[comp.sys.handhelds] Weird happenings on my 28

dan@mvaxcs1.cse.nau.edu (J Dan McMichael) (03/21/91)

I just finished putting in a version of Tetris for my HP28 and some
weird things have started happening.  Whenever I try to Edit or
Visit a saved program I get weird characters in the program.  I'll
Visit the program and it will look fine, but then I'll start scrolling
through it and things like "CLLCD" will change to "C*n-D".  The weird
thing is the same words are usually screwed up in the same program.
Even when I go to fix and (and do fix it) it will change back when I
scoll to fix another foul up.  And on top of this all of my flags get 
reset.  Most noticably my beep flag gets reset to its original value.
If you can shed some light on this please help!  It is very annoying
to fix a problem and then watch it get screwed up again.
BTW- I still have 17k+ of memory left (if that means anything)

< Dan McMichael      | Email: dan@mvaxcs1.cse.nau.edu  | I was      >
< Northern Arizona U.----------------------------------- possessed  >
< Flagstaff,         | "I thought we were an autonomous| when I     >
< Arizona            | collective." -Monty Python      | said it.   >