[comp.sys.handhelds] 2 minor Tetris3 bugs

akcs.falco@hpcvbbs.UUCP (Andrey Dolgachev) (04/02/91)

Sorry, but I discovered two bugs in Tetris3 today.  Thanks to a couple of
really boring lectures today, from Physics and Calculus, I had time to
really play Tetris for a while.
Here's the first bug.  Tetris always starts at level 0, even if you
choose a different strating level in CONFIG or change the list.  However,
this is really eaasy to fix.  Here's the old version of the program
TETRIS (1st program in the 4th row of the VAR menu)

      ...'PNTS' STO 0 'LINS'
         STO 0 'LVL' STO
           DO delay FLST NPC

NOW, CHANGE the 0 'LVL' to DLST 5 GET.  So, it should look like this:
    ...STO DLST 5 GET
       'LVL' STO MKSCR...

O.K., now here's the second problem.  I changed the SHLV command, but I
forgot to change one of the calls for it in delay.  Because of this,
after you advance two levels, the delay turns to a 6 second wait.  Here's
the old routine in delay (3rd program, seventh row)

   ...     THEN DUP 'a'
           END   ....

SIMPLY ADD A DROP BETWEEN INCR and SHLV.  Here's the new one:

   ...    THEN DUP 'a'
          END ...

O.K., THAT'S IT, it sholuld work fine, perfectly, etc. now.  I ran a game
for a while  and everything worked all right.  Now if only the 9th level
was as fast as the computer version!  Somebody mentioned that the
computer version goes up a level every 10 lines, and my version goes up
every 10 pieces.  I was thinking about changing it so the level goes up
every 10 lines, but the problems, or maybe there is no problem, is that I
didn't want to change the way that the old program did the delay function
and the way that the pieces gradually increased in spped.   If I change
that , it will take longer for the pieces to to increase their speed. 
Anyways, what do you think, all.  Should I change it or not?

That should be all, enjoy.
   -- Falco