d89-mlt@sm.luth.se (Morgan Lindqvist) (04/03/91)
Hello world I have big problems in using CHIP8 games when i have any library(s) stored in port 0. The screen rotates 1.2 cm for EVERY library that I store. I find this very strange and annoying. I have a Ver A but a friend of mine have a Ver D and he has the same problem. The Libraries that i stores are: 1644:SWING by LennartB 997:Swedish Messages by LennartB 766:EPPRT (This is made by HP) I hope someone can give me a solution. Morgan Lindqvist d89-mlt@sm.luth.se
lennartb@lne.kth.se (Lennart Brjeson @ KTH, Stockholm) (04/04/91)
In article <1518@tau.sm.luth.se>, d89-mlt@sm.luth.se (Morgan Lindqvist) writes: > >Hello world > >I have big problems in using CHIP8 games when i have >any library(s) stored in port 0. > >The screen rotates 1.2 cm for EVERY library that I >store. I find this very strange and annoying. > >I have a Ver A but a friend of mine have a Ver D and >he has the same problem. > >The Libraries that i stores are: > > 1644:SWING by LennartB > 997:Swedish Messages by LennartB > 766:EPPRT (This is made by HP) > >I hope someone can give me a solution. > You are probably using an elder version of Chip8 than I do. Mine is 2.25 and I have no problems (HP48-A, too). I have sent a copy of Chip8 V2.25 to you by Email. >Morgan Lindqvist d89-mlt@sm.luth.se !++ ! Lennart Boerjeson, System Manager ! School of Electrical Engineering ! Royal Institute of Technology ! S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden ! tel: int+46-8-7907814 ! Internet: lennartb@lne.kth.se !--
steve@gumby.Altos.COM (Steve Scherf) (04/05/91)
In article <1518@tau.sm.luth.se> d89-mlt@sm.luth.se (Morgan Lindqvist) writes: >I hope someone can give me a solution. >Morgan Lindqvist d89-mlt@sm.luth.se You don't get an answer until I get an answer for my chip 48 question! I asked first, and I'm still waiting! -- Steve Scherf steve@Altos.COM ...!{sun|sco|pyramid|amdahl|uunet}!altos!steve These opinions are solely mine, but others may share them if they like.