[comp.sys.handhelds] Anonymous FTP sites for HP48SX

s2499576%techst02.technion.ac.il@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL (Yaniv Shaya) (03/29/91)

I understand that there was a list of anonymous ftp sites sent here sometime,
but I didn't have the luck to see it.

Could someone re-post it, or tell me where can I find it ?


ahernsd@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Dynastar) (03/30/91)

I got this from the net a while back
Here's my file on where to get HP48 files, please inform me of any
additions or deletions since I haven't been searching for programs

From: Gene Jablonowski <u46837@uicvm>
Subject: Where to get HP48 files

This is a list of ANONYMOUS FTP sites that have HP48SX related files.

This list was last updated on 8FEB1991 and accurate for that day.

NAME                                    | FTP DECIMAL NUMBER
PATH: home->portal->hp48                |
GAC.EDU                                 |
PATH: home->hp48                        |
MAX.EE.LSU.EDU                          |
PATH: home->pub->48files.lzh            |
WUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU                     |
PATH: home->systems->hp48sx             |
HPCVAAZ.CV.HP.COM                       |
PATH: home->pub                         |
   *** NOT COMPRESSED AT ALL ***        |
PATH: home->pub->archive->              |
      comp.sys.handhelds                |
note: Use this one lightly since it is  |
      easily overloaded and most of     |
      their files are from the good     |
      old USA.                          |

Things to remember:

    * FTP these sites from 7pm until 7am, THEIR time !
      Overuse during the day could force restrictions on
      the site's part.

      files and directories.

    * Many of the files are in compressed formats that could boggle
      the mind if you are not a UNIX user (like me).  A word of
      advice, don't kill yourself down-loading these.


The following is information on how to use Wayne Scott's MAIL-SERVER
to get files.  This server sends out files through USENET mail.
Although not as convenient as FTP, he has more programs than any of
the FTP sites listed including descriptions of the files...

##### TOP OF WAYNE SCOTT INFO ########################################
Subject: Info on Wayne's mail server.
From: wscott@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Wayne H Scott)
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 16:41:56 GMT
Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network

I maintain a mail server than has a collection of HP48 and HP28 programs
on it.  This was set up as a service to those people who do not have
access to FTP a want to find the great calculator programs that have
been written.

However, many people who can FTP have found my server very useful.  I try
to obtain every program from every FTP site I can find and store them in
my archives.  I believe I have the most complete public archive of
calculator programs around.

Other nice features include:
	A one-line description of every file in the INDEX
	A search command for all files added in the last x # of days

My standard message on how to reach the server is included below along
with the current HP-48 index.  I hope this helps people who are tring to
catch-up on the HP scene.

How to reach Wayne's Mail Server
To request files for your HP-48 or HP-28 you can send command my mail
to my mail server.

Mail commands to:  wscott@ecn.purdue.edu
Mail Subject: HP-MAIL-SERVER     <--If you don't the mail will come to me.

The server will mail responses to the Reply-To: header on your mail.  If
not found, the From: field will be used.  If you want to overide this path
put this command in the message:
	path <your address>

To get help:
	send HELP

The HP-48 files are used by default.  To reach the HP-28 files include:

To get an index of files:
	send INDEX

If you don't get a response within a day or so, your email address is
probably bad.  Include a path command with an address like one of the following:
	path login@machine.place.edu
	path login@PLACE.Bitnet
	path place!machine!login

Files are send in a uuencoded (atob on request) format and the programs are
usually compressed. (if they end in .Z)   PC users should request PC.starter
and u16.exe to extract files on a PC.

If you have any other problems send me mail.  (Same address, different
subject)  I hope you enjoy the server.

Wayne Scott

Last Updated: Wed Feb 6 11:46:19 EST 1991

This is the index of my HP-48 directorys.

To get a file use
send dir/file

send math/poly.v32
send games/tetris.2

You don't need to add the file extentions.

This document was prepared to help in seeking HP48 files. I will try to
keep it as up to date as possible. If you have any comments, additions,
or deletions, please address them to me directly.

                        Gene Jablonowski
Sean Ahern ----------- Purdue University --------- ahernsd@mentor.cc.purdue.edu
Dan Quayle: "Japan is an important ally of ours.  Japan and the United States
             of the Western industrialized capacity, 60 percent of the GNP,
  :-)        two countries.  That's a statement in and of itself."