[comp.sys.handhelds] What is \->PRG ?

Yaniv Shaya <s2499576%techst02.technion.ac.il@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL> (03/28/91)

I quated the following text from an article I read under
comp.sys.handhelds, It is about the 7 lines stack.

 > This is a third version of the seven level alternate stack display
 > routine.  It more closely emulates the default format in that the
 > stack margin is right justified.  Perhaps eventually it will be
 > able to duplicate the default format exactly so that the multi-line
 > option and stack review feature can be utilized.
 > As before, when used in conjuction with vectored ENTER the display
 > remains in  its seven level format.  A brief reiteration of how
 > this is done is as follows:
 > i)   Append DROP to the first of ALTD using \->PRG.
 > ii)  Store the result in <beta>ENTER (# 409DFh SYSEVAL).
 > iii) Set flags -62 and -63.
 > Rick Grevelle

I wanted to know, what is the \->PRG function, it doesn't seem to
be a built in function of the HP48SX, so it must be a program.
where can I get it, and how is it operated exactly ? I realy miss
it since I cant use the 7 lines stack which seems to be realy GREAT
   Please answer me as soon as possible ...
