[comp.sys.handhelds] ODDS AND SODS


           First of all to Jason Waterman: I think you got it
         when you said the value you looked at was for O2 and not O
         because after a bit of checking it seems that the specific
         heat given for nitrogen is what is listed as the specific heat
         at constant pressure for N2. This is logical in a way as O2 and
         N2 are the naturally occuring forms of the two gases that we
         experience, however I do feel HP ought to point this out in
         the manual. Thanks Jason.
            Re the same posting: To whoever pointed out my conversion
         problems (J/(K*mol)->J/(K*mol)). Haven't you heard of english
         units? :-) (Seriously, there was a little typo there, thanks).
            Now to Rick Greville: I've tried to contact you at the return
         address I saw on your message to me which was,


         and I got a message telling me 'Unknown user at that site'.
         Any clues? Is the user name totally whacko? Anyway thanks for
         the list. I might have an addition to it for you.

            My experience with the routine at #355D8h is that it
         extract numbers from real or complex arrays (i.e. BCD12)
         and then converts that number to a long real or complex
         (i.e.BCD15) whilst maintaining a copy of the array on the
         stack. It requires the array in level 2 of the stack and
         a system binary in level 1 of the stack and returns the
         array in level 2 (this doesn't move) and the long real or
         long complex in level 1. For example

                        2:    [ 99 74 67 ]
                        1:            <2h>

                       #355D8h SYSEVAL


                        2:    [ 99 74 67 ]
                        1:       Long Real

           where the long real is the long real version of 74.


                        2:    [ (3,3) (5,5) (6,6) (7,7) ]
                        1:                           <3h>

                         #355D8 SYSEVAL


                        2:    [ (3,3) (5,5) (6,6) (7,7) ]
                        1:                   Long complex

             where the long complex is the long form of

          I haven't tested much beyond this, but this seems
          quite a reasonable use for the routine,
