[comp.sys.handhelds] Fast access to 64^2 bits...


I decided to hack together a version of LIFE for my '48.  Why?  Mainly
because I was on a trip and didn't feel like reading on the plane.  Anyway,
I was unpleasantly surprised to discover that I couldn't contrive any
representation of the "playing field" that I could access fast enough to
make it usable.  Accessing data from PICT's is too slow, accessing portions
of a string is too slow, accessing bits in a list of binaries is too slow...

By the way, I finally deceded on a 64x64 playing field 'cause I thought it
would be convienient to represent "rows" of the field as binaries.

Can anyone think of a better representation?  Alternatively, does anyone
think that a little machine language could make it fast enough and, if so,
does it sound like something a complete novice at '48 machine language
could take up as a first project?