Jose) (03/14/91)
I've wanted for some time to be able to post some HP-42 programs while introducing as few errors as possible in the transcribing process. I've been thinking about capturing the IR data which is normally intended for the printer. On a hunch, I took one of those Radio Shack IR receivers typically used in home-entertainment stuff, and which assumes the data is PCM'd on a 40 kHz carrier. My hunch was right: I saw nicely-formed 2400 baud serial data on its output pin when I pointed the calculator at it. Does anybody know what the protocol is for this data? If it's not too bizarre, I think it'd be the bee's knees for what I have in mind. Later, Marshall Jose WA3VPZ mjj%stda@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu || ...mimsy!aplcen!aplvax!mjj